Man Stabbed, Robbed Just Off Nine Mile Road

June 25, 2013

A transient was stabbed and reportedly robbed early Tuesday morning just off Nine Mile Road.

About 5:30 a.m., the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a stabbing in the 5400 block of Music Lane. They discovered a male  transient who had injuries consistent with stab wounds outside the Liberty Church, just behind Wendy’s. The victim described the suspects as two white male juveniles and one black male juvenile.

According to the victim, the juveniles stabbed him prior to taking some of his personal belongings.

The victim was unable to provide any further description prior to being trauma alerted to Sacred Heart Hospital where his condition is unknown at this time.
Further details have not been released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office as they continue their investigation.


11 Responses to “Man Stabbed, Robbed Just Off Nine Mile Road”

  1. matt on June 27th, 2013 6:03 am

    I live right behind that church that’s crazy i seen the ambulance and everything

  2. LEO GUY on June 26th, 2013 1:26 pm

    That is exactly right. The buck has not stopped at the “chief law enforcement officer” desk since 1948. I believe it was Harry Truman at the time. God could we use a President that says “The buck stops here” instead of “I know nothing about it”. Thank God for a shortage of hand baskets. :-/

  3. D on June 26th, 2013 9:51 am

    If our national gov’t upheld a “0 tolerance” for these terrible heartless crimes it may at least get it down to a crawl. ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION if I may: Instead of giving millions of dollars to countries that already hate us BUILD MORE PRISONS until you house them all…just a thought

  4. LEO on June 26th, 2013 8:54 am

    Quoted from Its a Shame but…Patti……… is extremely difficult when they are bombarded with hatred and Godlessness from the leaders in Washington.

    HERE WE GO AGAIN, LETS BLAME IT ON WASHINGTION. Washington nor President Obama has anything to do with the crime in Pensacola. The crime rate was increasing long before President or the “LEADERS” in Washington took office. Give it a break already…find something/Someone else to blame the problem on.

  5. JJ on June 26th, 2013 8:21 am

    Maybe the transient made up a story of what really happened. They get into ALL kinds of trouble and situations ALL day long……

  6. pm on June 25th, 2013 4:24 pm

    These problems are not new, as a matter of fact, they have always been around. My eldest son is 43 years old and I remember a story he told me when he came home from school when he was in the first grade. It went like this. Hey mom, guess what Johnny told me today. What? I asked. He said that Johnny had asked him how he liked his new shoes. My son replied that they were nice. Johnny then said – Thanks, my mom stole them for me at K-Mart last night. When my daughter (now 47) was in Tate High School there was a knife fight on the bus one afternoon on the way home. The 2 boys fighting wound up in her seat. When I called the school they blew the whole thing off. Today’s problems are a direct result of what 40 years of permissive behavior of both the school and parents being irresponsible have caused. Now that it has escalated to Aggravated Assault, Armed Robbery, Sexual Battery and Murder – everyone wants someone to blame. So in my humble opinion – we have only ourselves to blame for not pushing the schools and ourselves to to be pro-active a long time ago. Liberal thinking has led to the Negative results we have today. Glad my kids are raised and hope things can and will get better.

  7. Ashley on June 25th, 2013 12:15 pm

    Does any one know what happened to the man who used to pick up can that got hit my the car awhile back?

  8. It's a shame but, on June 25th, 2013 11:58 am

    Patti……… is extremely difficult when they are bombarded with hatred and Godlessness from the leaders in Washington.

  9. Sinde on June 25th, 2013 11:48 am

    This area has really been going down hill for a while. I work at the Winn Dixie there and it’s not safe even walking to your car to go home. Thank goodness we have a security guard that patrols the area until our store closes.

  10. patti on June 25th, 2013 11:08 am

    I agree with Leo somewhat. Where are these kids parents? Why haven’t they done the job they are responsible for. I believe in God’s word! I believe when HE gives children to someone, they are responsible for teaching them right from wrong, punishing them when they do wrong (there is different ways to punish without beating or hurting a child), guiding them in picking friends, setting examples for them as being a role model, teaching them GOD’S word. being there for them when he or she needs a mother or dad. We raised sons with God’s help, they’re good boys and we’re proud of them. We set rules in our home for all of our children to live by as long as they were in school and LIVED in our home. I realize that when a young person leaves home he or she are responsible for their being. I pray that the man heals, and GOD blesses him, and the teens are apprehended and punished, not just a slap on the wrist and told not to do such anymore!!

  11. LEO on June 25th, 2013 9:24 am

    Why rob a transient?? People are so heartless ESPECIALLY these out of control teens! So sad to say, this place is headed to hell really fast. No one cares about anyone anymore. No respect! No ANYTHING!!