Committee Names Top 5 Administrator Candidates; Touart Makes The List

July 16, 2013

The Escambia County Administrator Search Committee has picked their top five  candidates to present to the Escambia County Commission on Thursday. The list includes Interim Administrator George Touart.

The committee was created by the commission to review resumes and choose from qualified candidates. The list of over 40 was cut to 10, and now five.

During Monday’s meeting, the committee assigned numerical scores to each candidate; the higher the number, the better. The candidates were ranked as follows (click the candidate’s name for their full resume):

  1. 43 points — Lyndon Bonner – Ocala, FL. City manager Bunnell, FL; assistant county administrator, Sumter County; county administrator Okeechobee County; city manager North Miami Beach.
  2. 41 points — George Touart – Pensacola, FL. County administrator with Escambia County, FL; city councilman, Pascagoula, MS; co-owner of two businesses in MS.
  3. 36 points — David Fanslau – Rock Hill, NY. County manager Sullivan County; township administrator Winslow, NJ and Logan, NJ.
  4. 33 points — Ronald Rabun – Griffin, GA. County administrator Oconee County, SC; county manager Seminole County, FL; county administrator Manatee County, FL; city manager various cities in GA, FL and WA.
  5. 31 points — Kenneth Griffin – Tampa, FL. CEO water/sewer authority and assistant county administrator Hillsborough County; executive officer Pearl River Valley Water Supply District

However, the committee voted to send the list to the commission without numeral rankings or point scores attached.

During a Thursday morning Committee of the Whole meeting, the Escambia County Commission will receive and consider the list. The commission is not bound by the list.


25 Responses to “Committee Names Top 5 Administrator Candidates; Touart Makes The List”

  1. jeeperman on July 18th, 2013 9:00 am

    Your too funny.
    You bash others as being “un-informed” and then you call one of our commissioners “Mr. Wilson Robinson “.
    Who is un-informed now ?

  2. jeeperman on July 18th, 2013 8:59 am

    I rescind my earlier post.
    It appears that Touart was/is not lying on his resume (technically).
    The illegal hunting arrest in Wisconsin was settled via him paying a fine and thus the charge was changed to “non-criminal”.

  3. please on July 17th, 2013 5:52 pm

    You might want to look into what is being pushed in d3 and hold onto your wallet.

  4. NO Grover. on July 17th, 2013 3:50 pm

    I have no words…g o b’s…

    Except…Do not vote Grover…

  5. Randy on July 17th, 2013 12:40 pm

    Randy: How do you figure so many people could be “uninformed” about something that is a blatant as the nose on your face? After seeing the same old same old (scandals, et al) continue to happen throughout the years and hardly anything being done to correct it one gets to the point of expecting nothing different. The GOB system is doing well…for the time being. I detect a “fresh breeze” blowing with the likes of Robinson, Barry and May. I feel like these three can see the underlying manipulation, corruption and lies and want to do something to change it. However, whenever any of verbally violently criticized in public and told to “stand down.” However, I don’t think it will deter them in the long run. All we can hope for is when it comes time to actually take the vote on this particular issue that these three vote together and not select GT. Fingers crossed and prayers said.

    Seems like Mr. Wilson Robinson must be doing something right, he was just reelected…. It is past time that the cowboy attitude be put to rest and let our elected officials do the job they were elected to do….

  6. Louise on July 17th, 2013 10:22 am

    Randy: How do you figure so many people could be “uninformed” about something that is a blatant as the nose on your face? After seeing the same old same old (scandals, et al) continue to happen throughout the years and hardly anything being done to correct it one gets to the point of expecting nothing different. The GOB system is doing well…for the time being. I detect a “fresh breeze” blowing with the likes of Robinson, Barry and May. I feel like these three can see the underlying manipulation, corruption and lies and want to do something to change it. However, whenever any of verbally violently criticized in public and told to “stand down.” However, I don’t think it will deter them in the long run. All we can hope for is when it comes time to actually take the vote on this particular issue that these three vote together and not select GT. Fingers crossed and prayers said.

  7. Randy on July 17th, 2013 10:03 am

    1. Glad to see George Touart is one of the five finalists. It will present some interesting commentary if he is selected….

  8. Charles Dillard on July 16th, 2013 9:39 pm

    This county only looks one way and that is to find a good boy to do what we say. Escambia county will pay good money. We have good ole George we know he will
    do what we say.
    Or we can put some one in for a year or two, then run them off and call George back.
    Escambia Vs Escambia = 0.
    How long till we can get this county back to say 1559?
    Lord help us.

  9. well on July 16th, 2013 8:43 pm

    I may have missed something , but i don’t believe George was removed. (Resigned)
    Also the big issue about the land he wanted to buy must not have been so bad.(We bought it after he left anyway.)
    Personal vendettas and misinformed opinions are hardly a way to choose an Administrator either.

  10. Molino Man on July 16th, 2013 7:39 pm

    Thats a good point jeeperman ! Buy you know just as well as I do that this “error” wiil not see the light of day. This guy knows his status in this county & will use it to get back in power untill the day he dies.

  11. Frank on July 16th, 2013 6:02 pm

    Randy… Just the usual Touart bashing by the unimformed. If you are that dissatisfied with the County Commissioners, might I suggest moving to another county. Lets not hire an administrator in the media, but rather in the forum where it belongs..

    Randy, you must forget very easily… America-Free speech…

    As for the un-informed, I have lived here all my life and want to see better for my children and grand-children.

    I helped get Two County Commisioners removed on election day… Thought others would see ” the hand writing on the wall” …I see 3 more that did not listen…Tick-Tock!

  12. Green rocket on July 16th, 2013 2:06 pm

    It is very juvenile to tell people who disagree with the county commissioners to move somewhere else. Mr. Touart was removed from this position for cause. The commissioners will look very bad if they put him back in the same position. All we can do is remove them in the next election.

  13. jeeperman on July 16th, 2013 1:22 pm

    Good Ol Boy George ‘misspoke’ on his Administrator application and seems to have ‘forgotten’ about his little arrest record for deer poaching…take a look at page 6, question 13:

    Shouldn’t lying on his application automatically disqualify him ?

    It does according to county hiring rules.

  14. Randy on July 16th, 2013 12:21 pm

    1. Just the usual Touart bashing by the unimformed. If you are that dissatisfied with the County Commissioners, might I suggest moving to another county. Lets not hire an administrator in the media, but rather in the forum where it belongs..

  15. Walnut Hill on July 16th, 2013 12:21 pm

    This just stinks to high Heaven!

  16. kathy on July 16th, 2013 11:48 am

    Please No George!!! He was removed for a reason or else he would still be there! HELLO!!!??

  17. Patriot on July 16th, 2013 11:19 am

    Mellowmuse asks, “…what can be done to fix this cronyism?”

    Very simple answer, VOTE THEM OUT on election day.

  18. Mellowmuse on July 16th, 2013 8:57 am

    That is strange to publish the scores, and what employer would do that? (Who would want everyone to know that kind of info, and the county commissioners can read it right here. It certainly looks like they are setting Touart up to get the job with his scores only being 2 points under Bonner when appears to be the most qualified applicant.

    When I read the individual applications, Bonner is, by far, the most experienced in running a county or city government, plus he was an Annapolis graduate with all 30+ years in the Marines. He had the right degrees too. His answers to questions on the application were clear and full of information about his accomplishments. He would be a real game changer for Escambia County.

    Touart, on the other hand, doesn’t have NEARLY the right qualifications, education nor experience, to do what needs to be done in this county. I also suspect that his two businesses in Mississippi will benefit tremendously if he is appointed. His answers to questions on the application were vague and simplistic without offering much in the way of accomplishments.

    We will see, but what can be done to fix this cronyism?

  19. Frank on July 16th, 2013 8:13 am

    Escambia citizen… It is a political twist to make CC board look better…When Touart gets the Job.

  20. Jay on July 16th, 2013 7:50 am

    It’s time for a new slate of Commissioner’s. Until they repeal the gasoline tax they certainly have “NO” credibility. And now this They are a disgrace to Escambia County. Vote them ALL out and get rid of the Cronies’ and start over. We the People deserve better!

  21. justsmart on July 16th, 2013 7:34 am

    We all know who gets the job. Too bad the others have to waste their time because of Good Ole Boy Politcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. concerned citizen on July 16th, 2013 6:31 am

    @escambia citizen, my sentiments exactly. We all know where this is going anyway. The same place it was headed when they put Touart in the position and said it was only temporary. This is what the commissioners wanted all along. Get ready to welcome Touart back full-time.

  23. bewildered on July 16th, 2013 5:56 am

    This is too funny!!! Next step will be an announcement that the candidate with 43 points does not accept the job. (Oops, we were not supposed to know the magic figure of 43 !!!). Then the commissioners will inform us that in their opinion George Touart is and was the man for the job all along.

  24. c.w. on July 16th, 2013 5:17 am

    What a waste of time and money. Touart had the job before the “search ever started. Its all a show by the CC, and a way to waste the tax payers money.

  25. escambia citizen on July 16th, 2013 2:09 am

    I’m confused… the committee voted to send the list to the commissioners without rankings or scores, but it is published on here for the commissioners to look and see what all of the scores is???