Happy Father’s Day: Dad’s Best Advice

June 16, 2013

For Father’s Day, NorthEscambia.com invited our Facebook fans to answer the question “What’s the best advice your dad ever gave you?”.  Responses are below.

Feel free to add a comment to this story to answer the question or just wish your dad a (belated) Happy Father’s Day.
What’s the best advice your dad ever gave you?

Dad Bubba Griffith — The best advice my Dad has given me would be “You will catch more bee’s with sugar than salt” meaning always be kind to others even in a bad situation, being kind and respectful will get you farther in life than being mean bitter or spiteful. He always has little sayings that he tells me when he thinks I should hear them. They get stuck in my head and I carry those words with me. “Words of Wisdom” I like to call it. He is a great father, person, friend, and neighbor. He volunteered his time for years and years at Cantonment Ball Park when we was growing up. All of the kids loved him and he was a great mentor, and person in the community. We love you Dad, Happy Fathers Day from Jody,Cody and Ashley.

Scott Lunsford — “You can let the bad stuff that happens to you turn you bad or you can use it to make yourself a better person. The choice is yours but no matter what you choose, I will always love you.” -  (advice myd Dad gave me the day we buried my son)

Ace Ellis — “Son, if you are going to be dumb, you need to learn to be tough.”

Shawn Moyers – Lester Walker was truly the rock of our family. We lost him 1992. I was his stepdaughter but from the time he married my mother I never felt like anything but his daughter. The best advice he ever gave me was “to never let other people tell you who you are”. I love and miss him today as much as ever.

Casey Pritchett — “To have things others don’t have you have to be willing to do things others won’t do.”

Renee Barfield — “Thank God every morning that you wake up and every night when you go to sleep and for the family and friends that you have because every second you’re still alive is a gift”.

Tina Fowler – Very wise words from a very Godly man – “Put God first in your life and everything else will fall in place.”

Sandy Wiggins – My dad, Earney Lambert, always said do people the way you want to be done. He was a great man.

Brittany Peebles — Throughout the trails and tribulations of my life my father Ronald Peebles has been my shoulder to lean on. When things get tough I always seek his wisdom to help me through. The most memorable advice my father ever gave me came about one day when we were discussing the pains of the past. His advice was this — “Brittany it’s like a fishing trip. It’s as if you hooked a big one and you’re reeling as fast as you can. Then it leads you into a log which puts you into a hang. You can snatch your pole a hundred times trying to get your spinner bait back. You can even back up and try to get it out. It’s stuck though. You’ll never get it back. While you’re worried about your spinner bait and beating yourself up about the big one you just lost, there is surely an even bigger one right down the way that’s just waiting for you. However, if you don’t cut your line (cut your loses), you’ll never know what other big ones (opportunities) are out there’. -  I still carry these words today. My daddy is truly my best friend.


11 Responses to “Happy Father’s Day: Dad’s Best Advice”

  1. melanie on June 17th, 2013 7:00 pm

    happy father’s day dan rudd….I love you and you’re an amazing man and great father!

  2. Candy Knight on June 17th, 2013 12:50 pm

    Happy Fathers Day Daddy! Wish you were still with us! Miss you everyday!

    (ya know, your favorite child! LOL)

  3. melodies4us on June 17th, 2013 12:01 pm

    My Dad’s best advice: Always face the ladder.

  4. Tinia Hennington on June 16th, 2013 9:30 am

    To my husband……..Marcus Hennington…THANK YOU for being the best DAD to my son.
    To my dad…..Fred Johnson (Ready Freddie) …….. HAPPY FATHERS day to you from all of us….
    To my son…..Joshua…. you make me proud of the dad you have become to your baby girls.

  5. mnon on June 16th, 2013 9:27 am

    My dads best advice I will always remember, “anything can be bad if you let it control your life”

    I like this because it’s not a common old saying, when he said it to me it actually changed my life.

  6. shelby lowery on June 16th, 2013 8:53 am

    happy fathers day to my dad Ray Turner,pawpaw Ricky Lowery, and pawpaw Lloyd

  7. Robert Cole on June 16th, 2013 8:09 am

    “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”

  8. Susie Dunaway on June 16th, 2013 8:05 am

    My daddy always said,”As long as you’re happy with how you look,don’t worry what others think. If they don’t like what they see then they can turn and walk the other way. Don’t spend your life trying to please other people.” I say this to my kids often.

  9. 429SCJ on June 16th, 2013 7:24 am

    Moderation in consumption, manage your finances and never start another task without first completing the task at hand (explain that one to the military).

  10. Teresa Tipton on June 16th, 2013 2:25 am

    My father did .not pass out advice He showed it by his work. He and mom raised 7 children on a farm here in Cottage Hill and Alabama. I am thankful we ztill have him. He still works his farm in Al.mostly by bimself He is now84.We love that he can still work . I also want to shout out to my son Happy Fathers Day.
    He is still recovering from the wreck. HFD to my brother David Lamb and to all fathers

  11. Triston Long on June 16th, 2013 1:23 am