West Florida Literacy Foundation Receives Grant For Scholar Poet Performance

May 9, 2013

Florida Humanities Council has awarded Pensacola’s West Florida Literary Federation a $15,000 grant to bring noted scholar-poet-performer Kwame Dawes to Pensacola for “Art in Motion: From the Gallery to the Theatre”.

An Emmy winner and prize-winning poet, Dawes is currently the Glenna Luschei Editor of Prairie Schooner at the University of Nebraska, where he is a Chancellor’s Professor of English. He will perform in Pensacola on October 24. Along with Dawes, the evening will feature the paintings of local cultural artist Sonja Griffin Evans brought to life by the dancers of MJJ Praise and choreography of Nielah Black-Spears. Evans’ paintings Cotton Conversation, The Washer Woman and The Welcome are symbolic of the industrious free women of color who picked the cotton, wove the cloth, washed the clothes and then used the profits to assist others reach their freedom. The opening act also includes the “Spirits of the Heroes,” a tribute to African-Americans who helped settle Pensacola.

Two mini-events prior to Dawes’ performance will also showcase the African- American contributions to the culture and history of Northwest Florida. In addition, a series of monthly Viva 500 Literary Reflections and open mics will explore the literary heritage of Northwest Florida through different genre. The first mini-performance is noon on May 25 at the Gumbo Gallery, 314 N. DeVilliers, Pensacola. Artel Gallery will host the second performance during October’s Gallery Night.

West Florida Literary Federation is partnering with the African-American Heritage Society to produce the events. The grant was one of nine $15,000 grants awarded by Florida Humanities Council with the National Endowment for the Humanities.


One Response to “West Florida Literacy Foundation Receives Grant For Scholar Poet Performance”

  1. Andrea on June 7th, 2013 1:50 pm

    The West Florida Literary Federation is an awesome organization. I’m so glad they were able to procure this distinguished guest. I attended one of the recent events by the MJJ Praise Dancers, and it was lovely. October 24 is marked on my calendar for this event.