Lonely Highway: Dog Seems To Sit, Wait For Someone That Never Comes

June 28, 2013

The saga of a lonely dog is playing out on Facebook, capturing the hearts of hundreds of people, as he sits and waits alone by a country road.

On Sunday, Molly Hughes of Flomaton posted a couple of photos of dog on a roadside off Highway 113 near Flomaton.

“He has been sitting in the same spot for 2 days like he’s waiting on his owner to show up to get him,” Hughes wrote in her post, believing someone dumped the dog on the roadside. “It’s so sad.”  She stopped and put out food and water for the dog, but she was unable to get very close to him.

But no matter what, the dog has continued to sit by the road, seemingly waiting for someone he loves to come back.

“It’s day 5 of this poor dog sitting in the same spot waiting on his owner to show back up to get him,” Hughes posted on Facebook on Wednesday. “We have put food and water out for him every day and tried to get him to come with us but he’s scared and won’t leave this spot.”

By Thursday, other Facebook members had begin to help Hughes take care of the roadside dog. Several people visited with the dog and provided food and water. They have been able to pet the dog, but so far he’s too frightened to allow anyone to take him to a new home.

“I want to thank everyone in the community that has helped out with this poor fella,” Hughes said. “It’s so heartwarming to know that many people actually care and will take the time out of their day to help an animal.” On Thursday, Hughes was able to spend about 45 minutes with the dog, providing him not only with more food and water, but a bone and some much appreciated treats.

“Please keep him in your prayers and pray that he will decide to trust someone enough to go home with them soon,” she said.

If anyone has any information about the roadside dog, email us your contact information at news@northescambia.com and we will put you in touch with Hughes.

Pictured: A dog waits by the roadside near Flomaton. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


47 Responses to “Lonely Highway: Dog Seems To Sit, Wait For Someone That Never Comes”

  1. ba on July 1st, 2013 2:13 pm

    My faith in mankind has been strengthened by reading this article. May God Bless everyone who looked after this creature of God. It does my heart good to know that there are so many caring people out there in our community that took it upon themselves to take care of this precious animal. I hope that if someone did intentionally leave him there that it will come back to them tenfold. I am so glad that he will now hopefully have a home where he is loved and cared for. Thank you so much Molly and the others who provided for this lost animal. I am sure whoever gets him will receive love and loyalty for years to come. God Bless You All!

  2. Molly Hughes on July 1st, 2013 9:50 am

    I want everyone to know that someone from Brewton was able to get him into her car last night and he’s safe in her fenced back yard :) She sent me a message on facebook at midnight last night, so I didn’t read it until this morning when I woke up, but when I read it I was so happy and relieved just knowing he’s finally safe!! I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to feed & water him and tried to catch him!! I’m just glad he finally cooperated with someone :) I’m making arrangements to pick him up this afternoon when I get off because she can’t keep him. If anyone out there can give this baby a loving home please contact me on Facebook. I wish I could keep him and if I knew he would stay in my yard I would keep him but I don’t have a fenced in yard and he would end up in the same spot he’s been sitting in all week.

  3. my two cents on July 1st, 2013 6:39 am

    Do you think you can slip a leash around him next time you are petting him? Maybe make him wait for the food, or lead him a little farther away from the highway to feed him and then get a leash on him. This heat has got to be brutal on him with his thick coat. Also, the longer he stays there, the greater his chances are of getting hit by a car.

  4. Molly Hughes on June 30th, 2013 8:16 pm

    I just visited the poor baby he is back in his original spot and very scared. I got him to come to me and I pet him but he was real jumpy and traffic kept flying down the highway and I was scared he was going to jump in front of a car so I left :( I left him some food & water and hope he has a safe night and hopefully someone will be able to catch him tomorrow!

  5. Molly Hughes on June 30th, 2013 10:55 am

    The last time the dog has been seen was yesterday around 8:30 am. The guy from the Humane Society called me and told me that he attempted to catch the dog but he ran off through the woods! He’s probably scared to death! I’ve rode by the spot several times since I got the call and I just got back from checking the area and he’s no where to be found :( I just hope he stays safe and eventually shows back up so someone can catch him and give him the love and attention he needs! I’m just a little upset that it’s taken the trained professionals a week of trying to catch him and still no success!

  6. Dawn Lawrence on June 30th, 2013 8:40 am

    I would gladly foster the dog. I foster Golden Retrievers and own 1 Golden; what’s the status of the dog?

  7. Lynn on June 30th, 2013 2:13 am

    Has anyone tried to take their dog with them and get him to trust that way? That may help. I just took in a stray or I would pick this guy up = We now have 4 and I love animals, but I can not take anymore.

  8. Donna on June 30th, 2013 12:14 am

    What is the latest status? I don’t live close enough to physically check on him but I have been keeping track of his journey. I hope all is well with him.

  9. joe on June 29th, 2013 9:37 pm

    I would adopt him. he is super cute and obviously a very loyal companion. We have plenty of room for him to run and play.

  10. Meredith on June 29th, 2013 12:11 pm

    I have owned two dogs in the past that look similar to this dog. They were both Samoyed Golden Retriever mix exactly. Looks quite similar. Has a Sammy smile. If this is the same mix it might be a dog from further north as not many people own Samoyed dogs here as they are a sled dog. This mix is white apricot in color and if this is the same mix they are a very nice dog. If someone could camp out near this dog they might win it’s heart to go with them. This is a loyal dog waiting for someone.

  11. Atmore G on June 29th, 2013 11:27 am

    Cute dog! Looks healthy.. I sure hope he gets back home with his owner.. Thanks to all the kind folks that made sure he was fed..

  12. Jane on June 29th, 2013 6:26 am

    Praying that his owner will return or that he will allow someone to take him home. There are many dogs like this and unfortunately many are euthanized at shelters. If you want a dog, please go to a shelter and adopt one. They are so grateful and give you such love in return! Let’s hope the animal control people don’t hear about this and euthanize him!!!!!

  13. bex on June 29th, 2013 12:38 am

    Truly inspiring to see so many caring folks in our area concerned for this dog. I pray the Lord will protect him and lead him to a safe furever home soon.bless all of you that are trying to help.

  14. My two cents on June 28th, 2013 10:52 pm

    I would like any updates in the morning (as to whether he has been rescued yet, etc) as I would like to try to rescue him myself. There is some gas involved, so if he is rescued by tomorrow, I won’t make the trip if I know ahead of time.

  15. Carolyn on June 28th, 2013 9:27 pm

    This poor baby doesn’t even favor a chow. Look at his face and nose. But what ever kind he is he sure is a pretty one. And I will give him a good home in a heart beat.

  16. Cristy Wooten on June 28th, 2013 8:58 pm

    What happened to this dog I got a crazy friend that can make anything scared at peace. Don’t get me wrong I love my friend to death everyone knows she’s crazy but gods gift was to make sure she can calm anything. I think it’s really the feeling of safety. I would love to see if she could help,this poor dog anyone know where he is?

  17. Molly Hughes on June 28th, 2013 7:44 pm

    I’ve gone to check on him every hour since I’ve gotten off work and he’s not there. I’ve walked around the area thinking maybe he’s hiding since he’s had a few people try to catch him today, he’s probably scared :( I talked to the guy that works for the Humane Society and they weren’t able to catch him, so either he’s hiding or someone else caught him. I will continue to check for a few more hours then again tomorrow. If anyone sees him or knows if he’s been caught please let us know so everyone will have peace of mind….Thank you

  18. BammaGirl on June 28th, 2013 7:37 pm

    I don’t want to sound cruel cause I like dogs and cats but …… could a vet shoot the dog with some sort of dart gun and make him take a little nap and then when he wakes up he can be at Mommy Molly’s?? Just make sure Molly isn’t around when the vet does the shot.

  19. KAREN on June 28th, 2013 7:18 pm

    I just went to see the beautiful, loving dog and he wasnt at the road that everyone had put down I seen the doggie bowls and they had food in them I added more food, dog bisquits and water with ice but he was no where to be found. A nice man come and had also left food and as we talk he he could tell he was concerned he wasnt there but left food also we looked around for him and the guy said if only I could catch him I would take him home and I said the same. The old guy left and returned and said ‘ I found him’ he gave my husband the directions to where he was which is off wolf log road on a dirt road called mystery road..so if yall go to see him and he aint there check the new location im headed to walmart to get him another bowl to put at the new location and I did get to pet him but my husband would not let me just grab him and put him in the truck he wants to let him trust us before making that move at a fear of him biting but we will be putting food and water out also. HE IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DOG IF I WASNT SCARED OF THE DARK I WOULD GO CAMP OUT WITH HIM!

  20. DL Hall on June 28th, 2013 3:40 pm

    I had cancer in 09 & my dog LuLu (female jack russell) would always be by my bedside & watch to make sure I was OK – we had to put her to sleep because of old age & heart trouble , thats the hardest thing I have ever done !

  21. sandra on June 28th, 2013 3:15 pm

    is he still there

  22. Robyn on June 28th, 2013 2:46 pm

    I went to see the sweet boy. Animal society was there trying to get him so I couldn’t get close to him. They said they would not put him down. Not all chows are bad. My dog is part chow and sweet.

  23. Louise on June 28th, 2013 2:12 pm

    I don’t know that much about chows but my dog is majority lab with some chow mix (he has a black spot on his tongue). I grew up with dogs and cats of all kinds, had multiple pets for my son when he was growing up so suffice to say I know something about the demeanor of animals. Out of all my previous pets I have never in my whole life known a dog that was more loving, friendly to strangers and sweetest guy than the guy I have now. If chows are supposed to be mean then that gene sure didn’t grow inside my boy.
    Please, please someonw adopt this little roadside guy. SHAME to whoever it was that dumped him out. Karma is a b—– when it comes back around and bites you, which I am very sure by doing what you did you will suffer for it. SHAME, SHAME on you.
    Thank you to everyone who has been trying to care for him. Shows there are some good people in the south that do care about animals after all. (instead of those that we hear about in the news that abuse animals)

  24. Mary Lee on June 28th, 2013 1:30 pm

    Has anyone checked to see if there was an accident at the spot the dog has chosen to stay? His master may have been involved in an accident recently. This may be the last spot the dog & owner were together and the dog is waiting on his master to return.

  25. Anne on June 28th, 2013 12:42 pm

    Could someone who lives out that way please take the poor thing an umbrella to get out of the sun? Maybe whoever owned him couldn’t afford to feed him anymore.

  26. Duke of Wawbeek on June 28th, 2013 11:38 am

    Solomon said that “a righteous man regards the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel”. Solomon 12:10.

    Looks like a chow mix. A dog that faithful would be a prime addition to any family that is able to provide for it’s needs.

  27. kelly hall on June 28th, 2013 10:59 am

    I am gonna take my little one to see him and feed him if he is still there when I come to my mothers. If he happens to get in my car i will be fine with that!! :) bless hie heart.

  28. Angie on June 28th, 2013 10:56 am

    I hope that he finds a good home soon. I don’ t get why people will just dump their pet somewhere instead of giving them another home.

  29. Pet lover on June 28th, 2013 10:44 am

    Praying 4 a good ending! thanks 2 everyone! animals have feelings 2 they know wats going on jst cnt talk words

  30. Concerned @ Animal Control on June 28th, 2013 10:28 am

    Please do not allow Animal Control to get involved. I needed help once for a puppy on the side of the road and Animal Control just happened to drive by. They took the puppy after coaxing with food – then, when I called the office to check on the little girl puppy they informed me they would put the poor thing down because of the SPOT on its tongue – saying IT HAD CHOW in it – a dangerous dog. (Note in the photo the dark spot on this dogs tongue too.) I would hate for them to catch him, stress him out in the truck and then put him down because of the spot on his tongue.

    Someone must recognize this little guy. Dogs are so loyal. I pray he gets a good home or the owner comes forward. Maybe he wondered off or got lost or scared during the last thunder storm. Dogs growl because they are scared or frightened – not necessarily because they are BAD dogs. Let’s be compassionate before we jump to conclusions.

  31. JMG on June 28th, 2013 10:05 am

    He probably hangs out there because people feed him. Sounds like smart dog.

  32. Dan on June 28th, 2013 9:20 am

    This poor creature is showing his loyalty to someone
    who never deserved it in the first place!

    God bless this little creature!

  33. Carolyn on June 28th, 2013 8:58 am

    I would love to have this dog and give him a good home.I already have 2 dogs so one more would be alright with me.

  34. Paula plowman on June 28th, 2013 8:53 am

    He is such a scared baby. I have gone to visit him several times and you can tell he just wants someone to love him. I am so glad there is still people in this world that care enough to help the helpless. This has been on my mind since I read it on Facebook the beginning o the week. I hope someone can get him to trust again and be his forever humans :) Molly you are a very awesome person thank you for taking time out of your day to help him and inform us so we could help him too :)

  35. William on June 28th, 2013 8:34 am

    >>This sounds exactly like the story and movie called “Hachi”

    The movie is also available to stream on Netflix and Amazon (free for Prime members).

  36. Lou Schuster on June 28th, 2013 8:30 am

    This sounds exactly like the story and movie called “Hachi” which describes how a faithful Akita dog sat waiting at the train station in Tokyo, Japan for his master to return for more than ten years. His master had died and would never be returning but Hachi, ever faithful, kept returning to the train station every day until he, himself, passed away.

    People in the area who used the train station regularly knew of the situation and kept him fed and watered every day. Those people had such respect for his faithfulness that they collected funds and placed a lifesized bronze statue at the place where Hachi sat waiting for more than ten years.

    The movie “Hachi,” starring Richard Gere is available on DVD for about $5, plus shipping from Amazon is one of those stories that will bring tears to the eyes of most everyone. I heartedly recommend it to those who find the story of the Flomaton dog inspiring.

    Many thanks to the wonderful folks who are caring for him. I would suggest, however, that the Animal Control folks not be involved because we all know what happens to innocent pets after their “time is up.”

    Perhaps if one of the nice folks who are caring for him have a pet of their own, they might take that pet our to the highway and let the two get acquainted and maybe through that effort, our Hachi could find his own “forever home.”

  37. mrriver on June 28th, 2013 8:16 am

    We have a hunting club that’s about 6 miles from here. During our hunting season we find this to be a everyday thing people dropping off unwanted pets.We have found 6 or 7 dogs and 2 kittens good homes.Sad but true

  38. Molly Hughes on June 28th, 2013 8:13 am

    Thank you so much North Escambia for covering this story!! Thank you Renee Jones and the Humane Society employees for your attempt to catch this poor baby!! Last but not least, Thank you everyone in the community for helping me with this baby!! You can tell he’s a lot happier and healthier than he was a week ago!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!!!!

  39. Renee Jones on June 28th, 2013 7:43 am

    The Humane Enforcement officer from The Humane Society has been out several times as well…..setting a live trap and waiting to see if the dog will go in. Right now, because he’s being fed well, he’s not hungry enough to overcome his fear and go in the trap. Also, he does growl if a person attempts to leash him or get closer than he wants. We certainly want this poor fella to get in a safer situation as quickly as possible, but we want to caution anyone trying to handle him to please, please do not push him too hard, too fast and end up getting bitten. Fear aggression is the most unpredictable aggression. The best outcome here is a dog who has been safely handled and can be put up for adoption, if no owner surfaces or if no good samaritan agrees to give him a home. We are very proud that our community and others have taken such a compassionate interest in an animal in obvious need :)

  40. Mark Taylor on June 28th, 2013 7:29 am

    >Please call the Escambia County Alabama Humane Society

    That has already been done. I believe they were unable to capture the dog.

  41. Otto on June 28th, 2013 7:26 am

    Please call the Escambia County Alabama Humane Society, 296-2275. Renee Jones and her staff are wonderful caring people and will take care of the dog. The main thing now is to see that he does not get run over in the road.

  42. Beth Smith on June 28th, 2013 7:24 am

    Molly–You are indeed a special person. Thank you for caring so much about one of God’s creatures. I, too, am praying that he will soon trust someone enough to get in the car and go home with them.

  43. DogLover on June 28th, 2013 7:10 am

    Could it be that his master could possibly in the area somewhere, hurt (or worse) and he stays because he doesn’t want to leave his master? Has anyone thought about this possibility and checked the area? Beautiful dog, seems healthy. Hard to believe that someone would just abandon him like that. I agree that he seems to be waiting, but maybe someone needs to search the area a little more closely. He waits because he loved his human; and, with that much devotion by this dog, his human obviously loved him too.

  44. Outback on June 28th, 2013 6:58 am

    Molly you are awesome for helping this poor fellow. Praying he will trust soon. Also, the world needs more Molly’s!!!

  45. Willene Bryan on June 28th, 2013 5:13 am

    Thanks for sharing William, I was praying by now he would have been notice on Face Book and back with his owner or at least a new home. And thank you Molly Hughes for showing him you care.

  46. gatorgirl on June 28th, 2013 2:09 am

    bless his heart, what a story! Thanks Molly for caring about a gentle soul and the care and concern to broadcast his plight………. please keep us informed William….ya know what they say about karma and i truly believe it……….for humans and animals.

  47. 429SCJ on June 28th, 2013 1:29 am

    I pray that he finds a good home and does not get in the road.