Scott Signs Pharmacy, Health Insurance Regulation Bills

June 2, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott has approved a measure that will make insurance-regulation changes as part of carrying out the federal Affordable Care Act, including at least temporarily relying on Washington to do rate reviews for many health plans.

Scott, in a signing message, said he supported the Legislature’s decision to defer to the federal government on such issues as the Affordable Care Act fully takes effect in 2014.

“Rates for new plans will be reviewed by the same federal government that will be enforcing and updating the new rules and regulations throughout this very fluid and uncertain transition period,” Scott wrote.

Scott also signed a bill (HB 365) that will help clear the way for pharmacists to offer certain types of complex drugs for illnesses such as cancer. The bill involves drugs known as “biologics” and will allow pharmacists to substitute similar drugs, somewhat like pharmacists substituting generic for name-brand medications.

“Keeping patient safety the top priority, we can design (a) regulatory framework that will allow Floridians access to these new pharmaceutical products while continuing to ensure we receive the highest-quality healthcare available,” Scott wrote in a signing message.

by The News Service of Florida


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