Insurance Boss: Individual, Small Group Rates To Go Up

July 31, 2013

With the bulk of the federal Affordable Care Act taking effect Jan. 1, Florida insurance regulators say rate filings indicate premiums could increase 30 to 40 percent in the individual health market and 5 to 20 percent in the small-group market.

Wences Troncoso, a deputy insurance commissioner, made a presentation Tuesday about the federal law, better known as “Obamacare,” to the state Health Insurance Advisory Board.

Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty also used those estimates in an earlier interview with The Palm Beach Post. But the estimates do not take into account factors such as tax subsidies that many people could receive to help offset premium costs.

The potential rate impacts of the federal law have long been a point of debate, with Republican opponents and many businesspeople arguing that premiums will soar.


7 Responses to “Insurance Boss: Individual, Small Group Rates To Go Up”

  1. Rufus Lowgun on August 2nd, 2013 5:32 pm

    Funny how the states that decided to set up their own exchanges and not obstruct the implementation of Obamacare every step of the way are seeing premiums go down, and states that decided not to set up their own exchanges and to obstruct, delay, and deny are seeing rates go up. I think I’m starting to see a trend.

  2. Bob Hudsun on August 1st, 2013 9:46 am

    Just proves liberals are lyers.They need to defund obamscare

  3. Jane on August 1st, 2013 4:53 am

    This is something that will cost jobs and increase costs to taxpayers and the government. If they really wanted to fix health care they could have put a limit on how much insurance companies could increase their costs, and make pre-exisiting conditions unlawful. They really didn’t need all these regulations. But Pelosi said “Let’s just pass it and read it later”…guess the democrats believed her.

  4. Rusty Shakleford on July 31st, 2013 9:12 am

    Dennis- Very well said. I’m in full agreement and our last election proves your point.

  5. Dennis HE Wiggins on July 31st, 2013 8:11 am

    That is the mentality of so many Americans now – SOMETHING FOR NOTHING!! And, in many ways, who can blame those who adhere to that philosophy? The politicians found a completely legal way to BUY VOTES. What people don’t understand is, this is nothing more than a modern-day slavery. The government, in most ways own those they (WE, the TAxpayers) support.

  6. wm on July 31st, 2013 7:33 am

    Yep – AHCA is/was a Ponzi scheme from the very beginning. I can’t believe the shallowness of the majority of voters in the US — un- and under-informed… Give them a phone and some food stamps and they’ll think you can do anything for them — for “free”.

  7. Ronda on July 31st, 2013 6:59 am

    There you go. Health insurance for all is a noble goal, but NOTHING in life is free. So, the ones of us who are already paying will pay more, while the ones who don’t pay will CONTINUE to receive health care just as they did before the AHCA. The only difference being the size of federal government and the cost of that increase on taxpayers.