Top Of The Class Looks Toward The Future

June 7, 2013

Jazzlyn Franklin of Walnut Hill started last Saturday morning a little nervous, knowing her graduation and valedictorian speech at Northview High School were just a few hours away. And, when she was done, she had delivered a rousing speech and prayer that sent hundreds to their feet in a standing ovation.

“Goal-oriented” would almost be an understatement in describing Jazzlyn. Like track and cross country during her years at Northview, she always had her eyes on the finish line.  And as valedictorian, she was quick to give credit to her faith for her success.

“Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I could not stand here today without giving him some time and attention,” Franklin told the hundreds in attendance before leading them in prayer that ended with a standing ovation.

“I’d really like to encourage you to put God first, and if He’s first, He will lead you in the right direction,” she told her classmates.

Jazzlyn plans to attend Florida State with eyes on a biological science degree with a minor in nutrition. And after grad school, she wants to become a pharmacist. She had considered physical therapy as a career. “But I decided I’m not that hands-on,” she said. “I would rather be behind the counter helping people and using my brain.”

Looking toward the future, she’s afraid life will be much different in little old Walnut Hill and surrounding communities.

“We have considerably strong Southern values now,” she said. “But as the world becomes more accepting of things, we need to stand strong to our traditional  values.”

Once at college, Jazzlyn said she knows she will miss not having her large family close at hand. As for starting her own family, she said she always thought she would marry at a young age, but so far she has not met that Mr. Right.

Eventually, she wants to see the world, perhaps with a start in South Africa. photos, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Top Of The Class Looks Toward The Future”

  1. WORRIED RESIDENT on June 9th, 2013 10:23 am


  2. jackie hall on June 9th, 2013 8:53 am

    Jazz, you are such a beautiful and special young lady and you are an exceptional example to all the young ladies that are here in walnut hill. Iknow that God will be withyou every where you go and he will guide every step you make……we love you

  3. Michelle on June 8th, 2013 4:16 pm

    Inspiration to us all. Brains and Beauty. She does have a very loving family and the community is so proud. Not only does she speak well, she lives her life accordingly. Brought up in the Church with great values. Her speech was overwhelming. We love you and are very proud of you! Congratulations*

  4. N.Nall on June 7th, 2013 11:09 pm

    So proud for you! You demonstrated at school your positive attitude and drive to be the best you could be. You will do great things. Mile by mile- you got it!

  5. Former NHS Grad's Mom on June 7th, 2013 6:42 pm

    Do not know this lady, but know her family and our Lord are both proud of her!

  6. Regina Gohagan on June 7th, 2013 5:40 pm

    Congratulations to a beautiful Christian young lady who will go far in life. Your lovely smile has brightened my day!

  7. Dr. Kevin R. Linam on June 7th, 2013 4:09 pm

    Refreshing and what a blessing she is!!!

  8. Sylvia Godwin on June 7th, 2013 3:24 pm

    Congratulations Jazzlyn. What a beautiful smile. May god bless you in your future!

  9. melodies4us on June 7th, 2013 3:09 pm

    Congratulations Jazzlyn !

  10. jcellops on June 7th, 2013 11:38 am

    sure am proud of this young lady!…she is very special – its obvious that she has a well balanced head on her shoulders….nice article :)

  11. Marie on June 7th, 2013 10:10 am

    So nice to see a young lady that’s not only beautiful on the outside but, beautiful on the inside! So smart and wise too. : )

  12. Jeff Fountain on June 7th, 2013 10:10 am

    Jazz I am so proud of you. I always know you had it in you. I am just glad you stayed focus. Stay focus in the future and you will achieve all your goals. You know what to do. Keep God first in all you do. You have made me one proud father.

  13. Dennis HE Wiggins on June 7th, 2013 9:55 am

    Iwish I had been there to hear the speech. I am thankful that Miss Franklin was brave enough to express her Faith in God at a school-sponsored function in this abominable era of overzealous “separation of church and state,” and equally grateful that she holds our Southern values close. We (Southerners) are – overall – the best people in the nation. I have travelled from one coast to the other, and I yet have found anyplace where the people are as friendly or considerate.

  14. melissa on June 7th, 2013 8:48 am

    Jazzlyn, just continue what you are doing anf you will go far in life!!!!Go Noles!!!!

  15. April Langston-Thompson on June 7th, 2013 8:47 am


    All of Nemours-Endo. is SO proud of you!
    Study hard in college and follow your heart. You’re such a young and beautiful girl, I can’t wait to see what God has planned for you in your new journey.

    Isaiah 41:13

    April (:

  16. FWH Resident on June 7th, 2013 8:29 am

    Was the speech copied down so those of us who missed it could read it? Glad to see recognition given to God! More students need to rely on Him to guide their lives. Hope Miss Jazz can trust God to lead her to a godly husband for life.

  17. Ramona on June 7th, 2013 7:03 am

    I feel that was one of the best speeches I have heard. I know all of Heaven was proud of you. I have told everyone I seen what a great word you spoke. Keep you eyes on Him and He will direct your path.

  18. Willene Bryan on June 7th, 2013 6:30 am


  19. 429SCJ on June 7th, 2013 5:48 am

    Congratulations Ms Franklin on your academic achievements.

    You have a very nice smile, I would encourage you to display it often.

  20. Carrie Fields on June 7th, 2013 5:41 am

    Enjoyed your speech last Saturday, I am proud that you had the courage to stand up for who you believe in. I pray that Jesus keeps his ever loving hand on your life to guide you into the future. Great things come out of Godly women… be prepared! God Bless you on your journey……

  21. Antoinette Franklin on June 7th, 2013 3:14 am

    I am so proud of you.You have accomplish alot.Love you baby girl!!!!

  22. Serena on June 7th, 2013 3:03 am

    Jazz, you are a beautiful Godly young lady. Your speech was an inspiration to everyone! My prayer is that you always keep God first because he will always last! Love you….