Increased Mosquito Activity in Escambia County Due to Recent Rain

June 13, 2013

Escambia County officials tasked with monitoring mosquitoes are noticing increased activity following our recent rains.

The Escambia County Mosquito Control Division said stagnant water can serve as a danger to people and animals.  It is important to be protected as people are cautioned to avoid mosquitoes at this time and throughout the warm months of the year. Animals, such as dogs, cats and horses may be bitten by mosquitoes as well, though these animals may be protected by using vaccines and other methods as prescribed. A veterinarian should be consulted for methods to protect animals from mosquito-borne diseases.

Officials said mosquitoes are active in the predawn and predusk hours.  If being outdoors is necessary at those times, cover exposed bare skin with appropriate clothing and use repellents as directed on the product’s label.


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