Democrats Target Scott With Web Ads, Social Media

July 26, 2013

In some of its first paid ads of the 2014 campaign cycle, the Florida Democratic Party announced Thursday that it would take to social media and online news sites to whack away at Gov. Rick Scott.

The ads, which will be on Facebook and Twitter along with newspaper sites, will direct readers to a website about “The Real Rick Scott.”  Democrats say they are responding, in part, to Scott’s efforts to recalibrate his message as he prepares to make a bid for re-election.

“It hasn’t worked all year, and we are going to make sure that it doesn’t,” Democratic Chairwoman Allison Tant told reporters on a conference call.

The latest survey from the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, taken last month, still showed Scott losing by double digits to former Gov. Charlie Crist — a Republican-turned-independent-turned Democrat — or U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, two of the potential candidates most frequently cited as front-runners.

But that poll also showed Scott with a 43 percent job approval rating compared to a 44 percent disapproval rating, some of the best marks of his tenure, and some observers predict that the Scott campaign and related groups will spend as much as $100 million on the re-election effort.

by The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Democrats Target Scott With Web Ads, Social Media”

  1. Bob on July 29th, 2013 5:14 pm

    Yep. The crook been backstroking far about a year. The truth needs to be shown how he’s a sneaky snake.

  2. Well Huh!! on July 27th, 2013 12:35 pm

    I have been thinking about joining the Dem leaning liberals, think about it, You will not have to worry about work, what to wear, what to eat. And all the decisions of daily life is done for you.

  3. Chuck Ritchie on July 27th, 2013 9:34 am

    And we can thank all those wonderful, bleeding heart liberals for DETROIT and it’s current state of affairs.

  4. Alarmed & Armed on July 26th, 2013 8:22 pm

    Rememberwhen Obama wanted all the major shipping ports in the USA run. By. A Dubai company with middle eastern workers only?

    Anyone remember Bengazi coverup?

    Anyone remember the IRS targeting religious entities and associations? Targeting conservitive groups?

    Anyone remember when Obama actually. Defended the NSA spying on its own citizens?

    Anyone remember the 30 Americans killed, 22 of which were Navy Seals that were killed in a single helichopter crash CH47 Chinook and an investigation was never taken place. Most of the seals were part of seal team 6 that killed Osama Bin Laden. Admin says the. Black box on the chopter was swept away in a river flood and not found. All 22 Seals were creamated, bodies not recovered.

    Funny how bad thinks stinks but the Main Stream. Media never made a stink on how our greatest trained warriors were killed all at once where NO investigation took place.

    I cannot believe the times we are living in. The administration is clearly working for the other side which is any side against the US.

    Remember Obamas speech “end this parade of phony scandals …”


    Alarmed & Armed!

  5. Bob Hudsun on July 26th, 2013 8:01 am

    No democrats, they are destroying this country as it is, we sure do not need them on a state level.

  6. huh on July 26th, 2013 2:39 am

    Dems should just save the money, no need to run Ads Scott is doing a fine job as it is to increase the Democratic vote