Jail Time For Man That Stole Guns From Dead Uncle, Beat Man Over Spilled Beer

July 11, 2013

A  Cantonment man will spend the next several months in the Escambia County Jail for stealing guns from his uncle’s house hours after he had a heart attack and beating another man in the face with a baseball bat  over a spilled beer.

Robert Michael Lanquist, Jr., 22, was charged with four felony counts of grand theft of a firearm last September for stealing firearms from his uncle’s gun safe  while Lanquist’s aunt was at the hospital as his uncle passed away. When Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies and an ATF agent contacted Lanquist at his residence, he granted them permission to search the house. They reported finding the weapons hidden in a crawlspace under the home. Lanquist, according to a Sheriff’s Office report, served as pallbearer shortly after the theft.

Judge Michael Allen found Lanquist guilty of one count of felony theft of a firearm and sentenced him to nine months in the county jail.

Just days after the firearm theft, Lanquis was charged with felony aggravated battery causing bodily harm or disability.  The victim told deputies he and Lanquist became involved in an argument at a female’s house on Forest Avenue after a beer was spilled on Lanquist. The victim said Lanquist walked away and returned with a baseball bat, striking the victim in the head and face.

Lanquist admitted to deputies that he did become involved in an altercation with the victim after he poured a beer on him and began to belittle his mother. He admitted to punching the victim in the face but denied having a weapon, deputies said.

He was convicted of the felony battery charge by Judge Allen and sentenced to nine months in the county jail, concurrent with the weapons sentence.

Lanquist filed a motion to modify his sentence, but Allen denied that motion this week.


9 Responses to “Jail Time For Man That Stole Guns From Dead Uncle, Beat Man Over Spilled Beer”

  1. miss850 on July 12th, 2013 2:59 pm

    You should be ashamed Robbie. Your uncle has a heart attack and the first thing you think about is “let me go steal his guns.” Get your mind right.

  2. Molino Mom on July 12th, 2013 10:43 am

    Less we forget judges names at voting time, vote them all out !

  3. mick on July 11th, 2013 4:52 pm

    Hovering like a turkey vulture to pick his uncle’s bones clean… before he is even in the grave…this is a dime a dozen story…as far as the felony battery…key word FELONY!, he should be beat with a bat, then after the recovery at least nine years in prison…yes he got off light, and if you all think that this punishment is going to change the inherent criminal nature of this person…well stand by because someone out there is going to be his next victim…mark these words…

  4. Terri Sanders on July 11th, 2013 12:24 pm

    Until the voters start remembering these judges names at election time…nothing will change…

  5. Atmore G on July 11th, 2013 9:29 am

    Violence, guns and drugs.. It seems like everyday you see it.. This is a relatively small community with what appears to be a very high crime rate.. Nine months is not enough to deter this type of crime.. When are we going to start dropping the gavel on some of these individuals and give them some real punishment?

  6. Clint on July 11th, 2013 8:17 am

    concurrent? what a joke! nine months? another joke! Bob needs some prison time..

  7. Law and Order on July 11th, 2013 8:15 am

    With judges like this on the bench cutting his charges by 75% and slapping him on the wrist, you can be sure that we’ll be reading more items on this man in the future.

    He is a disaster going someplace to happen and the so-called judicial system is complicit in whatever follows.

    Nice going, judge!

  8. Fairlane63 on July 11th, 2013 6:48 am

    Nine months for stealing guns? Should be years instead of months.
    When will these wimp judges start taking property crimes seriously?

  9. Don on July 11th, 2013 5:38 am

    a real prize…..