Hill Easily Wins House District 2 Special Election

June 12, 2013

Staking out conservative positions in a Republican-dominated district, Pensacola insurance agent Mike Hill cruised to victory Tuesday in a special election to replace the late Rep. Clay Ford.

Hill collected nearly 58 percent of the vote, while Democrat Jeremy Lau, a labor-union leader, received about 42 percent. The special election in House District 2, which includes voters in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, came nearly three months after Ford, a Gulf Breeze Republican, died of cancer.

After Tuesday’s results came in, Hill said in a brief telephone interview that he focused throughout the campaign on a conservative message that was “from my heart.” He said voters in the district were looking for that type of message.

“It’s simply a message that resonates in this conservative part of Florida,” Hill said.

Hill, who will become the only black Republican in the Legislature, beat five other GOP candidates in a May primary and had a major fund-raising edge against Lau. In all, Hill had raised about $189,000 in cash as of last Thursday, while Lau collected about $27,000.

A State Farm agent and graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Hill said he likes the direction that Gov. Rick Scott and Republican legislative leaders are moving the state, pointing to efforts to reduce the size of government, lower taxes and reduce regulations.

Those are the types of issues he focused on during the campaign.

“Mike Hill is a constitutional conservative at his core,” Hill’s campaign website said. “As a veteran and a small business owner, he knows firsthand the value of our God-given liberty — and the need to be vigilant in defending it.”

Lau, president of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 2777, criticized Hill during the campaign for not appearing with him at public events and also differed with the Republican on issues. For example, Lau supported the state accepting $51 billion in Medicaid money under the federal Affordable Care Act to expand health coverage for low-income Floridians — an idea that Republican lawmakers rejected this spring.

Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats in the district by about 10,000 voters. With all precincts reporting Tuesday, Hill had 11,060 votes, while Lau had 8,047, according to the state Division of Elections website. Voter turnout was about 17.6 percent.

Rep. Steve Crisafulli, a Merritt Island Republican who is expected to become House speaker after the 2014 elections, said in a prepared statement that Hill will be a “strong conservative voice in our caucus.”

“His election sends a clear message that Floridians want smaller government, lower taxes, and the freedom to pursue the American Dream,” Crisafulli said.

By The News Service of Florida


9 Responses to “Hill Easily Wins House District 2 Special Election”

  1. drlile on June 13th, 2013 11:24 pm

    Congratulations Mike! I have faith in you and the God you serve. May you be granted discernment from above as you serve all citizens of your district, both born and unborn.

  2. Theresa Archbell on June 13th, 2013 2:33 pm

    Congratulations Mike! If we only had more Godly men in office!!!!

  3. Kathy@frontier.net on June 13th, 2013 8:24 am

    Boy what you don’t read here. Think about it, DUH has it right. Been in control forever and still has done nothing and wasted a lot of money doing it. I’m thinking people don’t read much and don’t think much down that end of the County. Obviously a few up here too!

  4. Duh on June 13th, 2013 6:43 am

    So the Republicans tea-bag another district.

    Always running on smaller, more efficient government, and values.

    Yet, Republicans have been in control of both the Florida House and Senate since 1996 (17 years) and in the governor’s office since 1999 (14 years). All Republican campaigns are based on cutting waste, less spending, etc., and, of course, “improving” moral values.

    After a decade and a half in total control of state government, one might imagine Republicans would have identified all the “waste”. Fact of the matter is the State of Florida just passed the,largest budget in state history.

    As for moral values, I see another story on NE.com about the state executing another human being, claiming moral justice. And, I think about Republican campaigns using moral values as an issue, with much emphasis using Mosaic law. I only wish their campaigns based their values more often on the words of Christ as stated in St. Matthew 5:38-48.

    I can only hope Representative Hill can see through the fiscal smoke of his own party and the moral wax coldness of the Tea Party movement.

  5. Charles M. Hill on June 12th, 2013 10:21 am

    If we can continue to elect true conservatives in Florida, we can lead the nation to elect true conservatives on the national level. Mike Hill will help us in that journey.

  6. Michael Johnson on June 12th, 2013 8:56 am

    After meeting Mike Hill at a rally in Bagdad 3 years ago I was amazed at the first three words coming out of his mouth. “Is there not a cause?” He championed that Bibical axiom since.

    He is a man of character, honestly and courage. He stands tall among those who do not value family values and honest good work.

    I am proud to know him. He is a gentleman and a man of honor.

    Not to mention big government.

  7. briarroot on June 12th, 2013 4:08 am

    What about all those ballots that were stolen in Santa Rosa county? Did that affect the outcome any?

  8. justsmart on June 11th, 2013 10:11 pm

    I met Mike a few years ago at a stump rally in Jay. I voted for him then and am so glad such a wonderful person won today. We need more like him. He reminds me of the great wonderful Mr. Allen West. God Bless!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oversight on June 11th, 2013 9:02 pm

    I met Mike Hill several years ago at a Northview High FFA function when he was running for the Florida House (unsuccessfully in that attempt). He seemed to be genuinely concerned for us even though he would not actually represent our area. Mike, congratulations and God’s speed in carrying out your newly elected duties for the people of Florida!