Community Members Tour Century Correctional Institution

July 12, 2013

The Century Correctional Institution held a Community Partnership Event Thursday, inviting a wide ranging group of community stakeholders inside the prison.

The group was able to tour the facility and observe operations. Following the tour of the facility, the attendees watched a video and took part in a question and answer session. The event was designed to open avenues of communication between the facility and the community and provide feedback on the facility’s operations and programs.

The group attending the event included state representatives, state and local governmental officers, law enforcement representatives, members of the local education community, state officials and more.

Coming up Monday on, we’ll begin a special series and take readers inside Century Correctional Institution for the tour that will include the medical unit, educational facilities, the chapel and prisoner dorms — including a dorm where the worst of the worst inmates are housed.

We’ll talk numbers and see how much it all costs, learn about life behind bars for prisoners and those that watch over them. And we’ll answer the age old question: Do they have air conditioning?

Pictured top and bottom: A diverse group of community members and governmental representatives toured Century Correctional Institution Thursday morning. Pictured inset: The group is seen via a security mirror. Pictured below: Warden John Whitehurst  explains a prison dorm to group members. photos, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Community Members Tour Century Correctional Institution”

  1. JSL on July 14th, 2013 9:56 pm

    There have been some changes made in the past year by Mrs. Marinin and Mr. Whitehurst. I don’t know about that other one you named.

  2. jackie on July 13th, 2013 9:07 am

    The current administration has made some significant changes to the security and safety of the prison. The changes that have been made in the past year have been remarkable. Kudos, to Warden Whitehurst, Mrs. Marinin and Colonel Schwartz.

  3. Dennis HE Wiggins on July 13th, 2013 8:09 am

    Ought to have the County Commission tour it. They might need to see the type facility where they will be staying if they don’t straighten their act up.

  4. 429SCJ on July 12th, 2013 11:08 am

    Does not appear all doom and gloom, but certainly a place for which to avoid residency of any duration.