Century Losing WIC Services

June 19, 2013

Century will lose WIC services at the end of this month, according to the Escambia County health department.

WIC — the Federal Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children — provides vouchers for free nutritional food to use at local grocery stores as well as nutrition and breastfeeding counseling for women, infants and children under 5 years old.

The Century WIC site at 511 Church Street will close after Tuesday appointments on June 25. Beginning July 1, the Molino site will be the nearest Escambia County location where former Century clients can receive WIC services. The Molino site is open all day on Mondays and Thursdays, and on Friday mornings. Persons needing WIC services should call (850) 595-6670.

WIC services will be available to Century area clients at any WIC location in Escambia County (FL) or Santa Rosa County, including Jay.

For more information, including all WIC locations in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, click here for a letter that was provided to Century WIC clients.


11 Responses to “Century Losing WIC Services”

  1. Preda on June 21st, 2013 1:29 pm

    Century is such a poor place I do not understand why this is being done to the children. I was upset that the health dept was not gonna have their nurses in the schools but now I feel better cause it looks like something is WRONG Dr Lanza I Know you read this why are you changing? What is wrong we the people of the county need to understand You use to stand your ground and not fold under pressure I know both your wife and you are caring and I don’t get it. I have personally seen your wife stand up for children at hospitals when things was not right so I know y’all have hearts I am very worried why have you changed.

  2. Dennis HE Wiggins on June 21st, 2013 12:12 pm

    Another chokehold placed on North Escambia. It all goes back to the “one county/one city” idea that has been floating around. If Century loses all government offices – thereby making it harder on the citizens – we will gladly accept the NCO (New County Order). Then they can REALLY stiff us! But they want us to think we will get more that way. DON’T GIVE IN NORTH ESCAMBIA!

  3. Me on June 19th, 2013 11:07 pm

    Why not close a location in Pensacola and keep the Century location open. There are four offices in Pensacola counting the office at the Navy hospital so why couldn’t one of those locations been closed instead of the Century office?

  4. JimD on June 19th, 2013 7:04 pm

    If the President would come back to the US after the G8 summit rather than spending $100M on going to Africa; perhaps may WIC program offices could remain open and stay funded for the rest of the fiscal year (ending September).

    With the closure of the Century office will the employees at the Molino office be working all hours opened? Or will they also have to take a day off with out pay due to sequestration?

  5. Rufus Lowgun on June 19th, 2013 4:52 pm

    WIC is a federal program, not a county one. Are you all starting to get it yet? When you start cutting spending (like with the sequester we’ve all heard about) it isn’t just “those people” that are affected. It’s everyone. Just like when the Farm Bureau up in the north end of the country closed and now folks have to drive to Molino for those services. Keep believing that “the government is the problem” and trying to kill it rather than trying to make it better, and things like this will continue to happen. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

  6. Margielu on June 19th, 2013 2:09 pm

    Another government entity decision to withdraw a service access point from a community who so badly needs it, trying to eventually make all our services available only in downtown Pensacola area. I do not live in Century, but I do understand how this narrow-minded decision is detrimental to the folks who need WIC the most -Children! The least the county could do is have a mobile services agent report to Century once a week for enrollments. Then maybe at least one person other than a client would appreciate the drive time and distance.

  7. Rod Pumas on June 19th, 2013 12:54 pm

    Another reason to establish a Manna Food Pantry in Century.

  8. Molino Mom on June 19th, 2013 10:50 am

    There are a lot of very needy people in Century and close by areas. Why is this happening?! Please reconsider, maybe the Molino office could open up 1 day in Century. A lot of these people do not have their own transportation.

  9. James scott on June 19th, 2013 9:25 am

    one more office closed in the end,we have drvie 20 miles but our taxes go up on everthing schools close now this

  10. kathy@frontier.net on June 19th, 2013 7:58 am

    Nikki is right. Plus add on 4 cents a gallon for gasoline to get to Molino if you have a car. I think the Health Dept. forgets its a COUNTY service paid for by our tax dollars. Leave it to Lanza to omit the North End of the County for services. He is like the rest of the politicians and believe me he is a politician.

  11. Nikki on June 19th, 2013 6:23 am

    I don’t use this myself, but know plenty of families that need the assistance. Once again Century gets the short end of things. I just don’t understand why county officials, etc think Molino is close, so move everything there. There are SOOO many people in Century that can not get to Molino for whatever reason. I am certain if they moved everything from the west side of Pensacola to the east side they would have plenty of complaints and would change this. That is not NEARLY the distance across town as from Century to Molino. I really wish that some day they would no longer continue “forgetting about” the northern most end of the county.