Pensacola Food Worlds Closing; Atmore Belle Foods To Remain Open

July 4, 2013

A bankruptcy judge ruled Wednesday that Belle Foods can close a dozen Food World stories in Alabama and Florida, including four in Pensacola. The Belle Foods stores in Atmore and Brewton will remain open.

Belle will begin the process of closing the four Pensacola Food World stores immediately with plans for the stores to be closed by August 3.

Belle will have 44 stores remaining — included Atmore and Brewton — when the closures are complete.  Plans call for Belle to sell the assets of the closed Food World stores as it tries to pay more than $42 million in debt.

The company cited lower than anticipated revenues due to higher payroll taxes and increased competition from newer grocery stores as reasons for the bankruptcy.

The Food World in Atmore and the Piggly Wiggly in Brewton were rebranded as Belle Foods in January.

Pictured top:  The Belle Foods store in Atmore Wednesday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Pensacola Food Worlds Closing; Atmore Belle Foods To Remain Open”

  1. Longtime on July 8th, 2013 1:46 pm

    I have been a longtime employee of Belle Foods and the companies that have owned and operated these locations over the last 15 years. I have worked in every location in pensacola including the Barrancas location and I can honestly say that most every employee at all these locations are great people who worked hard and did care about the customers who shopped in their stores. It saddens me that all these employees, including myself will soon be unemployed. They are all good people and many have been around a really long time. I wish all my fellow employees good luck in finding employment in this tough economy. Times are tough, but I know things will look up for us all.

  2. Redman on July 6th, 2013 4:47 pm

    Glad Atmore is store staying open.One store in Atmore would have the monopoly and could let there prices creep up even higher.2 grocery stores brings a little competition….wish we had a 3rd.

  3. Richard Acord on July 5th, 2013 12:34 pm

    Barrancas location. We can only hope Publix hires the good employees of Food World and continues providing this rebounding/improving area a place we feel comfortable shopping in. The folks area need an option to shop in peace or without feeling like you need a bath after being held captive a the box store up the road, complete zoo No thank you!
    David, Peggy (ribs on Sat) and the dedicated hard working crew at Food World, All the best!

  4. Johnny_Valiant on July 5th, 2013 10:17 am

    I shop at the Barrancas Food World, they have begun shortening there hours to 9-7, they are expected to be closed by the 3rd of August. Its a shame, everyone there is so nice and friendly.

  5. Robert S. on July 4th, 2013 10:30 pm

    Sad, I too shop at the Barrancas FW. One store or another in that location has been MY Grocery Store for almost 50 years.
    The “ripple effect” from this will be huge as there are the store workers, maintenance people, stockers, delivery companies, individuals who brought things to the store and on and on.
    So where are all the jobs that our County Commissioners and Mayor and City Council are bringing into the community?
    Lord what is to happen to these good people losing their jobs and their families.
    This is tragic…..

  6. Sue on July 4th, 2013 9:27 pm

    @Maury M, my daughter works at the Barrancas store. They will be closing August 3rd if not earlier. They have already begun closing the store 3 hours earlier every night.

    I don’t know what my daughter will do. She just recently bought a house.

  7. Bob on July 4th, 2013 6:28 pm

    So sad for the hard working people in the stores. I have a hard time believing the market conditions blamed in the bankruptcy just happened since Belle Foods took control one year ago.

  8. Maury Middlebrooks on July 4th, 2013 3:47 pm

    The one on Barrancas is open. I just shopped there yesterday. The cashiers are always friendly. They are so familiar with my mom that she doesn’t have to show her ID when writing a check. When I shop for her they ask how she’s doing. This is so unfortunate. Moms 84 and can’t drive far. Publix is the best but she’d have a 20 minute drive at least to get there.

  9. Birthday cakes will be missed on July 4th, 2013 2:41 pm

    OMG the lady who makes the birthday cakes at the one on pine forest is the best!!!!!!I really am at a lost now her cakes was so pretty and she always made them with love.

  10. cygie on July 4th, 2013 2:15 pm

    I have patronized Belle in Brewton for several months now, specifically for meats, and have found their prices to be fair. The customer service service far exceeds the big box store down the road. For employment’s sake I certainly hope they remain operational.

  11. saddened on July 4th, 2013 10:16 am

    I live close to the Food World on Pine Forest Rd & have for several years referred to it as “my convenience store” & gotten to know several of the employees well enough to consider them to be friends. The news is disappointing & causes me to be sad over their loss of jobs. This will surely take a toll on them & their families. They & those at the other stores will need our prayers.

  12. worried on July 4th, 2013 9:18 am

    I am glad Belle Foods is staying open. I have enjoyed shopping there. The people who work there are great. They are always helpful and the store is always clean. I used to shop at @######### and got tired of the bad treatment and the people always begging for money. I don’t mind giving, but this was every time I went there. Belle Foods is a great store!!!!!!!!!!!!! and local people work there.