Pensacola Names Former DEP Boss As Interim Administrator

July 10, 2013

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced today that he has appointed former state agency director Colleen M. Castille as interim city administrator, effective Monday, July 15.

The announcement came a few days after Hayward terminated Bill Reynolds as administrator following a State Attorney’s Office investigation into public records law violations Read more…

“Colleen is exceedingly qualified and I can’t thank her enough for coming aboard on such short notice,” said Hayward. “I know she will hit the ground running and do her best to make this transition as smooth as possible until we have a new permanent administrator in place.”

Ms. Castille is a former secretary of both the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), serving under Governor Jeb Bush. As DEP Secretary, Castille managed 4,700 employees and administered a $2.6 billion annual budget. In her prior position as DCA Secretary, she advised the Governor on all on all local and state policy and budget matters regarding growth management, housing and emergency management. Since leaving the DEP in 2007, Castille has worked in the private sector as a consultant to businesses and government.

Prior to her appointment as DCA Secretary, Castille held several positions within the Florida executive branch, including chief cabinet aide to both Education Commissioner Frank Brogan and Governor Jeb Bush, and senior cabinet aide to Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer Tom Gallagher.

Castille holds a bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from Florida State University. She serves on the board of directors for the Leroy Collins Institute at Florida State University as well as the Space Coast Energy Consortium.


5 Responses to “Pensacola Names Former DEP Boss As Interim Administrator”

  1. Craig Chown on July 13th, 2013 11:50 pm

    Colleen Castille will serve the people of Pensacola very well. She is a strong experienced chief executive who knows how to manage and effectively run a large organization. Congratulations to Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward for recruiting a top notch professional for your team!!

  2. Frank on July 11th, 2013 8:11 pm

    NOT a fan of DEP, that said, if this lady is NOTan activist, I think her Qualifications could do our grand city some good. Best of luck and support! until porven otherwise!

  3. Jane on July 11th, 2013 7:51 am

    Why don’t they try someone new for a change…not out of the good old boys/women network? Things never change in Pensacola….

  4. molino jim on July 11th, 2013 7:21 am

    @FlMom. As the old Master would say “ah little grasshopper you are wrong”. Give the city a few days to get this lady “up and running” and we’ll see if things could be worse. I guess George was just to tied up to take the city under his wing also.

  5. FLMom on July 10th, 2013 12:59 pm

    Ms. Castille, friend to polluters and current lobbyist, will fit in well in Pensacola. Things certainly can’t get much worse, so there is that.