Scott Signs ‘Bong Ban’

June 10, 2013

Stores selling certain hardware typically used for smoking marijuana have until July 1 to unload those items. Among about the bills  signed last by Gov. Rick Scott was the “bong ban” bill (HB 49), which prohibits the sale of metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic smoking pipes, chillums or bongs.

The bill allows pipes to continue to be sold that are primarily made of briar, meerschaum, clay or corn cob, which are typically used to smoke tobacco.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg, has said the bill wouldn’t eradicate pot smoking, but “we’re going to stop making it convenient.”


24 Responses to “Scott Signs ‘Bong Ban’”

  1. David Huie Green on June 14th, 2013 12:44 am

    “Help me figure this out. Republicans don’t want to Ban guns, because they say it won’t stop gun violence. “

    Only because you asked.

    The right of citizens to to keep and bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution. Congress is not empowered to enact any laws which conflict with the Constitution.

    Therefore, the question you might consider asking is: Why are people who are not Republicans willing to violate the Constitution?
    Why don’t they care what the law orders?

    It should NOT be a party thing. ALL governmental officials and citizens should intend to preserve and protect the Constitution — not the pieces of paper, but the agreement among the citizens of this nation setting up the framework of legitimate federal government. Those who do not care to live within the strictures of the Constitution weaken faith in our government. That is the path of anarchy or police state. Neither is good for our health.

    David for the United States of America
    and simple answers

  2. B. P. on June 12th, 2013 9:02 am

    These are not the kind of issues that we need our tax dollars wasted on. Just like the gun control proposals it will have no effect on the lives of the people that make this world go round, the middle class. We have to be paying to much taxes for government to be able to waste so much money. It’s sad to think about, but I don’t see our government getting any better. They’re like inmuture children fighting over candy. How can anyone have the confidence that we deserve and pay for in them? If they can’t control it, or make money off of it, there goal is to take it away form you. LICK Scott, moves like this are going to make you look like you care about the people. They make you look like you are not foucused on the issues that could really make a differance in the peoples lives that pay your salary.

  3. melodies4us on June 11th, 2013 11:13 pm

    Our governor must be wired wrong.

  4. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2013 7:11 pm

    “What I don’t understand is how we still have legalized tobacco and alcohol. Tobacco causes cancer and alcohol causes major damage to kidneys”

    Should be simple enough to understand.
    You don’t outlaw things you do.
    Members of congress smoke as does the president.
    Many voters use tobacco and will vote against anyone who tries to outlaw it.

    And there are a few people with a libertarian bent who would outlaw nothing simply based on the fact that it will kill its users.

    David for facts

  5. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2013 7:03 pm

    but what if I needed a bong for… for… for…

    Okay, point taken.

  6. huh on June 10th, 2013 8:38 pm

    Help me figure this out. Republicans don’t want to Ban guns, because they say it won’t stop gun violence.

    So isn’t it the same with bongs? Banning bongs will not stop people from smoking marijuana. Especially now that states are accepting it and legalising it

    So why is it ok to ban bongs and not guns? Isn’t banning either just huge government over reach?

  7. 429SCJ on June 10th, 2013 8:30 pm

    @Bob, some people have carrots and celery with low fat ranch.

    Some people have nothing at all because they eat at specific periods.

    Some people engage in projectile vomiting because their body is desperately trying to remove the POISON ALCOHOL from it’s systems, after they drink too much.

    An acrylic bong verses a highball glass, go figure.

  8. wow on June 10th, 2013 6:33 pm

    what dumb ban hey crack heads your pipes r saved I am not voting for them next time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What a joke on June 10th, 2013 6:20 pm

    What a joke……

    Florida must have all its other ducks in a row if Governor Scott has time to spend on this useless piece of legislature.

    The majority has spoken; 60% of Americans want marijuana legalized or at least decriminalized.

    The only people/groups who are against legalization or decriminalization are old “stick-in-the-mud” types who still believe all the anti-MJ propaganda crap from the 60’s and the PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES in which we all know or should know that Rick Scott is heavily vested.

    Don’t be fooled, Rick Scott pushed this Bill through for personal gain not the good of the people.

  10. Bob Hudsun on June 10th, 2013 2:13 pm

    Well if they think we are obese now, wait till they totally legalize it, a good investment would be little debbie cakes, and donut shops, Now if you own a restruant, put in a smoking room and roll the lobster tank , close to where every one comes out, oh and put those hot fresh pastries, right at the should make a fortune LOL

  11. Bd on June 10th, 2013 10:21 am

    Still not sure why they keep marijuana in the mainstream to attack it’s users. To date I’ve never seen a fight break out when folks smoke some weed, they usually get a little silly, mellow and chill. No addiction to marijuana either since the human body develops no dependency on thc. Alcohol on the flip side……….. I’ve seen some serious fights develop from people drinking(instant azzhole, just add alcohol?) it’s extremely addictive and causes numerous physical problems when used in excess. But it’s legal? Meth has destroyed more lives than most any other drug out there so why not step up the hunt for meth labs, have stiffer penalties for those who produce it and promote better ways for people who would cook that crap to make a living? Nah, lets ban water pipes and bongs………… Wow!! And NO, I don’t smoke weed either, or drink for that matter. Just fail to see our governments logic.

  12. mick on June 10th, 2013 9:40 am

    Wow…all the brainiacs at the puzzle palace are on a roll! First a useless texting while driving law with no teeth and now a bong ban…they all had to be hitting their own bongs driiving down the road and texting about how they are all helping Floridians… need to get rid of ‘em all and start over again…thanks for nothing scott…that’s right you dont rate having your name capitalized…

  13. JG on June 10th, 2013 8:56 am

    Why stop there, ban apples and soda cans too, word has it they are gateway smoking utensils. Better ban the sale of Bibles while we’re at it, they have thin pages that smoke easily enough.

  14. ed stuart on June 10th, 2013 8:13 am

    The bill was sponsored by a Democrat, the party that wants government control over every aspect of your life.

  15. 429SCJ on June 10th, 2013 7:26 am

    @Wasted Time, I hope that Pot is never legalized.

    As long as it remains illegal, it remains in the public realm. If it is made legal the government will take it over and screw it up, just as with every other thing government put it’s hands on.

    There’s a little Ned Kelly in us all, or so it seems.

  16. Wasted Time on June 10th, 2013 6:43 am

    What’s next? the ban on rolling papers, will it be the ban onTobacco Annie’s and Richies Liquor products? What will happen when beer and cig’s are banned? I think more people die from alcohol and tobacco than weed. I don’t indulge weed but I see nothing wrong with it. More government B.S. to protect us from ourselves. What a waste of time.

  17. Lin on June 10th, 2013 6:40 am


  18. Matt on June 10th, 2013 6:37 am

    Re: “Wonder why they ban this , yet absolutely no mention of the meth pipes or rose crack pipes sold in the same exact stores.”

    Guess its time to move up Rebel!

  19. 429SCJ on June 10th, 2013 6:32 am

    Bongs Away!

  20. Sarah Grace on June 10th, 2013 5:43 am

    I have no idea about bong pipes or drugs in general. Wouldn’t the ban be for the “rose crack pipes and meth pipes” mentioned be banned if they are made of the any of the material mentioned? If not, I think it was short sited and short have included those as well. But, I believe in general, the world would be a better place if all illegal substances along with alcohol was sucked into a black hole and gone from the planet. Less wrecks. Less accidents of any kind. Less divorce. Less suicide. Less fights. Less murder. Less crime in general. Does’nt bother me in the least. I say Hooray. One less thing to give the dopers an easy way to use….and expensive as heck.

  21. BOGIAN on June 10th, 2013 5:34 am

    Extra! Extra! War on drugs over! Rick Scott singlehandedly crushes marijuana trade!

    I sure am glad that our brilliant gummy mint has started to tackle the really pressing issues for our state.

  22. Sigh on June 10th, 2013 5:16 am

    I completely understand this ban and that everyone thinks it’s a step in the right direction. What I don’t understand is how we still have legalized tobacco and alcohol. Tobacco causes cancer and alcohol causes major damage to kidneys, but marijuana, which has very little effect on the body whatsoever(I’ve done my research), is still illegal. I don’t necessarily think it should be legal, but I just don’t understand the strong opposition to it by everyone when we still have these horrible drugs legal. It’s just that this is what we’ve been accustomed to for so many years and we’ve seen all the commercials stating “marijuana has the same amount of carcinogens as 100 cigarettes, which is a COMPLETELY false statement. People just havent researched it as much because we’ve always been taught “its the devil, and will kill you if you try it”. Lol Just sayin

  23. confused on June 10th, 2013 5:08 am

    Yeah, and what about the methadone clinics? Most of the stories I’ve heard have people going there to get off other drugs. Then, they get addicted to methadone. The program is supposed to wean them off the methadone… haven’t heard of any success stories.

  24. Rebel L. Howard on June 10th, 2013 1:48 am

    Wonder why they ban this , yet absolutely no mention of the meth pipes or rose crack pipes sold in the same exact stores. Most criminals are on much heavier drugs than pot. Why continue to make use of meth and crack easier…but ban a Bong? Really? I’m paying these peoples salaries…won’t vote for these idiots next term!!