Farm Bureau Names Greg Evers 2013 Legislative Champion For Agriculture

July 7, 2013

The Florida Farm Bureau has named several lawmakers as Champions of Agriculture, including Sen. Greg. Evers.

Florida Farm Bureau is initiated the new program to recognize a group of lawmakers as Champions for Agriculture for their role in promoting an agriculture- friendly legislative agenda.  After a productive legislative session where all of its priority bills were passed, Farm Bureau  recognized 18 representatives and six senators who took an active role in supporting the state’s farmers and ranchers.

“In a year where we had so much legislative support, this is our way of highlighting and thanking a group of legislators who showed leadership in promoting strong agricultural policy for Florida,” stated Adam Basford, director of State Legislative Affairs at Florida Farm Bureau. “Each of these Champions for Agriculture played key roles in passing legislation that allows agriculture to continue to benefit the state both economically and environmentally.  We are truly grateful for their efforts.”

The Florida Farm Bureau 2013 Champions for Agriculture are:

Florida Senate
Sen. Jeff Brandes
Sen. Greg Evers
Sen. Denise Grimsley
Sen. Alan Hays
Sen. Bill Montford
Sen. Wilton Simpson

Florida House of Representatives

Rep. Ben Albritton
Rep. Halsey Beshears
Rep. Jim Boyd
Rep. Matt Caldwell
Rep. Marti Coley
Rep. Neil Combee
Rep. Steve Crisafulli
Rep. Katie Edwards
Rep. Travis Hutson
Rep. Mike La Rosa
Rep. Debbie Mayfield
Rep. Ray Pilon
Rep. Jake Raburn
Rep. Holly Raschein
Rep. Pat Rooney
Rep. Charlie Van Zant
Rep. Clovis Watson
Rep. Ritch Workman


2 Responses to “Farm Bureau Names Greg Evers 2013 Legislative Champion For Agriculture”

  1. 429SCJ on July 8th, 2013 6:09 am

    Mr Evers is an intelligent leader and recognizes the strategic importance of agriculture and the stabilizing effect it offers to any nation/state.

    When the break away republics begin to form, I hope that Mr Evers is at the Helm of Northwest Florida.

  2. Jane on July 7th, 2013 7:04 pm

    If it weren’t for our agricultural business and our wonderful farmers we would have nothing to eat! We would not have cotton or wool clothes or leather for our shoes. Thank you for promoting both, Mr. Evers!