Long List Of Crimes Attributed To Man Shot By Deputies

July 9, 2013

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Tuesday released a long list of crimes attributed to a man killed in a deputy involved shooting last Friday afternoon in West Pensacola.

James Wyman McGlothlin, 39, was pronounced deceased at the scene of the shooting about 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Lago Vista Apartments in the 400 block of  South 72nd Avenue. There were no deputies injured.

McGlothlin was reportedly driving a small red Honda vehicle when he ran off the road and became stuck in a flooded ditch off 72nd Avenue. He then ran into the apartment complex where a K-9 tracked him to a shed. Area residents reported hearing dozens of gunshots as deputies entered the shed.

According to a list released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, McGlothlin was responsible for the following crimes:

On Friday, June 21, 2013, McGlothlin’s former employer (Gordon Wholesale Auto) reported to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that over the course of the prior three weeks, McGlothlin had stolen several items from the business.

On Saturday, June 29, 2013, the Escambia Sheriff’s Office received a report of a residential burglary inthe 1700 block of North Blue Angel Parkway in which several personal items were taken from the home.Witnesses descriptions placed McGlothlin at the scene of the crime.Latent prints recovered at the scene were also identified to be McGlothlin’s.

On Monday, July 1, 2013, the Escambia Sheriff’s Office received a report of a vehicle theft in which a red Honda Civic was taken from an auto repair shop located in the 6800 block of Pine Forest Road.

On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, shortly before 8 pm, McGlothlin entered the Subway located in the 3500 block of Barrancas Avenue.Witnesses stated that after placing an order, McGlothlin then displayed a firearm which was concealed in the waistband of his pants and demanded money before ordering employees into a back room and fleeing the store.

On Thursday, July 4, 2013 McGlothlin robbed Trade and Save (5000 Mobile Highway) at gunpoint. He entered the business at approximately 2:30 pm and took money and X-Box system and games after displaying a gun. (Surveillance photos at top of page.)

On Thursday July 4 it was reported that some time between June 5 and June 14McGlothlin had committed Grand Theft athis mother’s home on Sherrilane Drive, stealing checks and numerous pieces of jewelry.

On July 5, McGlothlin committed an Aggravated Battery at the Flight Deck Lounge at 3709 W. Navy Blvd. He entered the business at 1:47 am and displayed a firearm in an apparent attempted robbery. One male victim struggled with the suspect and was struck in the face with the firearm. This victim temporarily disarmed him, but McGlothlin regained control of the firearm and attempted to fire the weapon unsuccessfully. A female victim received a puncture wound and was treated at an area hospital.

The investigation is being conducted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney’s Office.

McGlothlin was released from prison on November 22, 2012, according to Florida Department of Corrections records. He had been incarcerated in state prison at least three times during his life, records show, for crimes in Escambia County including marijuana possession, grand theft of a motor vehicle, burglary, trafficking in stolen property, and pawnbroker offenses.

As is standard with all law enforcement involved shootings, the deputy or deputies involved will be placed on administrative leave. The shooting is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

If anyone has any information on crimes that might be connected to McGlothlin, they are urged to contact Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.


27 Responses to “Long List Of Crimes Attributed To Man Shot By Deputies”

  1. Amanda Mcglothlin on July 24th, 2013 5:02 pm

    Bitterness isn’t Jesus way!! For u to be so bitter , u where probally up to no good either…James wouldn’t shot you….Im sure he asked for forgiveness.. And I blessed his soul…I prayed4 him a lot.. I even pray u can let the bitterness go…

  2. william on July 22nd, 2013 2:48 pm

    To All,
    Did any of you see his rap sheet? It dates back to 1992! Again,I can understand making a mistake or two but really this is ridiculous! He was a career criminal! Good man,really? He obviously didn’t give a sh*t about his children or he would have straightened up at least for them. God won’t forgive unless you ask to be forgiven and accept Jesus in your heart and he apparently didn’t or he wouldn’t have done what he did! If he hadn’t been stopped when he did he would have kept doing what he was doing until he killed someone like he almost did me! Prison obviously didn’t teach him a lesson. SO gald he’s gone forever!

  3. Scott on July 20th, 2013 9:28 pm

    Amanda is a great friend and I remember before he started down the wrong path he was a good man that would do anything for anyone. The line between good and evil is very thin and if you keep the hate in your heart you aren’t much different then he was in the end.

    The man paid the price for the wrongs he did don’t let the experience put a hate in your heart because you may have seen the ending but you didn’t see the story that got it to that point. We all have things in the past we’re not happy about there is a fine line between one wrong or another so I will only ask two thing please forgive and don’t let hate grow in your heart

  4. Jeannette on July 19th, 2013 9:39 am

    This is a very sad story! I have known james and amanda
    For many years! I’m still trying to believe all this happened
    Yea I knew james had issues, but he had a big heart
    When his oldest daughter was born he was in love instantly
    He and Amanda were awesome parents!
    Just know when you have mental issues and your poor
    In the state of Florida you will get no help.prison
    Only makes it worse, just wish he could of got the help he
    Needed! Really feel bad for those of you harmed.
    RIP James we miss you we love you and god will forgive you!

  5. Amanda Mcglothlin on July 19th, 2013 5:52 am

    No it wasn’t me with him…I left him 5 years ago!! And again I’m sorry…I hope you find peace!!!

  6. william on July 15th, 2013 4:26 pm

    You are SO right David! Thank You! To Amanda, I’ve never been assaulted before in my 55 yrs. on this planet until that horrendous night! Now, I can’t sleep at night and have multiple nightmares. I am going to get counseling from the V.A. tomorrow in hopes that it helps me to stop crying and looking over my shoulder everyday wondering if the next person I see is like your husband! I’m going to buy a gun and a concealed permit to carrry because of him so the next time someone won’t hurt me like he did. If you live by the sword you die by the sword! I DO NOT feel sorry for him or ANYBODY connected to him! I hope GOD will someday change that for me.

  7. David Huie Green on July 13th, 2013 5:14 pm

    “I’m sorry to all the ones affected by him. He was a social path and was bipolar.. He tried so hard to stay off drugs“

    You’ve convinced me drugs were not his problem.

    Signs of Sociopathy:
    “not learning from experience
    no sense of responsibility
    inability to form meaningful relationships
    inability to control impulses
    lack of moral sense
    chronically antisocial behavior
    no change in behavior after punishment
    emotional immaturity
    lack of guilt

    It fits.
    Based on what you said, he didn’t care who he hurt and was extremely dangerous.

    “He wasn’t never violent“

    “He put a pistol between my eyes and told me to get inside. I resisted and grabbed the gun at which we struggled. He then put it in my stomach and pulled the trigger”

    That IS violent.
    Murderous, in fact.

    “he didn’t deserve to be shot so many times“

    When threatening to kill others, he needed to be shot until the danger was ended. No half measures with sociopaths.

    By the way, were you the one who stabbed the girlfriend or was it some other woman?

    “ please pray for our children!”

    THAT we will do.

    David for answered prayers

  8. Amanda Mcglothlin on July 12th, 2013 10:44 pm

    .Hi I was James wife..I’m sorry to all the ones affected by him.He was a social path and was bipolar.. He tried so hard to stay off drugs..He wasn’t never violent.. Its very hard on his girls..But he wasn’t an animal,he didn’t deserve to be shot so many times..So please pray for our children!R.I.P ..

  9. dusterman440 on July 10th, 2013 11:38 pm

    Todd I completely agree

  10. dusterman440 on July 10th, 2013 11:23 pm

    I completely understand that we have chaoices to make and I hated to see him in his worst when I knew him at his best. I feel for the familys he changed. I guess he is in a better place. I tried my best to help him but He did make his on road. It is hard when you are an addict. Not making excuses just saying I wish he would of straighten up and left the stuff alone. also he would of never left the beaches of Florida. Still the whole thing SUCKS!

  11. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 10:28 pm

    Do you REALLY think this man deserved a good word at all? Have you seen his arrest record ?”

    No and no.

    I didn’t know the gentleman so assuming he had some good still doesn’t change the fact I didn’t actually know of anything good to say about him. At least one fellow thought highly of him, blaming all his misdeeds on the state of Florida rather than the choices he made with his life and the people he hurt.

    I suspect that says more about his friend than it does his goodness. (It is something like the girl who blames Pensacola for sucking rather than her boyfriend who robs and stabs the homeless.) It can’t be HIS fault, must be the city’s fault or the state’s fault or whoever forced him to not go to New York where all good junkies will be happy.

    We are all born with many chances for a good life. If we throw those chances away, we are to blame, not somebody else. It is sad this man seems to have made so many other people’s lives worse than they could have been. Up to the very end, he could have repented and made a decent person of himself.

    He chose not to.

    David for better people
    pity on those in Hell

  12. jim on July 10th, 2013 9:10 pm

    Thank you Deputies. During your admin leave, try to relax and destress. Put this behind you knowing the world is now a better place. If you’re low on ammo, I’ll help you buy more.

  13. Todd on July 10th, 2013 7:50 pm

    This story isn’t even all of it. He sold our company a vehicle that doesn’t appear in this story. So, I’m sure that there are other crimes during his spree as well.

    He seemed normal and ok when I spoke to him on the phone and when our employee met him. But, the reality is that he was hurting and endangering innocent people.

    In our situation, the victims were able to get their truck returned to them because we were honest enough to report it to the police just a couple of days before the attempted arrest.

    This is probably a case of a descent person who has a major drug issue. I would have rather seen him in jail for life. But honestly, regardless of his addiction, he made bad decisions and his removal from our world (in jail or in death) makes it a better place.

  14. william on July 10th, 2013 7:35 pm

    Do you REALLY think this man deserved a good word at all? Have you seen his arrest record ?It’s a mile long dating back to 1992! He even assaulted a 90 yr. old woman.How many chances do you think someone like this deserves? I’m a law abiding,tax paying, military disabled veteran and I’m tired of giving these scumbags multiple chances!I feel no sorrow for this POS! That’s what’s wrong with this country now! Angry? You bet I am!

  15. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 6:49 pm

    To hell with all you bleeding heart liberals!”

    I would just like to point out that only one person here had a good word for this gentleman and the rest of us suspect he is already where you would wish the bleeding heart liberals.

    By the way, glad the gun misfired when he tried to kill you.
    Hope you appreciate your wife.
    Hope his helper was apprehended.

    David for better people

  16. William on July 10th, 2013 6:30 pm

    I was the man he tried to kill at the bar.I had just had a wonderful night with my family. He put a pistol between my eyes and told me to get inside. I resisted and grabbed the gun at which we struggled. He then put it in my stomach and pulled the trigger and nothing happened. I was able to turn the gun on him after being hit with it several times and I pulled the trigger to no avail. I was able to get it away from him and I struck him with it. He called for help and a woman appeared and stabbed my girlfriend who was then on his back trying to save my life!This is a BAD person who needed to be taken out before he killed someone!He has affected my life and the love of my life forever! He will no longer hurt anyone else.I don’t have to know him to know that he’s where he belongs,6 feet under!I’m 55 yrs. old and thought I was going to die! I have NO sympathy for him at ALL! To hell with all you bleeding heart liberals!

  17. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 6:10 pm

    “I have personally been sobar for six years but had to move to New York to get the help I needed”

    I missed it.
    What stopped him from doing likewise?

    David for addicts in New York

  18. dusterman440 on July 10th, 2013 3:20 pm

    If you knew him, then your comments would be different. Yes, what he did was wrong but let’s just see where the “help line” gets you if you are addicted in the great state of Florida. if you have no money then there is no help! anyway the man had a great heart and just went down a path that no one could follow but He did ask for help and it fell on deaf ears. I have personally been sobar for six years but had to move to New York to get the help I needed

  19. Robert S on July 10th, 2013 9:06 am

    @ baebae & Ben.

    NOW everybody is safer from this character and no more worries or expenses for him.

    Stealing from his Mom…..tough on her for sure.
    Hope all those frightened and injured by this guy recover completely.

  20. 429SCJ on July 9th, 2013 10:51 pm

    A most linear chain of events.

  21. chris1 on July 9th, 2013 7:08 pm

    Meth , cocaine, both? something chamical
    No way he was un-assisted via chemicals.
    Heh, lets make drugs illegal, that will stop the crimes.
    oh wait , forget it.
    People like him kinda “take care of themselves”

  22. mick on July 9th, 2013 6:25 pm

    Good Riddance…

  23. David Huie Green on July 9th, 2013 6:03 pm

    “Does Florida have a “3 strikes you are in jail for life” law?”


    But unless they changed it, Florida DOES set certain minimum sentences in cases involving conviction for three violent felony acts (not at the same time), but they aren’t necessarily life in prison

    Criteria for it to kick in per


    “1 The accused has been convicted of a violent felony twice before. For purposes of the statute, even a withhold of adjudication counts as a conviction.
    2 Each conviction took place on a separate occasion, including the third offense for which the defendant is presently being sentenced.
    3 The present offense is a violent felony (i.e., arson, sexual battery, robbery, kidnapping, murder, etc.).
    4 The present offense was committed while serving any sentence imposed as a result of being convicted of another violent felony or within five years of being convicted of a violent felony, or within five years of finishing a sentence imposed for a violent felony.
    5 The accused has not been pardoned for a prior violent felony conviction or had a prior violent felony conviction overturned on appeal or other post conviction proceeding.”

    David for avoiding all of them

  24. 429SCJ on July 9th, 2013 9:22 am

    @Baenae, I like the way you say that.

  25. baebae on July 9th, 2013 7:55 am

    Well…he is in a PERMANENT PLACE now aint he…we wont have to fool with him anymore

  26. Jane on July 9th, 2013 4:14 am

    Does Florida have a “3 strikes you are in jail for life” law?

  27. Ben on July 8th, 2013 9:43 pm

    Sounds like everybody was safer when he was still in prison.