Big Brother Watching: First Verizon, Now The Internet

June 9, 2013

News accounts and officials said U.S. intelligence agencies have been peering into the servers used by nine major Internet companies and tracking millions of phone calls. Among them are Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype and Apple. All of the tech companies have denied any affiliation with PRISM.

They have also been tracking the source and destination of millions of phone calls, though apparently not listening to the conversations.

As all of this information zooms around the Internet on fiber optic cables, officials are using a program called “PRISM” to sort through and analyze data. Officials said they are searching for links to known or suspected terrorists, and seeking patterns that might reveal something about planned attacks.

The Internet companies deny they are voluntarily participating in any government data collection, and say they only give the government what is required by law.

The computer analysis is possible because Internet communications by e-mail, chat, video or file transfer are all converted into a stream of ones and zeros and broken into little packets.

Each of the packets contains the unique computer addresses of the sender and receiver, and the sequential number, so that the message can be reassembled at the destination in the correct order.

The majority of Internet communications actually flows through the United States, because computers do not necessarily use the shortest route between them, but the easiest and cheapest one.

For instance, the optical cables between Europe and North America can transfer many more packets than cables between Europe and Latin America, which makes it easier to move this traffic. It also makes it easier for U.S. intelligence agencies to monitor these communications.

According to an article in The Guardian, U.S. phone communications giant Verizon was ordered to provide the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) ‘metadata’ on all calls going through its network within the United States and with other countries. The collected ‘metadata’ does not contain actual conversations, but can still be useful to investigators.

‘Targeted data mining’

Metadata contains phone numbers, area codes, GPS data, and time and duration of calls. It may also identify phone models and other technical information.

Once in the possession of the NSA, all collected data can be stored in data warehouses – huge memory banks – where it can be analyzed and cross-referenced by sophisticated software which can decipher usage patterns.

The professional term is ‘targeted data mining.’  However, there is no evidence that collecting and analyzing it are effective tools.

In an interview with VOA, Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, said the NSA is collecting much more data than it needs.

She said if the government wants to know who the suspected or known terrorist is communicating with, it can do that by getting the telephone records of the individuals it wants to investigate.

Without confirming the story, a senior Obama administration official defended the practice as part of the provisions of the Patriot Act, the law passed by Congress after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.



25 Responses to “Big Brother Watching: First Verizon, Now The Internet”

  1. SW on June 11th, 2013 9:44 am

    The federal government is bound by the US Constitution, supposedly. What part of Amendment IV did they violate, here?

    This is unlawful activity, regardless of which party is in power.

  2. Tim on June 10th, 2013 6:59 am

    This is not a Democrate problem or a Republican problem it is a progressive problem, nor is it anything new.Thomas Jefferson put it best “people willing to trade their freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both.”

  3. David Huie Green on June 10th, 2013 1:42 am

    Robert S.
    “Huh, I thought that Obama said just the other day that “the war on terror is over”.”
    molino jim
    “Didn’t George the second say the same thing after landing on a aircraft carrier that had to go in circles for several hours while the families waited. Just so the Commander in Chief could land and show off. “

    Actually, President George W. Bush didn’t say it just as he didn’t say “mission accomplished” even though he did ride in a jet which landed on an aircraft carrier which had a banner saying “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”.
    He didn’t put up the banner,
    didn’t fly the jet,
    didn’t speak the words.
    Some of what he actually DID say on the carrier was:

    “We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We are bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.”
    “Our mission continues…The War on Terror continues, yet it is not endless. We do not know the day of final victory, but we have seen the turning of the tide.”

    Likewise, some of the things President Obama actually DID say were:
    “Every war has to come to an end,”
    “no nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare”

    He DID NOT propose to discontinue killing those who threaten our nation.

    David for truth and an end to terrorists
    by any means necessary

  4. huh on June 9th, 2013 6:59 pm

    Republicans should be happy about this huge government over reach. After all it was George W Bush that started it all with the Patriot Act. Americans demanded to know why we didn’t have 9/11 prevented. So they used the chance for a huge over reach of power.

    Obama promised hope and change but instead kept all of the Bush Era programs in place

    So it won’t matter who you vote for, no one is going to stop it

  5. david Lamb on June 9th, 2013 5:47 pm

    ” thats fine with me as long aas they are catching the terrorist”
    Problem with that attitude is that our rights as American citizens, republican or democrat , are being erroded and if you think that its not hurting you, then wait and see.
    Blame iot on Bush, but this president, supreme leader, has takemn it to a higher level. He ios like the snake on jungle book, telling you to trust him,while he is secretly trying to devour you! He has spopken with forkled tongue thropughout his term in office,saying one thing to appease,then doing the opposiote. You dont need to liosten to my phone conversations to know that I advocate for his need to go away. the sooner the better!

  6. Just Me on June 9th, 2013 5:25 pm

    Well, all YOU democrat/liberals, are you still glad you voted for a muslim and all that FREE stuff in trade for ALL of our privacy and freedoms????

  7. Robert S. on June 9th, 2013 3:28 pm

    @Molino Jim……George Bush II “landed” an aircraft on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, to declare “Mission Accomplished” and announced that in the battle for Iraq the US and its allies had prevailed.

    10 years later we are still there and the people we have sacrificed American and other forces lives to assist are still murdering each other and US in the name of religion. And our current president announces the War against Terror is Over…?

  8. flustered on June 9th, 2013 2:10 pm

    Our courts and prisons are overflowing and yet they want to monitor all Americans watch email, their phone conversations, what their interests are on the internet and every other thing in our lives. Today, you can falsely accuse your neighbor in this county and have him arrested. The respect for your neighbor, morality, and minding your own business has been thrown out the door. The real trouble makers walk around and keep something stirred up all the time. Now our government has become big brother. Instead of policing the websites that should be illegal any way they watch your pc and arrest just the sickos using it. The ones providing the drugs and porn should be arrested first. Everyone lives in fear since 9/11. Funny how our lives get watched by our government in the so- called attempt to thwart terrorism which rarely exist in this country. Of course we don’t want to be as susceptible to terrorism as Britain or France has in the past. Instead of taking our constitutional rights away why don’t we cut out any influx of foreign students which come from nations that have a population of radical terrorists. Why should we pay for their educations? I think our government is too big and needs reduced.

  9. c.w. on June 9th, 2013 1:44 pm

    Remember when J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI recorded, spyed on everyone, then blackmailed the elected officals to control everything. Its still going on today and will never stop as long as a muslin is in the white house.

  10. American on June 9th, 2013 1:19 pm

    If you think this current regime cares about terrorism, I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you! This regime is about control, the want your faith, your family, firearms, funds. They will abolish the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and replace with Sharia law, If you cant see what is going on, wake up to the liberal media and regime lies!!! One answer to the whole mess, you know His name!!!!

  11. Bob Hudsun on June 9th, 2013 1:05 pm

    So how many will admit that they think it was a good idea for the IRS to to target conservitives and the tea party groups??? Since a few of you think spying is okay.

  12. Bob Hudsun on June 9th, 2013 12:49 pm

    Well the terrorist have won by some of these commits,Lets make them give up every thing to feel safe, What ever happen to , Find them where ever they are , catch them waterboard them, go to what ever country they hide in and kill them. I a big fan of profiling them that’s right, I AM NOT politicly correct, if muslums are the enemy , then that is where you start, to do any thing else is stupid, Hey ya’ll can give up any of your right you wish to, but the rest of us, who have a backbone, are not ready to , not now not ever, so you can cry and suck on uncle sams tit like a baby,( oh please save me uncle sam, ) but I would rather die a free man, , than a stomped down coward waiting on some one to run my life. no wonder this country is going to hell.

  13. Friction against the machine on June 9th, 2013 10:23 am

    To most in government…the Constitution is just “a good idea…just guidelines…” unfortunately many in positions of authority just sweep it aside.
    You would think the masses would be fired up over this in that it effects every single person in this country….I shudder when I hear spineless politicians like Lindsey Graham say things to the effect of “if you aren’t doing anything wrong you have no reason to fear…”
    if that’s the case then let him publish every stitch of email and every phone log of his cell phones….it’s not about whether or not anyone has something to hide…it’s about whether govt has a right to know the private details of your life.

    This country…top to bottom has turned into a country where individual rights to privacy, property and in some cases even basic human rights are spit upon. At what point in our history did we get rid of intelligent, selfless statesmen and replace them with the “isle of misfit toys rejects” we have in our govt now? Are these leaders a reflection of the populace? I think NOT! I think the voices of those who would oppose the regimes activities gets lost in the sea of voices brought about by a political system which is at its best morally bankrupt and at its worst would make even Stalins old police state hiarchy blush. People need to stay on this issue and not let it go away!

  14. Bob Hudsun on June 9th, 2013 9:59 am

    Robert is right , obams said the war on terror is over, oh he meant on our enemies, cause now he has started it on the American people.

  15. molino jim on June 9th, 2013 9:58 am

    @ Robert S– Didn’t George the second say the same thing after landing on a aircraft carrier that had to go in circles for several hours while the families waited. Just so the Commander in Chief could land and show off. I could care less if my calls or internet information are recorded as long as the fools who want to destroy this country face the same thing. I don’t see “Big Brother” behind every tree, I do see a chance to be in a public place and not be concerned that a fool like the two brothers in Boston want to kill me and my family. There are “home grown fools” who would like to see this country wiped out. You only have to look right out side of Mobile to see a good example.

  16. Bob Hudsun on June 9th, 2013 9:57 am

    So to those who would sell their privicy to feel safe, whats next , you willing to sell your soul? I find it digisting, and offensive , so If obamscare wants to shove a bug up your butt, to (make you feel safe,)what a joke,guess ya’ll will go along with that also, By the way why has obams not secure the borders???? It amazes me that some folks are so stupid they will just go with any thing.Well we need to reign them in, and they need to do it NOW

  17. David on June 9th, 2013 9:32 am

    United States Constitution, Amendment IV reads,
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    But, that’s a pesky document that our government has been trying to circumvent for some time now…

  18. Kathy on June 9th, 2013 8:45 am

    I’am Glad to here they can Track phone call’s, if you Don’t have anything to hide don’t worry about it. I Believe this has been going on for many years its just now getting out. So let the NSA do there job.

  19. Robert S. on June 9th, 2013 7:32 am

    Huh, I thought that Obama said just the other day that “the war on terror is over”.
    Was comforted to know that all it took was for him to make that announcement and the ones who would murder us have changed their focus from jihad to knitting and going back to farming and such. Good to have that power.

    Saw on news where in California there is a “toy gun buy back” program where kids turn in their toy guns and get “prizes”. Start gun control at the roots of our youngest citizens and by the time they are adults nobody will own a gun. Oh, wait, I’ll still have mine. Same video of kids dropping Nerf guns into a box showed kids being digitally photographed. Wonder if the govt is collecting that too?

  20. Friction against the machine on June 9th, 2013 7:15 am

    Don’t we as a govt criticize when China does this to their own citizens? Or when they spy on the US? Yet it’s ok for the US govt to spy on its citizens?
    Pay special attention to what they don’t say more so than what they say:
    James Clapper (big wheel in the regime) said “we re not listening to everyones phone calls or reading everyone’s emails.”
    Ok then….whose emails and phone calls are you listening to? What criteria is being used to determine which phone calls and emails being opened and phone calls being eaves dropped on?
    Is the criteria such that it can warrant prying into emails from millions of Americans or only a select few? Does making a comment on a blog critical of the govt trigger govt reading your email?
    Dont trust the govt and don’t expect them to “do the right thing” when the ones watching out for your civil liberties are the same ones spying on you.

  21. Duke of Wawbeek on June 9th, 2013 7:14 am

    I hope the Homeland Security agents do not become corrupted monitoring the pornography these people watch non-stop.

    I hear people make comments about some of the sights and goings on in these local towns, well with people shoveling such trash into their brain what else can you expect for an outcome. Filth in Filth out.

  22. on June 9th, 2013 7:03 am

    Such big deals over nothing. You want to be safe then you pay the price. Right now people think it is the right thing to do to jump the government for anything. Grow up and deal with reality.

  23. dad on June 9th, 2013 5:44 am

    What? You mean everything I post on the internet is not a secret? (sarcasm)

    That’s fine with me. Especially if it helps catch terrorosts before they kill innocent people or people looking at child porn before they meet a child in person.

  24. Jane on June 9th, 2013 5:27 am

    Did you really think Big Brother wasn’t watching and listening? After 9-11 everything became available for the government to look at, simply because it was a way to catch the bad guys. Now who knows what they really look for.

  25. Henry Coe on June 9th, 2013 1:20 am

    Nothin’ new. This stuff started decades ago and got kicked into overdrive by GWB in 2001 with the Patriot Act. Progressives and Liberals were speaking out against for years and Conservatives told us “how dare you besmerch the President during a time of war.”.
    Sen RUSS FEINGOLD voted against the Patriot Act and spoke out about it often. Including in 2001 when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld set it up with the help of the SUPER MAJORITY Republicans.

    Go to and check out his effort in the Legislature.

    It would be nice if the networks weren’t hyping the news into infotainment about this. Everyone is all of a sudden in a fear driven crisis mode but really it has all been pretty much the same for a decade or developing based on the Patriot Act.