Florida Creates Firefighters Memorial

July 1, 2013

During a Florida Cabinet meeting, Governor Rick Scott, along with Cabinet members, passed a resolution to create a Florida Firefighters Memorial at the Florida State Capitol Building. The memorial will be a place for all visitors to the state capitol to visit and honor firefighters who have given their lives to help protect the Floridians they serve.

“Florida firefighters put their lives on the line every day to protect Florida families and their property. I am happy today to join the Florida Cabinet in designating a place for all Floridians to recognize and remember the sacrifice that Florida’s fallen fighter fighters have given. As we honor those gave the ultimate sacrifice today, we also look forward with new legislation that aims to give the fire fighting community the tools they need to keep Floridians safe,” Scott said.

After the Cabinet meeting, Governor Scott signed SB 1410, which will give the Florida Chief Fire Marshal more authority to protect lives and property. This legislation updates continuing education requirements for fire safety inspectors, gives firefighters and volunteer firefighters more options for retaining certifications and updates old statute regarding the State Fire Marshal.


One Response to “Florida Creates Firefighters Memorial”

  1. sandra on July 1st, 2013 3:49 pm

    So, after raking Florida public safety workers over the coals last year with their pensions he is trying to save face with this? Kinda like the way he did the teachers. I’ve voted republican my whole life but I swear I wont vote for scott ever again.