Protestors In Scott’s Office Cost State Almost $100,000

July 24, 2013

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement estimated Tuesday that it has cost nearly $100,000 to keep an eye on protesters who have spent the past week camped outside Gov. Rick Scott’s first-floor Capitol office.

That estimate, however, includes regular shift pay for officers assigned to the Capitol. FDLE spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said overtime costs made up about $37,000 of the overall total.

The estimated security costs from July 15, a day before the student-led Dream Defenders marched on the Capitol, through Monday, were $97,970.88, according to the FDLE. For security reasons, Plessinger declined to break down the number of officers who have been assigned to watch the protesters.

The single biggest day for security costs was last Thursday, with the estimate at $19,081.67. Scott held an impromptu meeting Thursday night with seven members of the Dream Defenders.

The protesters are calling for a special session on the state’s controversial 2005 “stand your ground law,” racial profiling by police and what they see as changes needed in the juvenile-justice system.

A daily log of the incidents recorded by the FLDE noted that state Rep. Alan Williams, D-Tallahassee, twice brought food to the protesters during the weekend.

Also, protesters were told on two separate occasions they could not use air mattresses due to being potential hazards in an emergency. And one night, two males with no shirts on and a female in a bra and shorts were found sleeping in the Capitol’s first-floor chapel.


14 Responses to “Protestors In Scott’s Office Cost State Almost $100,000”

  1. Marshall on July 24th, 2013 10:03 pm

    Seems these protesters are like the Occupy protesters…No Where to be because they have no jobs and pay no taxes…but suck off the tax payers in order to do their protest! Blindly following others that don’t know the law or the truth. I would bet that many of the protesters don’t know what the law they are protesting actually says!

  2. Donna on July 24th, 2013 12:51 pm

    Don’t they have somewhere they need to be or should be?????? While I agree that constituents have the right to assemble and protest, this has become redundant and at best, counterproductive. This right doesn’t include the right to suck money from taxpayers to covdr the added expenses incurred during their demonsfration.They have been told that there will be no special session called. Get over it and go home!!!!!!

  3. Bob Hudsun on July 24th, 2013 12:21 pm

    Hey protest if you wish, do not riot, burn or misbehave. But, many of us in Florida, do not wish to change the law, and we will boot out those in poltic’s , who do wish to change the law.If you are not from this state, then leave, it is none of your busnisess, go back to your own state. Bob against stupid people who do not honor the legal system.

  4. David Huie Green on July 24th, 2013 10:20 am

    “the Stand Your Ground Law has nothing to do with the Zimmerman case.”

    Not yet, but it could come up if a civil suit were contemplated.

    These protestors know the backgrounds of many who will be hurt if the right to self-defense isn’t stripped away.
    It is human nature to look after your own.
    It seems it is NOT human nature to consider all humans part of your own.

    David for better people, more love

  5. David Huie Green on July 24th, 2013 10:12 am

    “Americans should have the right to assemble ”

    Yes, we do.

    That doesn’t mean we have the right to assemble in your home or place of business or to stop others from conducting their business.

    They could assemble to protest in many places.
    They picked this place for the nuisance value and visibility.

    Get in a set of cameras and broadcast their wisdom night and day for a few more weeks. Let them be the face of reason they consider themselves.
    Be sure to save their pictures for later.

    David for narcissists

  6. Preda on July 24th, 2013 9:06 am

    I have no problem with the law I did pass report writing with a 100% and I’ve been around enough to know that when writing my report to only give facts and save the story for later…..Now the thing others should ask themselves is how well can they tell the facts? Also can a street drug dealer stand his ground next time a undercover jumps out the bushes on him? Wait before anyone says he shouldn’t have a gun well maybe he won’t maybe he will just know how to fight to stand his ground. And how well is he in reporting facts anyway you look at it in the end with this law whoever dies can not tell their facts.

  7. TRUTH on July 24th, 2013 7:59 am

    If I see a fruit tree in the woods and call it an apple tree, am i profiling that tree? NO disrespect meant towards anyone. I’m just saying. Sometimes the TRUTH hurts, cuts like a knife,but we can’t change it? Even if it concerns our children. It is what it is.

  8. Ben on July 24th, 2013 7:10 am

    I know MSNBC has told them to be outraged, but the Stand Your Ground Law has nothing to do with the Zimmerman case.

  9. Walnut Hill Roy on July 24th, 2013 7:01 am

    If my memory serves correctly, I believe that the legislature has already looked at this issue and decided to leave it alone.

  10. dad on July 24th, 2013 5:44 am

    I guess appalled doesn’t think Americans should have the right to assemble but according to the Constitution we do. I’m betting appalled with be OK with it if it was something he/she was passionate about. Tea Party rally perhaps?

  11. well on July 24th, 2013 5:02 am

    Sounds like a good place for a homeless camp to protest their issues.

    The Governor needs to continue to stand hos and the peoples ground.

  12. Henry Coe on July 24th, 2013 3:28 am

    The article fails to mention what the cost range is on a regular basis, along with any differences in costs.

    It’s the People’s House. Why they are there should be the real story.

  13. Appalled on July 24th, 2013 2:01 am

    I personally think that they should have to pay $20,000 per day to be there, or……GO HOME! That’s ALL OUR TAX DOLLARS THEY ARE BURNING UP while they are running around in their underwear , IN THE CHAPEL? Show some respect, please.

  14. CD on July 24th, 2013 1:10 am

    We have the right to petition our law makers with our grievances and make our ideas known, we have the right to peaceably assemble. We also have the right to be secure in our homes and to defend ourselves wherever we may be from those who would criminally do us harm.