Scott Signs ‘Infants Born Alive Bill’ In Cantonment

June 6, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott was in Cantonment Wednesday afternoon to sign a bill that will seek to protect infants born alive after attempted abortions. Scott was joined by First Lady Ann Scott and pro-life supporters from across the state to sign the bill at Florida Baptist Children’s Home on Chemstrand Road.

The measure requires health-care professionals to “humanely exercise the same degree of professional skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of the infant” as would be the case in a natural birth. It also requires that infants born alive after attempted abortions be immediately taken to hospitals.

“As a father and grandfather, there is nothing more precious or special than welcoming a new child into this world and by signing this bill, we are protecting the most vulnerable among us and affirming their rights as individuals. This legislation ensures common-sense measures are taken to help care for the babies who survive abortion procedures and grants those infants the same rights as infants who are born naturally,” Scott said.

“On behalf of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes, we applaud Governor Scott’s commitment to protecting the unborn.  Our children are our most sacred treasures and it is imperative that all children- those born and unborn- are valued and treated fairly,” said Dr. Jerry Haag, president of Florida Baptist Children’s Home.

The measure received unanimous approval from both chambers of the Legislature.

Pictured top: Gov. Rick Scott signs the “Infants Born Alive” bill Wednesday afternoon in Cantonment. Pictured below: Dr. Bob Greene, director of Pensacola  Bay Baptist Association; Gov. Rick Scott and his wife Anne; and Dr. Jerry Haag, president Florida Baptist Children’s Home.  Photo by Kim Johnson. Photos for, click to enlarge.


32 Responses to “Scott Signs ‘Infants Born Alive Bill’ In Cantonment”

  1. David Huie Green on June 8th, 2013 12:49 am

    “Well, aren’t you just the pot calling the kettle black.”

    I guess I have to forgive you too for calling me a pot.

    David for forgiveness

  2. Bob Hudsun on June 7th, 2013 3:44 pm

    Bob check again, liberals are the one’s supporting the killing of babies, They are the one’s who are disgusting.We should not be funding any of this with tax payer dollars, you want to kill your baby, pay for it your self.

  3. Bob on June 7th, 2013 12:06 pm

    This is a way for the the Repubs to make you think they care. Scott in his on words in the news that funding to support these aborted babies would be funded via Medicare an Medicade. That the state economy was better and more money would fund the babies via Medicade/Medicare. The Repubse in the last presidential election wanted to stop all support of abortion and stop women from having the wright to abort. Scott’s two faced to get your vote next time. What a slime ball crook he is!

  4. Bob Hudsun on June 7th, 2013 8:28 am

    No matter how you say it, if you believe in abortion, then you believe in killing babies. no excuce.s,

  5. Darla Coburn on June 6th, 2013 10:25 pm

    Wow you are right. It really doesn’t matter what people say or think. But you’re wrong to believe that you are a monster. I, just like every person, disobey God’s law. But the really cool part is that He knew we would (and loved us anyway) so He paid a great price, the cost was His Son, so that we can be forgiven and in turn forgive others. I have no right to condemn you or anyone else. I am simply a person who has accepted the forgiveness He offers. Wow may you feel His compassion today. And to all the moms out there who grieve the loss of their baby may you feel His compassion as well.

    And this is Darla for loving my neighbor:)

  6. Wow 2 on June 6th, 2013 8:53 pm

    Ok so I’ve thought about your commint David and I can admit to myself what kind of monster I am but I was made this way and I chose to stay this way. Who I am is me I could careless what people who think they know everything cause they read the bible think because those great people made me the person I am today. As far as me responding back to you David no I will not I have always had great joy with speaking to you when you drove the bus to smile and laugh and you don’t even know you are facing a real life monster.

  7. David Huie Green on June 6th, 2013 5:53 pm

    Please consider the possibility God DID give guidance — in WRITING no less — and that guidance was rejected. If you decide to kill at least admit it was your decision.

    David for truth

  8. Observer on June 6th, 2013 3:10 pm

    David Huie Green,

    Well, aren’t you just the pot calling the kettle black. You probably shouldn’t call someone out for “insulting” you when that’s practically all you ever do.

    Also, I think Hubris fits quite well.

    Have a nice day.

  9. Wow on June 6th, 2013 2:53 pm

    People support this but in real life there is not help for every women or teenager who gets pregnate and has no place to go nothing not even one person to help them. You all will say food stamps medicaid funny how not many people support those programs people on those programs are often called names and put down I feel sorry for some of the women who read this who have had these and can never get over it the ones who asked for help and treated like scum because they got pregnate y’all know the sayin should have used caution. I am truly sorry for the women who read this about god will get them cause of their choices no some are forced into it and suffer everyday. If god does know us then why was he not there to guide us and protect us from the devil people who make us kill our own children or be left alone with nothing if we do not comply this whole thing is sick.

  10. David Huie Green on June 6th, 2013 1:43 pm

    Before Jeremiah was formed, the Lord knew him and ordained him a prophet.

    I doubt you take this to mean He ordained everybody a prophet.

    I assume you take this to mean the Lord knows all who are ever conceived as people, even though He did not say that.

    I assume you do not take it to mean He knows those who will be born and has known from the creation of the world, even though that would be in keeping with scripture regarding His omniscient nature.

    I am confused, though, as to whether or not you are saying identical twins don’t exist because the Bible does not mention them. (Esau and Jacob were fraternal twins as evidenced be Esau’s hairy chest and Jacob’s smooth one.)

    I would suggest that making scripture say either more or less than it actually says is frowned upon by that same scripture. It suggests lack of saving faith. That might explain the hateful renaming, rejecting my mother’s family name in order to make an insult. Don’t worry. I forgive you and God loves you.

    David for simple trust

  11. simple reader of the Word on June 6th, 2013 8:43 am

    Regarding David Hubris Green’s comment : not quite true
    Read Jeremiah 1:5

  12. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2013 9:34 pm

    “a child is an individual of their own when they are conceived.”

    Also not quite true.

    A fertilized egg may become an individual, a pair of identical twins, identical triplets or part of a chimera. Therefore, it may become one individual, two individuals, three individuals or part of an individual. What it will grow into at time of conception is unknown at that time. In fact, a large number die without the mother ever knowing they were there. (over a third of the males, I think)

    Being born isn’t for the faint of heart.

    It’s just a matter of time before someone clones a skin cell into a very late twin of himself or herself — if it hasn‘t secretly happened already.

    David for truth

  13. Lula on June 5th, 2013 9:04 pm

    @ huh…Google this name… Dr. Kermit Gosnell

  14. bp on June 5th, 2013 7:39 pm

    Killing un born babies is a sin. God will get you for that. If you dont want your babies put it up for adopations. There are people wants babies cant have none. They will be glad yo raise your child. Aborations should be agsinst the law,

  15. jcellops on June 5th, 2013 6:56 pm

    @mr coe…ive never heard of a “conservative” pro-choice abortion doctor……if you are aware of one, please enlighten us….therefore, the way i see it, mr hudson isnt that far off in his rather blunt, politically UNcorrect description of abortionists…..”BABIES dont have rights until they are actually born and become BABIES”….hhhmmm, odd statement…nonetheless, the infamous scott peterson is currently serving a death row sentence for murdering his wife laci (first degree murder) and conner, his UNBORN son (second degree murder)….guess the court decided that the UNBORN “BABY” did count as a person afterall….i pray for the day that roe v wade gets repealled bringing humanity and sanity back to America.

  16. ANC on June 5th, 2013 4:58 pm

    @ Henry Coe- a child is an individual of their own when they are conceived. They do not share the same blood as their mother and they have to grow on their own. Their mother’s body provides them with nutrition they need. It is our job as citizens to protect children until they have a say and can protect themselves. That’s just as unjust as murdering a innocent child who is helpless. Regardless of religion or no religion your point would be unjust based on scientific truth.

  17. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2013 4:19 pm

    “We can’t legislate a belief based in a religious or faith based perspective, because once we do, then government has endorsed a religion and there is no more religious freedom and America is then no longer America.”

    Not quite right.

    All laws are passed based on some belief — usually religious in nature — regarding what is the proper function of government. Individuals are allowed to have beliefs and to vote based on their beliefs. That is not endorsing a religion, it is simply living with the fact that people have religious beliefs and act and vote accordingly — even without your or my permission.

    Let us consider some of those beliefs:

    It is wrong to let young, sick, weak or old people simply die because they can’t take care of themselves.
    Based on that belief, we have set up many institutions to take care of those same people.

    It is wrong to steal.
    Based on that belief, we have set up many institutions to punish thieves and stop them before they steal

    It is wrong to kill.
    We punish killers, jail them, sometimes even execute them (despite the fact that some people’s religious beliefs forbid that killing).

    It’s even religious beliefs that freedom is a good thing to be sought and that there is right and wrong.

    Obviously not all hold those same beliefs because some would let the helpless die, let the strong prey on the weak, would steal anything they wanted if they thought they could get away with it, kill anyone who crossed them if they didn’t fear punishment.

    In general, though, I believe we are better off with those laws.

    David for truth

  18. danny on June 5th, 2013 3:56 pm

    Mr. Coe,
    Most people know the government’s definition of when life starts, we just don’t agree with it. Plus, our laws are not consistent in this matter. People have been convicted of murder for causing the death of a unborn child, but a doctor can take a life, yes a LIFE, just because it hasn’t taken a breath of air? And your referance to commennts concerning the death of these innocent children as lacking in signifigance, empty, and silly, well that is the very reason this is a SAD! SAD! day in the history of our nation.

  19. Henry Coe on June 5th, 2013 3:34 pm

    @Bob Hudsun, You say “Liberal Baby Killers” which is a perspective you have that is based in your faith and your belief.
    Until a child is born, under the Constitution, it is a part of a woman’s body and it is and should be her choice and right to privacy what she does with her body.

    We can’t legislate a belief based in a religious or faith based perspective, because once we do, then government has endorsed a religion and there is no more religious freedom and America is then no longer America.
    I know some folks have a view that the Constitution is some kind of extension of their bible or they think it is base on their bible. Whether or not that is true absolutely does not matter because as Americans, for good or for bad under the Law, the Constitution is the only thing that makes us Americans and the principles of the Constitution belong to each one of us equally without favor.
    I know someone will say, “what about the baby’s rights”. Babies don’t have rights until they are born and actually become babies.
    The Law and the Constitution cannot be biased because of how people feel or the emotions they emphatically have based in their own perceived belief.

  20. molino jim on June 5th, 2013 2:26 pm

    @Huh. I also find it odd all of the “good things” Scott is now doing. Replacing the school fundings he had pushed to be cut. How do you spell– I want another term as governor. Now he wants us here in Florida to join into one of the national insurance pools instead of our state setting one up. Look back at the federal funds that have gone to other states be cause Scott rejected them. Maybe when Gene gets back from Panama he can help Scott with some other “good ideas” for Florida.

  21. Bob Hudsun on June 5th, 2013 2:06 pm

    Thank you Gov. Scott, I know the liberal baby killers are disappointed thou, They look at it as the one’s that got away.

  22. Henry Coe on June 5th, 2013 1:51 pm

    I think in this scenario, because it will be a state law, that the State of Florida will have to pay all bills and be 100% responsible for the child and paying His/her’s medical bills.

    In regard to some of the inane comments, the difference is because once a fetus is born, legally it has become someone, a baby. That being said, the child will likely have severe brain damage and will have to spend months in a Neonatal unit before his or her body is strong enough to survive on a feeding tube in a nursing home while wasting millions of tax payer dollars that could have gone toward education or any number of things.
    If you support the Governor signing this into law, please do not become a hypocrite by ever complaining about the taxes that you have too pay toward the care of these kids. Thank you.

  23. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2013 1:29 pm

    One of the teeny, tiny peculiarities of Roe versus Wade and follow-up rulings is that upon drawing that first breath, a baby is a person and to be protected with the full civil rights of any other citizen.
    Just one week, one day, one minute, even one second before drawing that breath, that same baby is not a person and has no civil rights whatsoever. Therefore the woman carrying that baby is free to kill it at will, using a doctor as her instrument.

    David in a peculiar world

  24. 429SCJ on June 5th, 2013 12:59 pm

    What sort of a Physician would use his/her bare hands to murder an infant.

    An instrument of satan, Cursed!

  25. Danny on June 5th, 2013 11:34 am

    Sad! Sad! Sad! If an innocent child can dodge the abortionist’s tools of distruction and push its way through the birth canal then and only then will our government protect him/her. Thank you Rick Scott for doing something!

  26. puddin on June 5th, 2013 10:27 am

    Hurray! I have heard for years how these innocents have been left to die, sometimes living for hours, crying and helpless. I would love to see an end to abortion completely, but this is a small step in the right direction. Thank you for signing this bill and protecting just a few of the innocents murdered every day but uncaring mothers and worthless doctors. :-)

  27. Lifendason on June 5th, 2013 8:10 am

    I’m glad to hear at least something is going to be passed to protect a child. Or will it? I mean the people who are doing the abortion is suppose to have a heart and save the child after a failed abortion? Yeah right!

    The Bible talks about different levels of hell and I believe these people who murder a innocent life will have their own level, which will be HOT HOT HOT!!

  28. jcellops on June 5th, 2013 8:04 am

    @huh…guess that you didnt follow the recent trial of the philadelphia drug dealing, murderous, late-term abortionist “doctor”….GOZNELLE…..not many news stations or newspapers covered it- except FOX and the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER…well, i read the beginning of the grand jury testimonys regarding the horrific crimes that he was charged with……much more graphic than what was reported in the news reports- check it out and you may get a renewed perspective as to the frequency of “born alive” infants of botched abortions….doesnt just happen in philadelphia, you know.

  29. Carly on June 5th, 2013 7:54 am

    Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thank you, Governor Scott and Baptist Children’s Home for preserving these infant’s rights to live. So much has happened in the last few months with abortion doctors and the stories coming out about failed abortions and the doctors murdering those babies. So glad Florida has acted on this immediately to preserve those babies’ rights. Thank you!

  30. huh on June 5th, 2013 7:19 am

    Umm i think this is just for show, how many infants are born alive after an abortion? That number probably doesn’t exist. How many failed abortions happen? I doubt many. So i don’t see what this bill actually does

  31. FredS on June 5th, 2013 7:15 am

    Shame it does’nt include attempted murder charges for the “doctor” and accessory to murder for the “mother”

  32. margielu on June 5th, 2013 5:15 am

    Bravo! One of the best legislative goals for the entire state! And Florida Baptist Children’s Home is a beautiful venue, full of joy, laughter and love that every child can bring into our lives once they are safe, secure, loved, and protected.

    Thank you, Governor Scott And FBCH Cantonment Campus!