Juveniles Now Charged As Adults In Brutal Cantonment Beating

July 15, 2013

Charges have been upgraded against two juveniles arrested in connection with a severe beating over the long Fourth of July weekend in Cantonment.

Jordan Scott Garrett, 17 and Kaleb Orion Willcutt, 15, are now charged as adults with felony aggravated battery, along with 19-year old Zachary Nathan Clark for the beating of  19-year old Glenn Widish at a Cantonment home on July 6.

When Escambia County Sherriff’s deputies arrived at the home in the 700 block of Jacks Branch Road, they found Widish in the bathroom of the home, barely conscious, not able to talk and having difficulty breathing. Deputies reported his “face was swollen beyond recognition”.

Witnesses told deputies that the four teens were at the home, and Widish has been drinking shots of alcohol.  Garrett became angry with Widish over a song that was playing and punched him three times in the face, witnesses told deputies. After Garrett punched Widish again, they ended up on the ground where Clark grabbed Widish and held him. Garrett also held Widish’s feet and they told Willcutt to hit him, an arrest report states.

Willcutt hit Widish three times, while Clark and Garrett began kicking and punching him in the head, face, back and stomach, the report states.

“I hope you die on this property,” a witness told deputies Willcutt said.

Widish was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital as a “trauma alert”.  Deputies were originally unable to speak to him because he remained unconscious at a Sacred Heart Hospital. He suffered a fractured eye orbital, a fractured nose and was unable to maintain on open airway after the beating, according to the arrest report.

As of early Monday morning, Clark and Garrett remained in the Escambia County Jail. Willcutt was released on a $10,000  bond.


40 Responses to “Juveniles Now Charged As Adults In Brutal Cantonment Beating”

  1. Anonnnn on July 26th, 2013 6:04 pm

    I love all 3 of them . & miss them dearly . Keep your heads up boys !

  2. David Huie Green on July 18th, 2013 4:17 pm

    “They just made a mistake.”

    If they did what they are accused of doing, that doesn’t look like the standard definition of a mistake. It looks more like attempted murder.
    People who set out to murder other people are not good people even if they fail.

    If you mean they made a mistake to do it in front of so many witnesses,
    you may be right.

    David for good people

  3. Not to be mentioned on July 18th, 2013 12:16 pm

    Just Saying:

    I wasn’t say they were right because this was completely wrong of them. But everyone is making it seem like they’re horrible people when they’re really not. They just made a mistake.

  4. Teach Them a Lesson on July 18th, 2013 11:31 am

    These 3 boys need to be taught a lesson and do a max sentence for their crime!!! Me as a parent that loves her children beyond words would not let my own get away with this behavior, if we let them walk or tell them that it will be ok, they will do it AGAIN!!! I see it everyday, kids “Punks” hurting others and then just walking…..I hope the system does the right thing………………..And if anyone says like i have seen on other crime post, “I know these boys and they are good boys” needs to get check themselves as good boys DO NOT hurt others.

  5. Just saying on July 17th, 2013 11:19 am

    Not to be mentioned:

    I am sure there is more to this story but there is absolutely no reason for 3 guys to gang up on one guy. They nearly beat him to death. I am so sure you would feel the same way if that was your boy that 3 guys held down and ganged up on.

  6. Not to be mentioned on July 17th, 2013 2:34 am

    I grew up with boys, so I know there’s more the story. They wouldn’t do this for no reason. They’re good kids. So theres no reason people to be bashing them like they know them. I love these boys until the death of me. And I hope Escambia County finds out the rest of the story.

  7. What A Shame on July 16th, 2013 9:34 pm

    All I can say is I hope these three boys get what God feels they need. You would think after just getting out of jail, that it is the last thing they would want again. I feel for the victim in this case. Two of the boys are related and living in this area, it is a shame that these boys think this was funny or required. Grow Up and pay for your wrong doings. You don’t need anything less. I hope the mother takes plenty of photo’s of her son and presents them in court for all to see. It’s a shame!!!!

  8. Lisa on July 16th, 2013 9:05 pm

    I as a parent can’t comprehend why they didn’t get them off, call 911, if maybe they were outside & didn’t know, but they should also be charged if they knew & didn’t make a call. They had to have known the boy for him to be @ house. I as a mother would be getting the parents that were @ the house.

  9. JusTina on July 16th, 2013 7:32 pm

    Don’t get me wrong they need to pay for what they did. And I never said they were babies. Just sayin.

  10. JusTina on July 16th, 2013 7:00 pm

    GANGS – You people are so naive and you watch too much TV. All they are is kids.

    Huh! My question here is, where did they get the alcohol and why is it still legal for anyone to drink?!!!? That stuff will bring out the devil in the best of us. So, Soo Sad for all involved. My prayers are with the boys and their families… ALL OF THEM. Lord, Please touch them with your blessing hands. Amen.

  11. ajhenn on July 16th, 2013 4:21 pm

    I hope these three ignorant and violent offenders get charged with the maximum and sentenced for the maximum. They almost killed the victim, and your family member could be their next victim. I’m seeing a trend that has been developing with some of the “misguided” older teenagers in the Cantonment area, and that is with the increased use of physical violence and intimidation. I wouldn’t let my kid go to one of these bonfire gatherings – lots of drinking going on. And you would be amazed at the number of adults that are promoting the underage drinking on their own property. There are many teens driving like maniacs around north Escambia county under the influence of alcohol, and many of their parents know this goes on. Like Bama54 said, parents need to quit trying to be their child’s friend and teach them responsibility and respect for others.

  12. Doug on July 16th, 2013 11:14 am

    @ eyeswideopen… Don’t worry, the charges might be upgrade as the investigation continues. With the comment “I hope you die on this property,” Willcut opened the door to attempted murder charges. He and his buddies are about to get what they deserve. The state of Florida (not to mention Escambia county) is looking to make an example out of someone for all the violence that’s occuring almost daily.

  13. moms eyes on July 16th, 2013 5:58 am

    To BBC21 and L Carnley
    In police reports from witnesses is where this information is from. The victim was not antagonizing anyone he was singing the words to a song on a phone. 2 witnesses said so. Also the victim backs up twice not to fight even tells them he was not going to fight. then was tackled to the ground. POLICE REPORT states. Yes there are 2 sides to every story. The victim is ready to speak up but no one has contacted him. Let them put a pictures of the victim right beside all 3 of those boys. Not one mark on their faces. Let’s put a pictures of the victim taking by one of the mother’s of those boys on here showing what the victims mother walked into at the ER seeing her son 3 hours after this happened. Those boys nor their families feels badly about what happened. That is facts for you both.

  14. eyeswideopen on July 15th, 2013 10:50 pm

    Maybe we need to be up in arms like with the recent trial in South Fl. and want real justice for attempted murder of this young man. Judge, public demands higher bonds for persons alleged to be responsible. There is to much violence among young people over silly things and you can’t take your actions back. May the young man injured have a quick recovery and choose your friends wisely. Remember if they’re not nice to others they surely won’t be to you.

  15. Lizzy on July 15th, 2013 10:36 pm

    Regardless off what the other side of the story is, nobody under any circumstance deserves to be beaten senselessly by 3 people. If this was over a song or a girl as one of the comments stated below, I can’t see how this is a reasonable thing to do. Who cares who was there or what the whole story was. What the news did tell us were the facts about the boy, who beat him and how they beat him and like I said before the kid didn’t deserve it.

  16. meme. on July 15th, 2013 5:19 pm

    First off ,,,,L Camley and bb21 , both of you must be related to or in some way know the 3 punks in the pic,s , it is not a case of ”” boys will be boys ”” and you do not just beat the crap out of a person just because they were antagonizing a situation,you learn to walk away, and if he was that much of a problem antagonizing that night and causing trouble then call him a cab and tell him to go home ,or call his parents or call a COP but to beat him silly is wrong and 3 against one is wrong the 3 in the picture do not look beat up at all what’s that tell ya ? they look like a bunch of punks and I hope they ALL go to jail it will be 3 less kids running the streets at all hours maybe they will have time to think when they are in there , think about how they could have settled it with out fighting 3 against 1 and almost killing someone , just a bunch of punks thats all . Prayers for the one that got wronged , hope you’re feeling better soon ,, and learn to keep better company in the future .

  17. wow on July 15th, 2013 5:07 pm

    you said “dont you think these guys feel bad about what they did” well when 3 guys were beating the life (almost) out of another person, they apparently didn’t feel bad. When they looked at the face of the guy who was hanging out with them and had blood on them from the victim they apparently didn’t feel bad. I would venture to say that IF they do feel bad now it has nothing to do with what they did, it probably has everything to do with the fact that they are or were in jail and are facing court and the possibility of going to jail or prison. And I’m sure that they don’t feel nearly as bad as the PAIN that poor guy felt when he was lying on the floor and having someone KICK and PUNCH him in the face over a SONG (and possibly a girl according to one comment) So you can feel bad for the violent punks who did this all you want. But I bet the only they feel bad is because they are in trouble. If they weren’t in trouble I bet this would be all fun and games and something brag about on facebook.

    I hope justice is served and that the JURY does what’s right… maybe I will be luck enough to get jury duty on this one.

  18. 429SCJ on July 15th, 2013 4:50 pm

    @ L Carnley, the facts speak for themselves.

    These three beat a man half to death and now they are going to face a Jury, unless they assume accountability, either way they will face a Judge, all because of their own decisions, not ours.

  19. PWS on July 15th, 2013 4:21 pm

    Sounds like a bunch of little “Punks” taking advantage of a situation. Hope they end up doing time, “NOT’, because they’ll get probation & be released so they can get into more trouble. Bless their Lil hearts !!

  20. L Carnley on July 15th, 2013 3:34 pm

    There are two sides to every story. Shouldn’t people wait until court is convened to hear both sides. I also wonder where some people get their information. Some of the comments come from people who have no idea what really may have happened. They are only basing their comments on what the news says and we all know the news only paints the picture that sensationlizes a story. Yes, all sides need to be prayed for.

  21. jeeperman on July 15th, 2013 3:14 pm

    Ah but they will get off with probation at worse.
    pre-trial diversion at minimum.
    Blaming their actions on a rough home life, Mommies that do not care and no control when drunk.

  22. bb21 on July 15th, 2013 2:59 pm

    Its not a gang violence, friends stick up for each other and yes the boys did wrong, you don’t think they know that? You don’t think they feel bad enough about what happen? If the boy wasn’t sitting there antagonizing it, it probably wouldn’t have happened. But boys love to stir up trouble with each other. it is each and every one of them faults.

  23. Anne on July 15th, 2013 2:18 pm

    Wannabee gang members. These kids would faint if a real gang showed up. But they do have one thing in common. Kids who have loving parents & families do not join gangs. Teens want to belong somewhere so badly they will do most anything to have a friend. The 15 yr old should be treated no differently, isn’t he the one who did the punching? Was that because he could be told what to do by the others? Believe it!
    What a waste of what could have been good lives if only an adult had steered them straight.
    I watched a mother talk on her cell phone the other night while her 3 children under 7 tried to entertain themselves. She never once got off that phone! Want to know what is wrong with children? I don’t wonder anymore.

  24. Matt on July 15th, 2013 1:19 pm

    “I hope you die on this property.” That sounds like an excellent reason to charge these losers with attempted murder. And only a $10,000 bond?!?! The judge is a joke.

  25. Kayla on July 15th, 2013 12:31 pm

    Sounds like attempted murder to me!

  26. ngd on July 15th, 2013 11:19 am

    my question is, where did the alcohol come from? They were not old enough to buy it…where were the adults? If these young men had chores to do or part time jobs they would maybe be to tired to act like morons.

  27. Um on July 15th, 2013 11:13 am

    Oh and the article says there was 4 teens there at the time. What about the two young girls who were there.?
    Is noone takin there statements into consideration

  28. KB on July 15th, 2013 10:40 am

    I had jury duty this morning.While waiting for transportation I over heard some conversations of people appearing in court today. They were making jokes “I better do…because I know I’m going to jail this time” and laughing about it. Another person spoke up “One time when I got arrested…..” How many times have you been arrested? They were talking about fights, what they did to people, calling the officers names.I don’t understand I would be scared to death if I had to appear in court, but then again I was brought up to obey the law, respect officers, work hard, pay my taxes, stay home, and mind my own business. It’s a joke to them. If they are in jail our taxes support them, if they are out of jail our taxes support them. Once I was a witness in a trial. They defendant tried to pull the Judges heart strings, by saying he was just a poor old man trying to go to work and make a living. The judge looked at him and said “If you were a working man you wouldn’t be out at midnight drinking and driving you would be tired from working and be home in bed, getting rest for work tomorrow” Them sentenced him to 18 months. That judge had the right idea people who WORK for a living don’t have time or energy to get into trouble.

  29. rejoice on July 15th, 2013 10:05 am

    Praying for everyone involved. Satan is destroying lives and families daily. The best way to change our world is to change yourself. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.

  30. mick on July 15th, 2013 9:52 am

    Charged as adults, tried as adults, convicted as adults, sentenced as adults, and 25 years in prison for each adult that like to beat people beyond recognition.

  31. bama54 on July 15th, 2013 8:59 am

    When are the real men of Cantonment Area going to say we have had enough and stop the gang violence!! I read a lot of talk on this but where is the action!! When are the parents going to take control of their family ( kids), and teach them respect for others, and there are consequences for their actions. Sometimes as a parent you have to stop being a friend!! Remember the Golden Rule? I truly believe, kids today have never heard of it. The thug mentality has no place period!! It is always someone else child, never their own who comment acts of violence on others!! Look around do you know what your children are doing, and who they associate with!! Remember there is nothing good happen after midnight (set curfews)!!

  32. Lizzy on July 15th, 2013 8:39 am

    This is heartbreaking to read. I knew Glenn from high school and he was a real down-to-earth person, was so friendly, and would never do any harm to anyone. These boys deserve something extreme. My prayers are going out to Glenn and I pray for a fast and safe recovery for him.

  33. paul on July 15th, 2013 8:28 am

    The charges should have been attempted murder with no bond.. These little punks will be repeat offenders and we’ll be lookin at them here again..But they shouldn’t even be walkin the streets for at least 20yrs..

  34. disgusted on July 15th, 2013 8:11 am

    How cool do yall boys feel now? Gang life always leads to prison or you will end up dead. God won’t allow you all to get away with being a cold hearted thug for too long. hell is hot..

  35. Knows More on July 15th, 2013 7:49 am

    Well, $10,000 Bond means he is now out of jail because Mommy put-up a measly $1,000 Bail to get him out. I guess he’s free to roam the streets again to beat more strangers half to death.

    People REALLY should learn something from this Zimmerman Trial. Florida has a Stand your Ground Law! People should remember that before they step-up to assault someone. I mean, it’s a 50/50 chance whether-or-not someone has a concealed weapons permit and is carrying a firearm. Not a good risk, IMHO.

    Random acts of violence like this are RIDICULOUS and CAN NOT be tolerated in a civilized society…Period!

  36. Mary on July 15th, 2013 7:49 am

    From what I hear is..there is a so called GANG from that area..young punks that grew up there..ha ha..grew up…that was funny..yes they need to be put in their plaace & I would like to be the 1

  37. Knows More on July 15th, 2013 7:18 am

    When you gang-up and beat someone YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW until blood is splattered EVERYWHERE, he can no longer breather through his nose or mouth and they have a broken nose, two fractured vertebrae, three (facial) skull fractures, stitches in their face, and a damaged left eye YOU DESERVE TO STAY IN PRISON!

    When an assailant has a broken ankle as a result of kicking the victim repeatedly, the assailant’s RAGE was out-of-control. All this was over a GIRL–AND a song.

    When all three assailants (and their families) refuse to call 9-1-1 for over an hour AND a death threat is issued to the victim, THAT’S ATTEMPTED MURDER!

    I can’t WAIT until the trial begins on this one!

  38. chris1 on July 15th, 2013 7:17 am

    $10,000 bond. outrageous !!!!
    should be $1,000,000

  39. John on July 15th, 2013 5:57 am

    These 3 need to be sent to a corrections facility,as so they can be put in there place.
    They will soon see what it feels like to be on the receiving end of ignorance.

  40. David on July 15th, 2013 4:47 am

    Goodness, what real men lol