Blue Angels Team Members Takes Part In Century Storytime

June 27, 2013

A member of the Blue Angels took part in an afternoon storytime Wednesday at the Century Branch Library. PR1 Jeremy Green, a parachute rigger first class for the Blue Angels’ Life Support team, read a story to the packed library crowed and shared stories about his time in the Navy and with the Blue Angels. Green is from Spring Hill, AK, and enlisted in the Navy in February 2002 as an aircrew survival equipmentman.

Special storytimes will continue with a member of the Blue Angels at area libraries as follows:

  • Thursday, June 27 at 10:30 A.M.,: Tryon Branch, 1200 Langley Ave.
  • Saturday, June 29 at 2:30 P.M.,: Westside Branch, 1580 W. Cervantes St.
  • Tuesday, July 2 at 10:30 A.M.,: Southwest Branch, 12248 Gulf Beach Hwy.

Groups of 20 or  less are invited to contact their favorite library to inquire if seating is available for attendance  at this very special Blue Angels storytime event.

Pictured top and below: Blue Angels team member PR1 Jeremy Green reads to children Wednesday afternoon at the Century Branch Library. Pictured inset:  Enjoyig the story. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Blue Angels Team Members Takes Part In Century Storytime”

  1. Matt on June 28th, 2013 6:45 am

    That is excellent that the Blue Angels are still being leaders in our community in spite of being temporarily grounded. God bless you all!