Citizens Property Insurance Considers Rate Hike

June 22, 2013

The Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Board of Governors will review proposed rate increases for the state-backed agency’s 1.26 million policy holders next week during meetings at Miami Dade College.

The new rates, which for policy holders will vary depending on coverage and location, are expected to be between 6.9 percent and 8.8 percent higher.

The premium costs are expected to cover Citizens’ projected losses and expenses during the next year. The 6.9 percent increase would create a $178 million increase to premiums. An 8.8 percent increase translates into $226 million more in premiums.

Citizens’ committee meetings are planned for Tuesday, with the board meeting on Wednesday.


8 Responses to “Citizens Property Insurance Considers Rate Hike”

  1. Brattmom on June 23rd, 2013 4:11 pm

    I got my statement for this year and my premium
    Went up just over 300.00 from last year, we have
    Never had a claim, when I called my agent she
    Said everyone’s ins was going up anywhere
    From 30 to 50% this year, this is redickous,
    I ask if I could get only the amount that I owed, she said
    No that you have to get the replacement cost, and of
    Course materials are steady going up so the replace
    Cost does.

  2. FredS on June 23rd, 2013 1:48 pm

    To JM. Citizens was created by the State Government of Florida so I don’t know where you’d kick them out to or replace them with. I guess the state could require insurers who do business in Florida to carry a percentage of high risk policies in proportion to the number of outstanding policies they wright, but that requirement would be unpopular to the insurance companies and they might retaliate by cutting campaign funding to the politicians. As far as Jane’s question I think home owners insurance is to cover loss from the mortgage holders perspective, so if you can put a bond up for the value of your house just pay it off and you won’t need insurance plus you get to pocket the interest

  3. Jane on June 23rd, 2013 6:01 am

    In some states you do not have to have insurance, you can post a bond for the amount of your home. Is that true in Florida? I don’t know if that is a possibility or not but if it isn’t maybe it should be. It is usually cheaper than insurance.

  4. Robert on June 23rd, 2013 2:53 am

    For 15years I was with Allstate never made a claim. In 2011 my home caught fire, my home was rebuilt I was paying $800.00 year for insurance. Allstate dropped me the only insurance company that would cover me is citizen at $2100.00 year. I have to keep this insurance for 5years before I can shop around for a better cost.

  5. puddin on June 22nd, 2013 9:50 pm

    c. w.-You dont have all the facts. Insurance companies wont cover older homes or mobile homes. I am a hard working, responsible adult. I have, by the grace of God, never been on welfare or any other kind of assistance. Because I own a mobile home I cant get insurance. Just plain cant. Its not too expensive or anything else. It is just plain not offered, period. And frankly, Im sick and tired of being stuck with no choice except to pay, and to bite the annual increase bullet. You can bet my coverage doesnt increase. My deductables dont go down either. Same coverage, or less, for more and more money. Believe me, if I could find ANYONE else willing to insure my mobile home Id be all over it. Citizens sucks. But it aint welfare insurance or it would be free!
    Anybody wanna buy a cheap mobile home in Walnut Hill for twice what its worth?

  6. JM on June 22nd, 2013 5:27 pm

    Citizens are the biggest bunch of crooks. I had a fire a few years back and it took 10 months and a lawyer later to get my money. I was very fortunate at the time I had some money put back or me my wife and 3 kids would have been homeless. I think they should kick Citizens out of Florida.

  7. ins theif on June 22nd, 2013 10:42 am

    So no ins co. will cover older homes ,or trailers .I get a rate hick every year and my coverage, well lets just say if I take my premium’s for the last 4 yrs. I would have what my Citizens will pay me, If I am covered. Witch I m not cause they took away my wind damage . Thanks????

  8. c.w. on June 22nd, 2013 4:44 am

    The proposed increase is not enough. Until citizens insurance can sustain its self without the help of every insurance holder in the state having to help pay into the welfare pool for the 1.27 million policy holders of citizens.