Number Of Homeless Drop In Florida

July 19, 2013

Far fewer Floridians are living on the streets, according to the Florida Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) Office of Homelessness. The most recent count shows a drop in the number of people in Florida with no shelter. In 2012, nearly 55,000 Floridians were homeless during a one day count. This year, just over 45,000 Floridians were living with no permanent residency.

“The drop in the homelessness count is great news for Florida,” DCF Secretary David Wilkins said. “Shelter is one of the most basic of needs and when families don’t have a place to call home, children suffer. Governor Rick Scott’s commitment to improving the economy and getting people back to work has reduced the number of people living on the streets by giving them more opportunities for consistent employment.”

Since 2007, the rate of homelessness in Florida has declined nearly 25 percent. At that time, Florida’s job market was suffering and more than 60,000 Floridians had no place to call home. As Florida’s job market improves and the unemployment rate declines, more people are finding permanent residency.

The report is a single day count of the homeless population in Florida.


5 Responses to “Number Of Homeless Drop In Florida”

  1. David Huie Green on July 19th, 2013 7:05 pm

    “The DCF must not have taken a look at the sidewalks an parks in downtown Pensacola..You can’t enjoy sitting on benches between Wright and Garden on Palafox because the same bunch of bums are there 24 hours a day with their dogs.”

    Unless there are over 45,000 there, it does not disprove the count. I would think different cities had different numbers and some aren’t even to be found in cities.

    “Actually, many homeless refused to do the count/survey this year.”

    That is also nothing new. Some want to be seen, some don’t.

    I doubt it is always the same homeless people. Some die. Some get homes. Some go elsewhere where benefits, jobs or attitudes are different. Some even migrate for different weather.

    David for a home for everyone
    unless they don’t want one

  2. Homeless friend on July 19th, 2013 9:05 am

    Actually, many homeless refused to do the count/survey this year. Last year one of the group leaders brought a PNJ photographer and pictures were placed in the newspaper on the front page. These were pictures of the homeless camps, paths to their camps and many felt like their privacy was violated. It was sad…. imagine someone going into your house unannounced and taking pictures of your dirty dishes and laundry and posting it on the front page.
    In some cases, the pictures were taken of camps that the residents weren’t home and did not give their permission. It was a complete breech of trust for people that have so little.

  3. 429SCJ on July 19th, 2013 6:19 am

    I wonder how many deaths occurred for that time period, for that population group?

  4. riverron on July 19th, 2013 4:10 am

    The DCF must not have taken a look at the sidewalks an parks in downtown Pensacola..You can’t enjoy sitting on benches between Wright and Garden on Palafox because the same bunch of bums are there 24 hours a day with their dogs. Thanks to the mayor they can enjoy free Wi-Fi for their laptop computers..The city don’t provide outhouses….no problem…just urinate right there on MLK wall.. I guess this DCF must be the same one that overlooked a lot of child abuse cases.

  5. Henry Coe on July 19th, 2013 3:12 am

    Does any credit get to go to the POTUS, the VA and IAVA for Legislation that helps homeless Veterans? Just sayin’ spread the credit where it is due.