George Touart Applies For County Administrator Job

June 18, 2013

Interim County Administrator George Touart is one of 63 applicants that want to become Escambia County’s permanent administrator.

Touart was hired temporarily in November and took the post December 1 after the county commission fired Randy Oliver. Touart served as county administrator for five years, resigning amid ethics questions in 2007. All formal ethics complaints against him were dismissed.

“This would be nothing less than temporary until we could find a  qualified, permanent, top shelf, class act replacement,” Commissioner Gene Valentino said as he made a motion

A five-person citizen committee has been named by the  Escambia County Commission to review each of the applications and select finalists for the job.


15 Responses to “George Touart Applies For County Administrator Job”

  1. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2013 6:12 pm

    “It seems The Peter Principle is alive and well in Escambia County: Given the opportunity, man will rise to his/her ultimate level of incompetence.”

    The Peter Principle does not apply here.
    It posits the idea that people are promoted until they have a job they can not do but are protected from removal.

    He could do, did do, does do the job and could be removed for any reason whatsoever — even for “being too big for his own britches”

    David for proper britches

  2. Ken on June 21st, 2013 2:54 am

    We must have a group of really dumb commissioners in Escambia County. George was taken out of the Administrators job because he got a little too big for his own britches. Do not understand how he came back as a temporary Administrator, but he managed to do that. Now he wants his old position back and the very people who removed him from office will probably put him back in the same position, I hope not…It seems The Peter Principle is alive and well in Escambia County: Given the opportunity, man will rise to his/her ultimate level of incompetence.

  3. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2013 6:21 pm

    Why not let George run the jail?

    A man for all seasons.

  4. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2013 10:12 am

    “he’s trying to retire. When he left before he was a little short on time to feed from the public trough and is trying to drag out the time to select a new county administrator.”

    I imagine he has made enough time since then that his retirement is now assured.

    By the way, if a man has earned retirement as part of his work pay package, it doesn’t really strike me as “feeding from the public trough” to draw that retirement.
    Perhaps you think all who are paid to work for the public are just hogs slurping up the slop, though. In that case, it would be accurate — or equally inaccurate.

    To me the questions to ask are:
    Do you trust him? If not there is no reason to consider hiring him.
    Can he do the job? It seems obvious he can since he already has and is.
    Can he do the job better than other applicants? If not, then hire one of them.

    David for trusted, competent workers

  5. molino jim on June 19th, 2013 9:05 pm

    @ PWS–he’s trying to retire. When he left before he was a little short on time to feed from the public trough and is trying to drag out the time to select a new county administrator. Does anyone recall if the county was repaid for the charges the son of “good old Georges” racked up on the county charge card in a topless bar? Or how about the violation on Wilson’s property involving Forest Gibbs? Tell me it’s not fun to live in Escambia County.

  6. PWS on June 19th, 2013 8:32 pm

    These worn out politicians never give up, retire already !!

  7. Patriot on June 19th, 2013 12:48 pm

    If you do not support Mr.Touart’s bid for the job, CALL your County Commissioner and TELL him or her.
    Let them know that poor hiring decisions on their part could result in you voting for someone else next election.

  8. pm on June 19th, 2013 9:08 am

    Haven’t we been there – done that?

  9. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2013 5:39 am

    I think that a city like Prichard Al. could benefit far more than Pensacola, under the administration of an individual of Mr Touart’s caliber.

  10. Molino Mom on June 18th, 2013 1:33 pm

    I would say this is quite a surprise, but not in Pensacola. I think someone above Rick Scott, maybe a federal office, needs to look at all the goings on here in P’cola.

  11. Hank Ster on June 18th, 2013 12:45 pm

    Mr. Man, We had one. His name was Oliver.

  12. jeeperman on June 18th, 2013 12:21 pm

    All I am gonna say is the meaning of “temporary” sure is a long time around these parts.

  13. molino jim on June 18th, 2013 10:01 am

    As Gomer would say–SURPRISE–SURPRISE–SURPRISE. Here we have a temp. who was removed before and now is back and he is to help pick the new administrator. None are good enough for our county– here comes good old George to the rescue. Please look at his history before he showed up here. A county in Miss. voted out the total board of county commissioners. So good old George acted a city administrator until he hooked up with WD (remember WD?). If you didn’t see this coming you had to be blind.

  14. oh my on June 18th, 2013 8:14 am

    Please not again! Pensacola needs a person not as influenced as George…Can u imagine what he has done we dont know about….His pockets have been lined for years……..

  15. Mr. Man on June 18th, 2013 5:50 am

    “This would be nothing less than temporary until we could find a qualified, permanent, top shelf, class act replacement,” Commissioner Gene Valentino said as he made a motion.
    Seriously!! Well I guess that counts touart out. By the looking at him he needs to go retire and enjoy the rest of his life. It’s time to get a new person in there who doesn’t have any affiliation with the county commissioners. Someone not influenced by the ” good ole boy” attitude. Maybe the county will move forward then.