County Administrator Selection Committee Set To Narrow List

July 14, 2013

The Escambia County Administrator Search Committee will meet again Monday to consider the nine remaining applicants for county administrator.

The meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Central Office Complex at 3363 West Park Place. The committee is expected to cut the list in half for presentation to the Escambia County Commission for a final decision.

The remaining candidates for Escambia County Commissioner are listed below in alphabetical order along with a brief listing of past experience. Click any of the names to read the candidate’s complete resume.

  1. Lyndon Bonner – Ocala, FL. City manager Bunnell, FL; assistant county administrator, Sumter County; county administrator Okeechobee County; city manager North Miami Beach.
  2. James Chansler – Jacksonville, FL. Utilities director city of Jacksonville and city of Boca Raton; wastewater management director Broward County.
  3. David Fanslau – Rock Hill, NY. County manager Sullivan County; township administrator Winslow, NJ and Logan, NJ.
  4. Kenneth Fields – Boca Raton, FL. Assistant city manager Hollywood, FL; village manager Islamorada, FL; executive administration officer Seminole Tribe of FL.
  5. Kenneth Griffin – Tampa, FL. CEO water/sewer authority and assistant county administrator Hillsborough County; executive officer Pearl River Valley Water Supply District
  6. Patrick Howard – Seneca, SC. County administrator Marion County, Ocala, FL.
  7. Albert Penksa – Gettysburg, PA.County manager Adams County, Gettysburg, PA; controller CFO Cambria County.
  8. Ronald Rabun – Griffin, GA. County administrator Oconee County, SC; county manager Seminole County, FL; county administrator Manatee County, FL; city manager various cities in GA, FL and WA.
  9. George Touart – Pensacola, FL. County administrator with Escambia County, FL; city councilman, Pascagoula, MS; co-owner of two businesses in MS.


6 Responses to “County Administrator Selection Committee Set To Narrow List”

  1. JOHN D. BODIE on July 15th, 2013 9:47 pm


  2. m on July 15th, 2013 8:20 pm

    Looks like none of these candidates can hold down a job, some even admit they left previous positions because they couldn’t do the job the way their elected bosses wanted them to do. I can see considering a successful manager from a smaller jurisdiction that is upwardly mobile in his chosen career field, but why hire some jerk that has failed in multiple bigger ponds?

  3. 429SCJ on July 15th, 2013 1:52 pm

    Mr Touart, what ever it is that you are holding over the commission please just let it go. Focus on your business interest in Mississippi and leave us be.

    I would be all for granting Mr Touart a pension just to be shed of him. He would not be drawing it forever, not for too long anyway.

  4. Name (required) on July 14th, 2013 8:03 pm

    Anyone ANyONE other then “king George”. Please commissioners, if you ever have any hope of moving away from the terrible reputation this county has PLEASE remove George Tourat from this list.

    The names from the past that haunt us, our shame… Why must they keep trying to get back in? Have these folks no shame?

  5. Joe on July 14th, 2013 9:56 am

    Clear choice GEORGE TOUART.

  6. 429SCJ on July 14th, 2013 8:03 am

    I cannot help but wonder why Escambia County cannot produce an individual with the qualities prerequisite for the Administrator position?