War Of Words Continues Over The Escambia County Jail

June 20, 2013

Words continue to fly over the Escambia County Jail as county commissioners and the sheriff make public letters between their respective sides.

On Wednesday, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan sent a response letter to Commissioner Grover Robinson concerning the jail (click here to read).  The sheriff was responding to an earlier letter from Robinson (click here to read).

The letters started with a June 13 correspondence from the sheriff to the commission (click to read), in which he said he was returning the jail to their control on September 1.

The Sheriff’s Office and the county commission remain deadlocked on how to best bring the Escambia County Jail into compliance with a Department of Justice report and pay for the changes.


14 Responses to “War Of Words Continues Over The Escambia County Jail”

  1. bill on June 21st, 2013 7:46 am

    Very good post by the detention deputy. We’ll see if the county can do a better job. They may learn that more resources are needed.

  2. ECSO Detention Deputy on June 20th, 2013 10:32 pm

    As someone who comes at this from the jail standpoint it is my opinion that the BOCC doesn’t realize the money going to be involved in certain aspects of taking over the jail. Castle Grayskull (main jail) is desperately needing major repairs just to stay upright and CBD is almost as bad. They have to cannibalize parts from one place to repair another, the basement is a blank canvas waiting to be constructed again and there are many occasions when both places work short for one reason or another. I know some people think we don’t do anything other than just sit around but the job is actually one of the most dangerous there is. I know people, myself included, that have broken up fights between inmates and were worried about enough people being able to assist because of staff shortages. I love my job and will not change it but sometimes I wish people were a little more understanding about working at the jail. We as a whole do not abuse your friends and/or family members and in fact we act as sounding boards, protectors, counselors, and even parent figures in some cases. I hope things work out with this but I am afraid people will just continue to say we should keep on the way we are because we don’t need more money for repairs and staff. We also have not received raises for seven or eight years. A lot of people would say big whoop! deal with it but there are plenty of people who receive raises and still barely make it but we at the SO are told to suck it up because they dont want to pay any more taxes. I live in Escambia county and pay taxes like everyone else and while I don’t like the idea of paying higher taxes I will if it will help not just me but the county as a whole. We put our lives at risk every time we go through those doors just to keep you and yours safe. Just saying. Also DHG the inside of the jail is mainly white and green with a couple other colors thrown in

  3. BPD on June 20th, 2013 8:46 pm

    I support Morgan on this one. If the commissioners believe it can be done on the current funding let them manage it. In most cases a single leader with a backbone and a vision will out perform a committee everytime, especially if there is a bunch of petty bickering and back biting going on. I don’t believe you could assemble a single solid backbone, if you combined all five commissioners.

  4. Randy on June 20th, 2013 5:23 pm

    1. Money is not the all mighty answer. A mixture of proper management and adequate funding are..

  5. Jason on June 20th, 2013 4:54 pm

    @Molino Mom:

    The Sheriff’s salary, as well as the salary of all elected officials, are set by Florida Statute based upon a formula that computes a base salary and population of each county.. The Sheriff would have received the same salary regardless if he manages the jail or not.

    The salary for Sheriff for Fiscal Year:
    2012 – 2013 = $138,501
    2011 – 2012 = $138,401
    2010 – 2011 = $139,391
    2009 – 2010 = $139,423
    2008 – 2009 = $139,313
    2007 – 2008 = $139,022

    For County Commissioner:
    2012 – 2013 = $73,632
    2011 – 2012 = $73,531
    2010 – 2011 = $74,474
    2009 – 2010 = $74,505
    2008 – 2009 = $74,400
    2007 – 2008 = $74,188

  6. Molino Mom on June 20th, 2013 1:48 pm

    If the sheriff turns over the jail, his pay should reflect the decrease in responsibilities.

  7. Clueless on June 20th, 2013 11:59 am

    Ok so I guess if no new taxes are the answer, lets just turn them out on the street and we can make another Road Warrior movie to fund the jail. The answer is there but it will take a little give and take on both sides. Thumbs up to the people who believe that the BOCC are liars! Its been shown time and time again. To no new taxes, you need to take a tour of the jail and reevaluate your comment about being overstated or was that misworded?

  8. C.O on June 20th, 2013 11:45 am

    well at least he can write a letter but why doesn’t he ever mention the poor moral at the jail the reason that he has so many vacant CO positions now that are already in his budget but no one wants to work for him.

  9. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2013 11:13 am

    “Awaiting DHG’s comments, always enlightening.”

    Only because you asked.

    I’m glad the Sheriff reconsidered his promise to not speak further to the Board of County Commissioners even if he is just doing it through open letters.

    It was smart of him to point out some of the headaches they are about to bring on themselves if they don’t yield to his wishes. They can decide if it is worth it to them.

    It is good nobody is currently under subpoena or criminal investigation for disagreeing on the matter.
    It is VERY good nobody is currently after me on the matter, not that I’m involved but one never knows.

    The jail is ugly.
    It should be painted sky blue on the outside and pink on the inside. (Although, I have no idea what color the inside is, come to think of it.)

    I still like my cottages idea.

    I have no idea what level of funding is actually required so won’t pretend to say it is too much or too little.

    We would save the most money if the criminals would quit committing crimes. If anybody knows how to actually (not just theoretically) accomplish that, please speak up.

    David for unwasted lives

  10. Naenae on June 20th, 2013 10:45 am

    GO SHERIFF MORGAN!!!!!!!!, Touart and the commissioners are nothing but liars and crooks, that’s been proven time and time again. Sheriff Morgan is doing his job and doing it well and that too has been proven time and again, If the commissioners think they can do a better job, then as Sheriff Morgan has done, give it to them, but they don’t want the responsibility, they just want to sit back and complain about how Sheriff Morgan is doing his job, they are just mad because SHERIFF MORGAN IS THE ONLY ONE DOING HIS JOB CORRECTLY and He is standing up against their “good ole boy” ways. I stand behind Sheriff Morgan 100%, he is the best sheriff this county has ever had. Maybe Touart and the commissioners should take a decrease in pay so they jail can have the funding it needs.

  11. Walnut Hill on June 20th, 2013 8:30 am

    Go, Sheriff Morgan!!!!

    Drama queen, my Aunt Fannie…. Somebody standing firm against the good old boys. I love it!

    Awaiting DHG’s comments, always enlightening.

  12. Changes to current taxes on June 20th, 2013 7:43 am

    The ECAT tax should be removed. It serves to fund a program that only a small number of our population uses. ECAT is a want and not a need. If ECAT is not generating enough dollars to fund itself, then it should be downsized or abolished. Increase the sales tax enough to where the jail and the Sheriff’s Office will be properly funded. By creating funding from the sales tax everyone contributes, even tourists. This will ensure that the jail and Sheriff’s Office is funded for years to come. The other taxes that are currently being used to fund the Sheriff’s Office could then be eliminated as well. In response to “No New Taxes”, how do you plan on funding a necessity? A properly funded Sheriff’s Office will contribute to a reduced rate of crime. In return this will provide a return on the tax payers investment. More tourists will visit the area and more businesses will be attracted to the area. You cannot always look at up front expenses. You should look ahead and see what your back end returns will be.

  13. citizen on June 20th, 2013 6:47 am

    The bottom line is money needs to be found for the jail. How will the BOCC do this?

  14. No new taxes on June 20th, 2013 6:42 am

    The sheriff is a total drama queen. Everything is overstated and fluffed to enhance his side of the story. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Touart and the commissioners are actually on the right side of an issue for once.