Cantonment Man Shot By Mother Of His Child
June 3, 2013
An Escambia County man was jailed after being shot in Cantonment last week by the mother of his child.
A female told deputies the father of her child, 25-year old Casey Lee Leopard of Cantonment, came to her residence on Benjulyn Road holding their 2-year old child. She said he forced his way inside when she opened the door. He searched for and found the woman’s phone in an attempt to determine where she had been the previous night, according to an arrest report.
The woman retrieved a firearm, located ammunition for it and attempted to leave the residence. Leopard then allegedly thew her to the floor and choked her. She escaped his hold and loaded the gun. As Leopard approached her again in her hallway, she shot him in the knee, the report states, because he was coming toward her and she feared being attacked again.
Leopard fled the residence and was later located at Victory Assembly of God Church on Highway 29, the report states. He was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital for his injuries. After his release, Leopard was arrested and charged with domestic battery by strangulation and depriving the use of 911. He was later released from the Escambia County Jail on a $5,000 bond.
45 Responses to “Cantonment Man Shot By Mother Of His Child”
Trust me i have been down that road as a father..My X wold call 911 every two years around the same time to have me locked up….ihave never hit her but i went to jail even if the police report says theres no sign no red marks ect….but still have to fightbit out in court the system is screwed up i think it a DV both partys jail no matter what and i bet there will be less of DV cases in Escambia County….
If it were me, I would’ve aimed a bit higher…got him between the eyes. Chances are, he’s a repeat offender. I hope him & his whole family are completely ashamed. That’s a really great way to set examples to their children, by choking out their mommy. I would teach my daughter to load aim(high) & shoot! Just saying…
More men need to learn to leave their hands off of people! She did the right thing. Just should have aimed higher!
He deserved it and he’s lucky she didn’t aim higher.
“Florida has a fairly new law on the books. Anytime the authorities are called to a domestic dispute someone is going to jail…”
The “new law” you reference has been on the books for 20+ years. No, someone doesn’t go to jail anytime we get called. But the victim no longer has the option of saying she (or he) doesn’t want to press charges for getting the stew knocked out of them. If there are witnesses and/or evidence of violence, THEN the aggressor takes a ride.
“Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone read the article and see that he arrived at her house with the baby in his arm. Sounds like mom was the irresponsible one. She must have known the baby was safe with dad or she would have had the child instead of being out and about. ”
Is there a custody/visitation order? Even horrible parents get visitation unless the courts terminate a parent’s rights.
Seriously people, don’t make comments unless you know the facts. I wasn’t there. Were you?
I hate seeing domestic violence cases, especially when a child is involved. However, good for her! Whether he was staying or leaving he deserved to be shot after he put his hands on her! What a useless piece of garbage! It’s a shame that some are trying to defend him! What would you want your daughter, mother, sister, friend to do in this situation? Who cares if he “ran” away, he deserved more than a shot in the knee! All he (and all woman beaters) get are slaps on the wrist by the judicial system so she just made sure he got his lashes! Whether he hit or not, when he barged inside her home that he doesn’t own..she had the right to shoot him, right then and there!
Also, I want to address this statement.” Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone read the article and see that he arrived at her house with the baby in his arm. Sounds like mom was the irresponsible one. She must have known the baby was safe with dad or she would have had the child instead of being out and about. What would have happened to the child if dad didn’t have it? Happy Father’s Day Mr. Leopard. I pray the older generation will pray even harder for the present generation, values of life decrease each and everyday.”
So, because he had the child that made the mother irresponsible? That’s make no sense. It’s called sharing custody. There was no argument about the child being safe with the father until after he barged into her home and attacked the mother. “What would happen to the child if the dad didn’t have it?” What is your point, that has no relation to the story? You’re absurd and should have your opinions revoked! Happy Father’s Day to a man who put his hands on a woman? A respectable man wouldn’t ever do such a thing. I bet you’re a woman beater too. The type likes to make excuses for one another.
[quote] I know this man hes a very good friend of mine just let me ask you people if she pushed him off of her like it says what was he doi g the whole time she went and got the gun located amunition for it and came back. It isnt like he was just sitting on the couch waiting for her to get the gun he was shot in the back of the knee that means he was shot from the back so how was he advancing towards her ?[/quote]
Seeing that Casey has been found guilty of Felony burglary and theft as well as Stalking, and that he has also been involved with multiple domestic incidents, I am much more inclined to believe the word of the victim rather than word of a Felon.
I know this man hes a very good friend of mine just let me ask you people if she pushed him off of her like it says what was he doi g the whole time she went and got the gun located amunition for it and came back. It isnt like he was just sitting on the couch waiting for her to get the gun he was shot in the back of the knee that means he was shot from the back so how was he advancing towards her ?
Hey….at least he was only shot in the knee!
It is interesting how some people state opinions as if they had a ring side seat to these occurences and seem to support those who simply put “were in the wrong”. This young guy, I won’t stoop to calling him a “MAN” because fathering a child doesn’t make him a man, what he does afterward does. If he was a man he wouldn’t have a hole in his knee and stand accused of domestic violence. The fact he didn’t call for help speak volumnes as to why he didn’t want LEOs involved with his situation. Someone shoot me in the back of the leg I’d scream for LEO. But then on the other hand when your looking down the business end of a gun you can turn on a dime in less than a heartbeat, even more so when you know you deserve to be shot, JUST SAYING.
Florida has a fairly new law on the books. Anytime the authorities are called to a domestic dispute someone is going to jail…LEO’s can usually tell who the guilty party is….glad this mom finally had enough of this low life….kudos to her!!!
OK folks, I think the point has been miised by several in this opinion block. If you knew both parties involved, his height and weight against a 115 lb. woman is big factor. Abuse is a no no. You don’t come into a house uninvited and demand to know anything from someone that has been separated from you. He has a control issue and he needs professional help! Can’t have your cake and eat it too! As far as the child being in danger. The father did not harm the child. He harmed the mother every chance he got. The gun and ammo was desperate because the child was in the home. Bottom line is DONT PUT YOUR HANDS ON A WOMAN and this won’t happen. When you push a person into a corner, they will only back up so far. To the mother….I’m proud of you for standing your ground. To the father, learn how to treat a woman and this won’t happen!
See where she was the night before…. Some men love to show how insecure and insipid they are by acting like they own a woman.
Possibly irrelevant but interesting reading:
Interesting tale
wonder how much is true
(I assume the reporting is acccurate, but know sometimes facts and tales are only distantly related.)
Suggestion: Be careful when mating.
Whether he was running out of the house shouldn’t have anything to do with the fact of the woman beater being shot. He was strangling his baby’s mother in front of his child. This is a worthless individual. He deserved a lot worse than being shot in the knee (front or back).
GOOD FOR HER!! I would much rather read that a parent was defending herself and child, as opposed to the scumbag parents that do/cook drugs with their children right there. As for his walking towards or away doesn’t matter as far as I am concerned. IF he were walking away could she know if he was leaving or just going to arm himself with something to come back. Doesn’t matter that he was holding their child when he came to the door (perhaps he had visitation and was returning the child home) BUT that does not give him the right to intrude into HER home, take HER phone, and put his hands on HER attacking. I’m sorry nice guy or not, don’t bully and put someone in fear for their life and you won’t get shot and end up in jail. Apparantly, he and his family have dealt with this for a while considering he has an attorney on speed dial. I can say this without even blinking, had it been me he put his hands on….he wouldn’t have been shot in the knee and he wouldn’t have been sitting in the jail later…..nor would there be need for his attorney any longer. Has anyone even thought to ask why she felt the need to have a gun for protection?? Was it for general protection as we are (at least for now) entitled to have….or….wait for it…..could it have been because she realized that he is a dangerous person that left her feeling that one day it might come down to her life or his……either way I stand behind her. I don’t recommend shooting a person willy nilly, but I also don’t think we have to be targets or doormats. Also, before anyone jumps on this bandwagon….I have a lot of respect for men, just not ones that feel they can be Lord and Master over someone with violence.
friends and family of casey that thinks he does no wrong im sure yall would be singing a different tune if you seen the bruises he put all over her or if tht was your mother sister or friend this happened to you would want him dead or in prison
everyone saying he was shot in the back of the leg you must be a friend or family of him and helped him harass her at some point over the past 7yrs,you werent there so its stupid for believing his word.if it was you there that he did this to you probably be dead from being strangled.and if it was me tht was pointing that gun i would have aimed to were he wouldnt be able to do harm again. and you all including the mother say he loves their child but he is soo messed up in the head i have no doubt he would hurt her one day too he already has mentally.i wouldnt have allowed any custody at all long ago after all the craziness he has done.he is a nightmare this is a horror story i bet if he had killed yall would still stay he did nothing wrong.
If I read the article correctly, she had to load the gun. She had it stored properly around her child.
Where’s the child endangerment????
people are such idiots sayin he was shot in back of the leg…u werent there ur prob friend or family of him and probably helped him stalk her at one point sinve it has been goin on for sooo long any dr. Or somekind of medical examiner can look and tell you he was shot from standing face to face.and everyone saying you dont know all the facts if it was you he did tht too you would probably be dead frm being strangled or if it was me i wouldnt have aim for tht leg
Next time aim higher…
To release this violent offender on a $5,000.00 bond????
So glad she and the baby made it out okay.
It is amazing how fast family and friends of an abuser will turn on the victim, even in cases when they know the violence and control have been going on for a while.
The wound will tell which way he was facing when shot.
Does not matter where or who tells the tale.
So don’t be so naive as to believe the guy shot nor the person shooting.
Don’t hit girls fella. Your not a man for that. Hopefully whatwe read is close to the truth and she was being attacked once again, then she shot. All in all a crap situation. Life is never, and usually doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, especially if you make bad decisions.
Either way, hopefully this man learned to never hit a woman again. Hopefully this woman chooses better “mates.”
Lessons learned on both sides. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.
considering the alleged crime, his bond is not appropriate, in my opinion….$5,000.00??? thats only $500.00 to get out….hope a judge granted her a restraining order……she needs to keep that gun hidden up high and LOADED! (should have gotten a child endangerment charge too!)….UPDATE- .just reviewed his clerk of the court entries: tampering in felony 3rd degree proceeding was $5,000.00 bond and the felony domestic battery by strangulation was $10,000.00 bond
i am a friend of Casey’s and knowing him personally i know he loves his child more t hen anything, but he’s controlling and this isn’t his first physical altercation with the mother, so I’m sure she was scared for her life and she had every right to shoot him. the saddest part is that he chose to do this in front of his child.
Judging by clerk of court he obviously has a history of similar behavior. It will never end with people like this due to mommy and daddy running to his rescue and paying their way out. Already obtained an attorney before even being released from jail. There comes a time when right is right and wrong is wrong. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong and was shot in the back of the leg I assure you he wouldn’t of been the one sitting in jail. She stood her ground and that is something so many women are afraid to do. What is it going to take for people to realize you can’t stand behind your children when their tempers are ending with their hands on other people?!
All a female has to do is start crying and the police will take her word as fact. And in many cases (especially if its a female cop) the so called “victim” is coached by the deputies into saying just the right keywords so they can basically hang the guy. We all know this happens but we can go back to pretending now…that is all.
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone read the article and see that he arrived at her house with the baby in his arm. Sounds like mom was the irresponsible one. She must have known the baby was safe with dad or she would have had the child instead of being out and about. What would have happened to the child if dad didn’t have it? Happy Father’s Day Mr. Leopard. I pray the older generation will pray even harder for the present generation, values of life decrease each and everyday.
He’s lucky to be alive. She could have aimed higher
Sounds like he had it coming. Don’t force your way into a home uninvited and you won’t find yourself in a situation where you get shot because you are attacking the resident of the home! He needs to grow up and learn to work with the mother of his child for the child’s benefit, if not his own.
Just saying….. You must be a friend of Casey… You get your story straight. You only know what he said. He is lucky she spared his life.. You have No clue what this has done to this family.. She saved her and her daughters life… And I am thankful she had the strength to fight him off as he was choking her.
Just because someone was “leaving” doesn’t give them a “pass” on whatever they did. Trust me, you break into my house, and I catch you, you can turn your back all you want, but you will die of lead poisoning.
Too many criminals believe that if they get caught, or the tables turned on them, they should just be able to give up and go away! I’ve read stories of criminals getting guns taken away from them, and then having the gall to come back and ask for their weapon back!! Unbelievable!
He’s just lucky she didn’t aim for the biggest part of the body.
I know every news article can’t or don’t tell the whole story but, if he was there while she retrieved the gun and then waited around until she loaded it, sounds like he was asking for it. I would have left when she got it the first time.
HOORAY for the LADY !!!!! Too bad she did not shoot him in his back since the family members want to take up for him and make everyone believe he was running away from her. He is noting but a good for nothing WOMAN ABUSER and will never ever change. One a woman abuser ALWAYS a woman abuser.
He definitely IS NOT a real man because real men do not treat women like that. Glad she stood her ground but only wish that she put the bullet between his eyes and put him out of his misery and one less woman abuser here on earth. Way to go MOM !!!!
Never knew a bullet could make a complete circle and hit someone in the back of the leg when they were facing each other. Get your facts right before you make a comment. He ran out after the fact, the only problem, he didnt keep running!!!!!
RE: bewildered
Courtney, use this incident to teach your child in the future! Surely you don’t suggest that this display of domestic violence is a good trait for a child to follow.
This lady STOPPED domestic violence by shooting the perp. I teach my daughter to do the same thing in similiar situations except the perp’s knees would have been fine (his head and chest wouldn’t be though).
Double Tap
To bewildered, you don’t know the whole situation. they didn’t just have a baby from a one night stand. I personally will be using this to teach my daughter what could happen and how to defend herself. That’s why my husband and I bought her, her first gun this post Christmas. So just try putting yourself in the mothers shoes, what would you do if the man you once loved tried to kill y
ou in front of your daughter?
Hopefully she blew his knee out and he’ll remember how stupid he acted every time he stands up for the rest of his life. Sad that they’ll have to share a bond for the rest of their lives now. I feel sorry for the child who will be stuck in the middle of the hate and ignorance.
just saying dont speak unless you know the facts! Casey was shot in the back of the leg runing out of the house!
Courtney, use this incident to teach your child in the future! Surely you don’t suggest that this display of domestic violence is a good trait for a child to follow. I am not by any means suggesting women should resign themselves to be punching bags for men. They need to get smarter and choose wisely when and with whom to make babies and avoid baby momma/baby daddy dramas altogether. Once a child is in the picture, two people who may not like each other are connected for a lifetime – and sadly sometimes this bond is toxic.
Great job mom! There are so many young women out there today who wouldn’t stand up for themselves or their children in the face of abuse and that breaks my heart and angers me! I’m so glad you did whatever was necessary to protect yourself and your baby from this power-hungry, waste of fresh air that some people would call a man! Thank you for once again proving that women are not naive, defenseless, doormats! Use this incident to teach your child in the future.