Escaped Inmate Busted Within 10 Minutes

June 13, 2013

An inmate that escaped from the Escambia County Jail didn’t manage to get very far during his 10 minutes of freedom this morning.

Just after 8:00, inmate worker Michael Eugene Washington, 41, walked away from the Escambia County Jail on “L” Street. He was seen walking down Fairfield Drive and then observed by officers walking toward Pace Boulevard. He climbed onto the roof of a building in the 2800 block of North Pace Boulevard.

The building was surrounded and Washington was taken into custody within 10 minutes of his escape.

A ladder truck from Escambia County Fire Rescue was used to assist in removing Washington from the roof.


8 Responses to “Escaped Inmate Busted Within 10 Minutes”

  1. David Huie Green on June 16th, 2013 3:11 pm

    “just like this guy, you’ve not been convicted of anything.”

    Of course, if one of the charges is possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, then he HAS been convicted of at least one thing. The punishment for a felony conviction does not end at the end of any confinement, it includes inability to possess firearms until such time as his civil rights are restored. I know many think they should be restored as soon as a prison term ends and it would be better for business when your business is armed robbery, but others disagree with that viewpoint.

    Further, this is proof that conviction is a legal fiction. He is charged with escape. Did he escape? Seems obvious, but legally he didn’t even though people have pictures of him on the roof after his arrest. Legally, he only escaped after a jury or plea makes it official even though it either happened or didn‘t happen already.

    Of course, it could some giant conspiracy to convict an innocent man over and over, but how likely is that?

    David for the innocent

  2. redneck on June 13th, 2013 9:52 pm

    Wow, why would you try to get out it is crazy what people think…

  3. Matt on June 13th, 2013 6:21 pm

    Chris, if you don’t break the law and get arrested then you don’t have to worry about how “cushy” the jail is and you don’t have to worry about how good the food is or about being beat up or raped. I have been a victim several times thanks to our wonderful criminals in escambia county and I’m glad they are locked up somewhere that is not “criminal friendly”.

  4. Dale on June 13th, 2013 5:14 pm

    Wow Chris, you seem to have a lot of first-hand knowledge of jail conditions. Unlike you, I wouldn’t have any knowledge of the food or getting beat up and raped in jail.
    You’re right this guy hasn’t been convicted of anything yet, he’s only being held on charges of grand theft, criminal mischief, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, grand theft of a weapon and fleeing / eluding and resisting arrest.

  5. Chris on June 13th, 2013 1:31 pm

    Hmmm, Dale, why don’t you go to the Sheriff and tell him, from your vast experience, how to run the jail, since you seem to know everything. And before you all try to tell everyone some fiction about the jail, go in there and see for yourself how “cushy” it is. You’ll love the food, and getting beat up, and raped….and just like this guy, you’ve not been convicted of anything.

  6. Dale on June 13th, 2013 10:23 am

    Hmmm…and just how does an inmate “walk away ” from the county jail, especially an inmate arrested for fleeing / eluding and resisting arrest.

  7. Tammy on June 13th, 2013 9:59 am

    Yes leave him up there for about 2 hours,,, but now he will have more months to stay in there,,, No light bill no water bill nothing to pay but time!!!

  8. mick on June 13th, 2013 9:30 am

    Should have just waited him out, in this heat he would have come down soon enough…back to his cushy air conditioned cell…