Man Gets 40 Years For Burglarizing Deputy’s Home

July 4, 2013 Santa Rosa County man will spend the next four decades behind bars for a burglary last year at the home of a sheriff’s deputy.

Everly Scott Lippwe was sentenced by the Circuit  Judge David Rimmer to 40 years in state prison after  his conviction by a Santa Rosa County jury on multiple counts of burglary, theft and dealing in stolen property.

On April 21, 2012, the home of Lt. Chris Watson, a deputy with the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, and his wife Bonita Watson, a Santa Rosa County Probation Officer, was burglarized and set on fire while they were out of town.  The fire was started in one of the bedrooms and was contained to that room.

During the course of the crime, guns, bulletproof vests, and other law enforcement equipment as well as jewelry and electronics were stolen from the home. Lippwe traveled to Atlanta where he sold the jewelry and negotiated on the sale of the guns and bulletproof vests.

Joseph Cameron was also arrested for his involvement in this crime.  He cooperated with investigators and testified at trial against Lippwe.  He was previously sentenced to 20 years in prison.


18 Responses to “Man Gets 40 Years For Burglarizing Deputy’s Home”

  1. Biscuit on July 7th, 2013 7:10 pm

    I wish Chris had been home……………

  2. My2Cents on July 5th, 2013 11:58 am

    These two are going to have fun in prison….NOT! They fail to realize the institution knows their crimes before they get there. Going to be interesting to see which ones they end up in.

  3. Atmore on July 5th, 2013 11:45 am

    I agree with previous comments….Burglary, robbery, rapists, drink, drive and hurt someone, any type of crime where someone gets harmed & gets their hard earned property stolen by some low life that just want’s what they want, should get life. Murderers should get the death penalty after a fair trial! All this mess about repeat offenders and people constantly getting robbed, beat up, broke in on, carjacked, stores getting robbed, all that would be cut out if it was a mandatory thing! I’m sick of seeing a child rapist gets 10 years, a murderer gets 8 years, a robber gets 20 years, someone with drugs gets 15 years. To make these people stop doing what they’re doing they need to have set years of jail time. If it’s a 14 year old kid doing it, keep them in juvi and then move them on in with the big boys til their time is up. I bet the crime rates would drop. Ok my rant is over..

  4. Jane on July 5th, 2013 6:27 am

    Home invasion and burglery of firearms should carry a heavy penalty. I am glad the judge did this! Now the two have time to reflect on their stupidity. I don’t think this sentence was just because it was a LEO home…it should be that way for any home!

  5. Matt on July 5th, 2013 1:09 am

    Are you saying I need to have my house in a safe? What about the safe? Should I have a safe for my safe????

    BOTTOM LINE: If someone wants something, they will get it… SAFE OR NOT! Some of you are being ridiculous.

    Rap it up: Im with you on this one, they had no business being in the home. As long as the exterior was locked, I would say reasonable effort was made to ensure the security of contents within the home.

  6. rap it up on July 4th, 2013 11:16 pm

    Doesn’t Matter If They Have A Safe Or Not They Shouldn’t Have Been In There Home… Right Is Right Wrong Is WrongThey Know They Did Wrong And The Painting Of The Car Stupid To. 40 Yrs Yep That Is Enough Time To ThinkAbout It…….

  7. Russell Gibson on July 4th, 2013 7:49 pm

    To the comment about the firearms should be in a safe. I agree but if i am home its right beside me.

  8. Matt on July 4th, 2013 1:10 pm

    ESCAMBIA LEO: I get what your saying… Think about it, if this guy will do something like this to a cop, imagine what he’ll do to a regular citizen. This was not a random act of stupidity, the guy targeted LEO’s.

    In response to some individuals seeking fair punishment… I completely agree that pervs are deserving of more time… If you flip through DOC website, you will see drug users/dealers getting LIFE and perverts getting off with 4-6 YEARS. Just does not seem right.

  9. Lance Ghost Dog on July 4th, 2013 9:44 am

    If you invade a home should be life in prison. Sex offenders should get life too cause when they get out they do worse or murder. Fire a weapon at house or car should get life too. That stop a lot of these crimes.

  10. Escambia LEO on July 4th, 2013 9:36 am

    A simple burglary is a fairly minor property crime that would not normally deserve 40 years, but committing the crime against an officer shows an extreme lack of respect for law and amounts to terrorizing and intimidating the officer, which affects their job, and does call for a higher sentence.

    Officers are not more important as people than any other citizen, but a person who commits a crime against a Leo deserves to be punished to the max of for no other reason than their contempt for the laws of society.

  11. chris1 on July 4th, 2013 9:23 am

    I said ,”Shouldn’t the guns been is a gun safe?”
    I have a cheap one that works great.
    ALL FIREARM OWNERS SHOULD have a use one.
    Im not defending the perps ,(glad they got long sentences)and do respect constitution following LEO;s.

  12. Fairlane63 on July 4th, 2013 8:16 am

    40 years? Sounds right to me. That should be the standard sentence for any burglary. I’m glad to see that at least one judge takes this type of crime seriously.

  13. chris1 on July 4th, 2013 7:31 am

    Shouldn’t the guns been is a gun safe?

  14. tallyho on July 4th, 2013 7:18 am

    always one hen in the hen house that thinks if you steal, burn other peoples property you should be turned loose and after you say sorry. Liberals

  15. Angie on July 4th, 2013 5:36 am

    40 years? Really? He didn’t harm any one. Yes his crime was bad, but when child molesters and violent criminals are getting 1 year plus probation, the time is not fitting the crime.

  16. sniper on July 4th, 2013 3:17 am

    Not just burglary. Arson, criminal mischief, trespassing, grand theft, illegal firearm sales, interstate weapons trafficking, etc… or something to that effect.

  17. Matt on July 4th, 2013 3:13 am

    Lippwe: forget you po-po…

    Po-po: Oh no, forget you…

    Hahaha, 40 years! This idiot will forget his own name, a little advice to bad guys… if you see a badge & gun at the home you are burglarizing, just walk away. Un less of course, you want to become some large fellas buddy for fourty years…bahahaha!

  18. Seriously on July 4th, 2013 1:43 am

    Wow! 40 years for a burglary? That’s insane, I’ve seen murderers and rapist get far less time for their crimes.