911 Transcript: Burglary Call Leads To Man Being Shot By Deputies

July 30, 2013

911 Transcription
Reported 2:38 a.m.
July 27, 2013

Dispatch:  Sheriff’s 911 what is your emergency?

Caller:  Yeah, I’m, um, 218 Shadow Lawn Lane somebody is trying to steal my neighbor’s car.

Dispatch:  O.K., they are not trying to break in, they are trying to actually steal the car?

Caller:  Yes.  They’re actually already in the car, trying to hotwire it.

Dispatch:  O.K. ,  O.K….  What kind of vehicle is it?

Caller:  It’s a Cadillac.  It’s a white Cadillac.

Dispatch:  A white Cadillac.  Is it 2-door, 4 door?

Caller:  4 door.

Dispatch:  And the 218 Shadow Lawn is that your address?

Caller:  No ______ is my address 218 is my neighbor’s address.

Dispatch:  O.K… Can you tell, is it a male, female?

Caller:  It’s a black male.

Dispatch:  Can you tell what he’s wearing, or no?

Caller:  He’s wearing a tank top, uh, dark colored.

Dispatch:  Can you tell anything else?

Caller:  No, not really.

Dispatch:  O.K. and he’s still in the vehicle, right?

Caller:  Yes

Dispatch:  You said you heard him trying to crank it up?

Caller:  Uh, yes… He keeps ducking down underneath the dashboard, trying to reach for something.

Dispatch:  O.K., and you’ve never seen him before, right?

Caller:  No.

Dispatch:  What’s your name, sir?

Caller:  My name is ________.

Dispatch:  And your last name?

Caller:    ________.

Dispatch:  Aright.  Just stay on the phone with me.

Caller:  O.K.

Dispatch:  We’ve got several deputies enroute.  Do you want to speak to the deputies or no, do you just want them to get over there?

Caller:  Uh, just get ‘em over here.

Dispatch:  Alright.  I completely understand.  I just have to ask.  Um, do you  know if there’s any… did the guy come in a vehicle or did you just happen to walk outside and see him?

Caller:  I actually was closing my child’s blinds, um, and saw the light on in the car.

Dispatch:  O.K.

Caller:  So I came outside to check it out.

Dispatch:  Are your neighbor’s home?

Caller:  Yes.  They’re home.  They’re asleep.

Dispatch:  O.K…  You don’t see anybody else standing around or anything like that?

Caller:  No.  I’m actually standing out in the yard.  This guy doesn’t even notice me.

Dispatch:  Oh… Let me know if he does anything.  He still hasn’t gotten the car started, has he?

Caller:  No.

Dispatch:  O.K.

Caller:  Looks like he’s rifling through the center console right now.

Dispatch:  You should see the deputies any minute.

Caller:  Alright.

Dispatch:  He still has not noticed you?

Caller:  No… This is crazy.  I’m standing out here in the middle of the yard talking on the phone, and he’s hardly even noticed me.

Dispatch:  You should see a deputy on the street now.  Let me know if you see them… Do you still see him in the car?

Caller:  Yes.

Dispatch:  Do you see any deputies yet?

Caller:  Uh, yeah, I see them.

Dispatch:  You do, O.K.

Caller:  Yeah.  He parked just down the road.  Looks like he’s about to walk up.

Dispatch:  O.K.  I’m going to go ahead and get off the phone with you, O.K.?

Caller:  O.K.  There’s the other one.

Dispatch:  O.K.  Bye.

Caller:  Bye.


10 Responses to “911 Transcript: Burglary Call Leads To Man Being Shot By Deputies”

  1. Matt on August 2nd, 2013 5:36 pm

    Bewildered: I find it ironic you mention that the dispatcher should have instructed the complainant to remain inside his home… Did you not see how well that worked in the T. Martin case????

    TO ANYONE WHO THINKS the neighbor was wrong to call Law Enforcement… I would hope my neighbors WOULD call if it was my home, even if it is me in my own car. The complainant obviously could not identify the individual as belonging.

    Thank you LEO’s for what you do every day, its sad and tragic for all involved and I understand and support the decisions of the Deputies.

    Folks, ALWAYS keep your hands CLEARLY VISIBLE when being approached by Law Enforcement for they never know who they are dealing with. Don’t be mad at them, they have a family just like you and want to return home at the end of their shift.


  2. curious on July 30th, 2013 10:04 pm

    I read transcript & I did not read where anybody could blame this person, the person was not a she it was a sir, reread it, it never said sir went in neighbors house, also the supposed victim did not have rights to go in his mommas stuff unless she gave him the ok, just because people have/&or raisekids does not grant kids to go thru the parents stuff, that’s what’s wrong with people today, they’re not raised to be respectful. The only thing sir did wrong was to stand outside,if he hadn’t called then someone would have blamed him for not calling, so people get with the program, you can’t do nothing to please anyone, one last thing, that caller didn’t get him shot he got himself shot by not following the commands of the officers, I thank them for what they do, I’ve had to have them @ my house but they didn’t see anybody, it’s good to know they will actually fire, although bullets don’t need to bounce around & once you kill you can’t ever bring that something/person back.

  3. lmn on July 30th, 2013 6:06 pm

    The caller was at the neighbors? She left her children went in her sleeping neighbors home and then stood in the middle of the yard. Big problem with this picture. No car worth what may have happened to her. She’s lucky her sleeping neighbors didn’t shoot her. No car is worth all of that.

  4. Preda on July 30th, 2013 12:50 pm

    Really caller your standing in your yard calling 911 and your not scared that your gonna be seen crazy story. I just can’t believe that the officers shot so many times this guy is lucky to be alive.

  5. name on July 30th, 2013 12:12 pm

    “Dispatch: He still has not noticed you?

    Caller: No… This is crazy. I’m standing out here in the middle of the yard talking on the phone, and he’s hardly even noticed me”…

    …he’s seriously acting as if he’s not doing anything wrong. OH…. wait…

  6. TAXPAYER on July 30th, 2013 12:09 pm

    Question. Does the stand your ground law apply to protecting yourself from unprovoked attcks from law enforcement? What would of happend if he had returned fire and say killed one of the officers?

  7. citizen on July 30th, 2013 10:51 am

    Sometimes people need to mind their own business. This neighbor should be charged with filing a false police report, and be sued for physical and punitive damages

  8. bewildered on July 30th, 2013 10:21 am

    I also think this 911 caller did want to play a prank on the victim that went horribly wrong. He recognized his neighbor crawling around in the car and knew he was not a danger to him. Unless he was armed, why else would anybody go outside at 2:30 a.m. to investigate a burglary and remain standing in close proximity to the suspect while chatting with the 911 operator. I feel sorry for the deputies that are thrown into these situations and have to react in split seconds. However, the 911 operator should have told the caller to remove him/herself from the imminent danger and go back inside.. .

  9. cpgone on July 30th, 2013 6:30 am

    The caller should be hauled in and questioned.
    No evidence that the car was being stolen.
    This person is/are a part of this problem

  10. woerner on July 30th, 2013 6:23 am

    I guess the caller can’t recognize his/her own neighbor.