Santa Rosa Teacher Arrested For Soliciting Former Student

June 18, 2013

A Santa Rosa County middle school teacher is being held on a $1 million bond for allegedly using Facebook and text messaging to solicit sex from a former student.

Robert Todd Crutchfield, a sixth grade social studies teacher at King Middle School in Milton, was charged with using a computer to seduce a child and traveling after use of a computer to lure a child.

The investigation by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office found Crutchfield contacted a former student on Facebook. After the 14-year old female accepted a friend request from 41-year old Crutchfield, a conversation began. The conversation later continued via text messaging.

During the course of the texting, the conversation became sexual in nature. An adult who was affiliated with the juvenile was contacted who then notified the Sheriff’s Office. Investigators were able to continue the conversation with Crutchfield where he ultimately told the juvenile he  was interested in meeting in person.

Along with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, investigators arranged for Crutchfield to meet them at a specific time and location, thinking he was meeting the teenager. Instead, he met law enforcement officers that placed him under arrest. A search warrant was executed at his residence where additional items were taken into evidence.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is continuing this investigation. If anyone has any information related to  this case, they are urged to contact the Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes unit at (850) 983-1230 or CrimeStoppers at  (850) 437-STOP.


24 Responses to “Santa Rosa Teacher Arrested For Soliciting Former Student”

  1. JM on June 23rd, 2013 4:46 pm

    Okay the Quincy obmission was my bad. I cut and pasted off the Internet. I heard the quote on Christian radio so I looked it up. I did not pay close attention to detail. Please forgive me for not giving credit to the proper forefather. I would not say that the statement is a lie. How can 100 percent of the population be moral and religious? The Constitution was written for a moral society as a whole. One that a majority trust in bible priciples. It protects us from criminals and people who would like to see the freedoms we enjoy abolished.
    As you know the right to bear arms is under attack. Freedom of speech is even under attack. At the same time America is in moral decline. We take Jesus out of our schools, government institutions etc…. And we still expect the same results our forefathers envisioned for this nation. If several generations go on without holding the gospel in regard then we can expect the problems we have. Yes this guy should be punished for his actions. There is no doubt about that. But you can be sure that a country that does nothing about its moral decline will be punished as well. Our prisons are full compared to a lot of other countries. My first entry was in response to someone who was saying sentence him to death. Send this perv on a fast track to hell. At least he believes there is a hell. . I don’t think we have a Biblical right to say something like that. As long as this guy lives he has a chance to truely repent. Yes we are to judge actions. We are also called to love even our enemies. Impossible without Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit active in our lives none of what I wrote makes sense. I’m signing off since we seem to be the only two left. It’s been fun. God Bless.

  2. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2013 6:06 pm

    “I do believe that God loves this man because he said so in his word.”

    Saying He loves His creation, Mankind is fine, just so you don’t say he loves predators. That reads as if He loves them for their predation, not despite it. We are outside his loving forgiveness and outside His hearing without repentance.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. -John Adams (6th President of the U.S.).”

    Actually, John Adams was our second president.
    John Quincy Adams was #6.

    Further, this statement is a lie (presidents sometimes lie, whoever said it) as shown by the Constitution itself.

    It calls for judges, juries, power of pardon, burdens of proof. It lays out limitations on punishments for crimes.
    Crimes are not committed by moral people.

    It lays out checks and balances over the power of government.
    Checks and balances are not needed against moral people.

    In fact, they admitted during the Constitutional Convention that if we were all good people, we would not need any government in the first place.

    “Do we have a biblical right to judge and condemn or should we leave that up to Christ”

    Sure we do.

    The bible sets us up as subject to the earthly powers (in our case, the Constitution) as God’s instruments of justice.
    The Constitution places judgment in the hands of us as citizens.
    Therefore, we are scripturally obligated to judge and condemn when appropriate.

    We don’t have the authority to determine eternal destination (some sects think they have that power, but are wrong) nor are we trying to do so.

    David for truth

  3. JM on June 20th, 2013 2:39 pm

    David you posed an excellent question and I pray that you will have a clearer understanding of the point I am trying to get across. I do believe that God loves this man because he said so in his word. God is love and it is hard sometimes in our human understanding to wrap our minds around that. I also beleve that that love does not mean He is okay with the actions of this predator. He should face the consequences of his behavior. I would not stop loving my children if they did something really bad. The relationship may be terribly damaged and I may not be able to be around them but I can’t stop loving them. They would need to face the consequences for their actions. We learn when there are consequences. Here is God’s word to back that up

    For Christ, while we were still helpless, yet died at the appointed time for the ungodly. Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person, though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. How much more then, since we are now justified by his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath. Indeed, if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, once reconciled, will we be saved by his life. Not only that, but we also boast of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (Romans 5:6-11 NABRE). True repentance is not just saying you are sorry. It is being sincere when asking for forgiveness and then asking Jesus to change you and be your Lord and Savior. If God loved us more when we behaved appropriately then He would not have had to die on the cross. We could earn our salvation and boast and brag about how great we are as opposed to someone else we are comparing ourselves to. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    We do have a Constitutional right to freedom of speech. I pray that will never be taken away because I might be arrested for sharing Gods Word. Here is what one of our forefathers said concerning our Constitution: CONSTITUTION
    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. -John Adams (6th President of the U.S.). Do we have a biblical right to judge and condemn or should we leave that up to Christ
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16, 17 NABRE)

  4. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2013 10:24 am

    “The God I serve also loves the predator and desires for him to seek forgiveness and to go and sin no more.

    Do you really believe He loves them in their role of predator? That He wants them to repent, yes, but not in an unrepentant state of harming His children. Of course, you may serve a different god who likes such things. Many used to serve gods who required their children thrown into the fire. Different folks, different deities.

    Of course, your follow-up quote sounds like the same one I know so it’s confusing just as it’s confusing that so many believe Second Chronicles “my people” includes them without any evidence to support that they are His people or are called by His name. Christ tells us that most are NOT His people because they have rejected His guidance and salvation. This strikes me as quite possibly a case in point.

    “We can write harsh words about him but what gives us that right?”

    It’s called the First Amendment to the Constitution.
    We have the right to speak our mind.
    That includes the right to condemn predation on minors.

    David for law abiding citizens

  5. Matt on June 20th, 2013 9:54 am

    Anne: That’s great parenting, we need more like you. Kudos!

  6. JM on June 20th, 2013 8:25 am

    Matt being born a Baptist or a Republican does not make you a Christian. Have you been saved by grace is the question you should ask yourself.

  7. JM on June 20th, 2013 8:16 am

    Well said, Lifendson. For a while I felt as though I was in a foreign country with no interpretaor in sight. I even get your screen name “Life in the Son”. I look forward to hanging out with you in eternity where no one will have to deal with imorality because it simply will not exist. I know that statement may sound arrogant to some of you but the Bible says that these things are written so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life. I don’t deserve it, I did not earn it, it’s a free gift to all who accept Jesus.
    To those who did not get me I was not trying minimize his crime in any way. One in three girls and one in five boys are molested by someone they know and trust. Many will not come out and tell someone who can help them. I’m thankful this girl was wise enough to realize the texts were becoming inappropriate. She received some moral training from someone. If that many children are being harmed then I submit that it’s false to believe that filth we allow or categorize as harmless fantasy or entertainment has little or no effect on 99 percent of the population. I guess issues such as human trafficking, teen pregnancy, abortion, etc. just come out of thin air. Predators are made not born. With all the children being harmed we might found out some one we know and love might have harmed a child. As for you Matt go back and read the rules. I know you meant to insult me but I am not easily provoked. You see I don’t seek a great sex life in and of itself. I have a wonderful relationship with one person, my spouse. A dynamic physical relationship is a byproduct of that love and commitment. I appreciate the fact that you tried to council me with your expertise. But in fact if you need the filth of this world to have great sexual satisfaction then I would submit that you lack creativity in that area and I take pity on your partner or partners.

  8. Matt on June 19th, 2013 3:41 pm

    Lifendason: That was a low blow… I was born a Republican and happen to be Baptist, NOT THAT IT SHOULD MATTER, RIGHT?

    OldLady: You couldn’t have said it better!

  9. Anne on June 19th, 2013 2:11 pm

    I have to go with Old Lady on this one. TV has been around for awhile now. It is poison to our kids and especially our teens. But parents should still have the last word at home.
    Teens like picking out and buying their own clothes. I have made my daughter very angry at times when I stopped her at the bottom of the stairs and told her to go back up the stairs and “try again”. Teens do not understand there are people out there who assume they are sexually active because of the way they dress. They trust anyone who pays attention to them. They do not understand they are likely to be used and abused by people who feel nothing for them.
    I was taught by many male teachers and every one of them was trustworthy. They were great teachers. I’m glad we never had a rotten apple like this guy.

  10. Lifendason on June 19th, 2013 11:13 am

    JM, I AGREE with what you’re saying and understand it. Others who don’t probably are not saved or they go to a liberal church where it’s all about you feeling good about yourself and your sin is just something that happens in your life. blah blah blah, that is what the devil wants us to thing and obviously it’s working on some.

    Folks, what JM is trying to say I believe,is that we cry/complain about our Gov., taxes, bad stuff on tv, sex offenders, etc and what are we doing about it? Do you as JM verse says seek God’s face in prayer or do you have the atitude of “well, it don’t affect me” boloney? I mean if you have a daughter who dresses like a hooker, do you think she’s not going to draw BAD attention to herself? It’s not about self esteem, it’s about growing up in a godly manner with some morale values that will last through your kids kids.

    BTW, 99% CANNOT hear filth and NOT have something negative happen in their life or others. Stop listening to Oprah, Dr.Phil, and Osteen and start listening to some real advice the BIBLE.

  11. "Old Lady" on June 19th, 2013 10:06 am

    I have seen middle school and high school age girls “come on” to young male teachers in every suggestive way possible. I totally agree that the teachers are more than at fault. They definitely should keep their head on straight.—–but taking your children out of school is not the answer. You cannot keep them in a closet forever. Be aware of what your young girls are doing and wearing and teach them what suggestive dressing and actions does to the opposite sex. I see middle school girls that could pass for a 21 year old. Make up, skirts barely covering their bottoms, cleavage showing and jeans that look as if painted on them. Then if an older man “takes a look” or makes a pass, Mom and Dad are ready to kill him. Common sense and a frank talk with your daughters is what it is all about——-and for heaven sakes, keep the computers in plain sight—check to see what they are seeing and who they are talking to—–and if they won’t let you know—–cut the service off—-nothing “says it all” like taking away the smart phone.

  12. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2013 5:41 am

    Has the matter of Teachers marrying students ever been addressed?

    I find that just as creepy as this, though no one seems to have the stomach to discuss it.

  13. Trisha on June 18th, 2013 9:00 pm

    Sorry, JM, but I have read 50 Shades three times. It didn’t make me want to go after a CHILD. We can’t blame society. We all have a responsibility to ourselves and the people in our lives.

  14. melodies4us on June 18th, 2013 8:01 pm

    Creepy :(

  15. Matt on June 18th, 2013 6:53 pm

    RICK, I think you hit the nail on the head buddy.

  16. Matt on June 18th, 2013 6:50 pm

    RICK, I think you hit the nail on the head buddy…

  17. Matt on June 18th, 2013 6:48 pm

    JM, go tell that to your alter boy… I will forgive him when he’s dead… You have a twisted sense of reality vs. fantasy. The filth you speak of is to fulfill or entertain those fantasies without harm to others & if it offends you, then don’t subject yourself to it, when you act on it, you have gone way too far, as in this case. As far as a sex saturated society, well all I can say is, I’m sorry your intimate life is boring and/or non-existent, sounds like a personal problem.

    ALSO, if you sentenced all pervs to DEATH, you would see fewer stories like this…Even more reason NOT to forgive people like him.

  18. No Excuses on June 18th, 2013 3:07 pm

    When Facebook and social media first started becoming popular, there weren’t many rules governing it’s use among our citizens. However, any teacher with ANY common sense at all would have known that conversing or “friending” on Facebook is no different that picking up the phone and calling or texting each other in a private and personal way. I am a teacher and I would never and have never friended a student. It’s not professional and usually ends up causing problems for all concerned. Most school districts now do not allow this type of contact on personal Facebook or social media accounts. Don’t do it if you are an educator! This “teacher’ obviously has problems in this area, or it would not have happened to begin with. Not all teachers are like this – but some do go into the profession to be around the kids.

  19. Rick on June 18th, 2013 1:36 pm

    I have tried to keep an open mind for most of my life, and not paint with a broad brush when ever a person commits a crime against children. That being said, what is it with teachers and their students?? Are they tempted by the daily contact with young girls and boys? Or, do they intentionally go into a line of work that provides them with this contact ? Same goes for clergy, counselors, scout leaders, and so on.

  20. Cantonment Mom on June 18th, 2013 12:56 pm

    JM, amazingly 99% of the population can hear “filth in our music, movies, televisions, conversations, and reading materials” and not prey on children. Your comment sounds like you are excusing this predator’s actions and blaming society. Sex crimes are less about sex, and more so about CONTROL! Additionally, to address your comment, “We can write harsh words about him but what gives us that right?” I’ll tell you, I have every right to damn sin and sinful actions. How dare a teacher who is entrusted to care for innocent children turn and prey on them. How dare anyone hurt a child! I have a right and an obligation to be enraged at this, and I refuse to blame society instead of the individual for that his sinful actions.

  21. JM on June 18th, 2013 12:00 pm

    He who is without sin cast the first stone. I pray for this young girl and her parents and I thank God that the light was shed on the situation before she was physically harmed. The God I serve also loves the predator and desires for him to seek forgiveness and to go and sin no more. We can write harsh words about him but what gives us that right? We allow filth in our music, movies, televisions, conversations, reading materials (50 Shades). And then we expect EVERYONE to be able to process all that is thrown out there in our sex saturated society and then act appropriately. We need to all get off our self righteous rumps and not tolerate the things that are offensive to the God who created and loves us all ….and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 NASB). If we don’t all stand up for what is right we can expect more and more of these type of stories.

  22. mama 32535 on June 18th, 2013 10:00 am

    He better be glad this wasn’t my daughter and the law enforcment got him ! I am sure he is glad someone is more tactful and handled this the legal way not sure I could have, I think this sicko would have been meeting me first then the law later of course i would have went to prison with him ! This flat discust me ! This is the reason that despite my work schedule of 40 to 50 + hours a week I have now pulled my 6th grader from the public school system and now the child is being home schooled, it just gets worse and worse and worse, praying for the child this man soliceted and their family and sadly i even pray for this man and his family especially his poor mother or wife or daughter if he has any.

  23. Rebel L. Howard on June 18th, 2013 7:49 am

    Yay!! I never mind seeing my tax dollars working to get real criminals. Much more time should be allotted to catch predators like these who are always stalking our children. There are many more I’m sure. Sadly, he will eventually be releases and probably do it again. Penalty for harming or trying to harm a child should always be death. No child should be harmed by these sick people who CANNOT EVER BE REHABILITATED FOR THEIR SICKNESS….

  24. Matt on June 18th, 2013 2:57 am