Alabama Executes Halloween 2005 Killer

July 26, 2013

Alabama carried out its first execution in two years Thursday evening at Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore. Officials say 29-year-old Andrew Lackey was pronounced dead at 6:25 p.m. after receiving a lethal injection.

Lackey was convicted of  the beating and shooting of an elderly World War II veteran on Halloween night in 2005. He had dropped all appeals and asked for his execution to be scheduled.

“I do understand that executions are on hold in Alabama pending a ruling by the Supreme Court of the method used,” Lackey said in a handwritten letter dated January 9, 2013. “I want to know that when and if executions resume, I will not be unnecessarily delayed.”

Lackey was after money when he shot, beat and stabbed 80-year-old Charles Newman at his home in Limestone County, officials said.  Lackey had been friends with the victim’s grandson.


6 Responses to “Alabama Executes Halloween 2005 Killer”

  1. friction against the machine on July 26th, 2013 3:36 pm

    Funny they are “money grubbing” lawyers until you need one!

  2. David Huie Green on July 26th, 2013 11:27 am


    We feel free to discuss our justice system

    David for reasoned discussion

  3. mnon on July 26th, 2013 7:37 am

    The man paid his dues so give it a rest. If he wanted to stay his execution because he thought he was innocent everyone would have something to say. The man wanted to get it over with and people still have something to say. As far as I’m concerned he has paid his due with his life on Earth, its between him and God now… Has nothing to do with anyone here on Earth to judge any more.

  4. riverron on July 26th, 2013 7:03 am

    Justice is served when you take a bunch of money grubbing lawyers out of the picture.

  5. David Huie Green on July 26th, 2013 6:16 am

    Less than 8 years when you don’t appeal your sentence.

  6. BROTHER VET on July 26th, 2013 2:24 am

    I very glad they did not deny his request.