Weekend Burglary Puts Brakes On Molino Teen’s Championship Kart Racing

May 6, 2013

A weekend burglary has put the brakes on a Molino teen’s championship kart racing team.

Jarrett Parker, 18, is a star of sorts in the world of kart racing, winning  state titles and racing his way to the top in several national events. But now his future in the hobby he loves so much is in doubt after someone stole about $12,000 worth of racing gear from his home.

The theft occurred from a workshop at the family’s home on Gibson Road in Molino sometime between about 10:30 Friday night at 6:30 Saturday morning — while the family was sleeping nearby.

“They did this with my wife and kids sleeping in the house, yards from the shop,” Jarrett’s father Scott said. “That just makes me angry that they were here with my family.”

A 2012 Elite Triton kart, five motors, cases of MAXXIS tires, tools and other items were taken from the workshop, while other items not related to kart racing  like lawn equipment were left behind.

“We believe it is going to be someone connected to kart racing in some way,” Scott said. “They knew what to take….they passed over cheaper items and knew what brand names were more  valuable.”

“This is heartbreaking. We sacrifice so much to do this with our kids and for someone to do this to kids is shameful,” mom Tammy Parker said.

Some of the stolen items, including three motors, belonged to Jarrett’s 10-year old teammate Chambers McGilberry of Selma, Ala. Jarrett Parker has been serving as a mentor for McGilberry for several months.

The burglary is under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone with information on the crime is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

Jarrett Parker Racing is offering a $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved in the burglary.

Pictured top: Molino’s Jarrett Parker (#46) leads the pack during a recent kart race. Pictured inset: Jarrett Parker (left) and teammate Chambers McGilberry. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Weekend Burglary Puts Brakes On Molino Teen’s Championship Kart Racing”

  1. 429SCJ on May 7th, 2013 7:29 am

    Thieves should have only one choice, left hand or right hand.

  2. Dip on May 7th, 2013 6:52 am

    They should have had a dog!

  3. Jane on May 7th, 2013 4:03 am

    The point of the alarm is to alert you to intruders so you can deal with them…however you want to. These may have been kids…did you think maybe they should be shot? I think it is rotten that this happened, but people here need to realize there are thieves (etc.) out there and they need to protect their homes/shops. Dogs can be poisoned…I know because years ago someone did that to my dog. He survived but was never the same.

  4. Jimbo on May 6th, 2013 10:08 pm

    A good case for dogs. My dogs have alerted me to so many things. Pay for your cameras, your security systems, and all that stuff, but the dog will do all that and love you too. Bargain at any price.

  5. melodies4us on May 6th, 2013 5:53 pm

    They should keep thieves in prison longer to protect society.

  6. deAnn McGilberry on May 6th, 2013 5:39 pm

    @chris, they did not hear them as they walked the stuff out of the shop and up a road. If they had we would be reading about shots fired I am sure.

    We have put it on 4 cycle, thanks for the other ideas of where to post. We will get on that. And thanks to everyone sharing this and spreading the word. These kids are racing for Championships this year, we have a state race this weekend, just hoping we will be able to make the race so these kids don’t loose their points. Heartbreaking , these were kids they stole from 17 and 10 yrs old.

    Thanks again for helping to spread the word and help find these thieves !

  7. Randy on May 6th, 2013 3:20 pm

    Dirtbags! I sure hope they catch they low life scumbags

  8. Mark on May 6th, 2013 2:39 pm

    @Chris, having a shot gun would have done them no good unless they were awake and heard the robbery going on.

    That being said…I hate thieves with a passion.

    IMO, stealing should be punishable by immediate death.

    Harsh? Yes, but buy your own damn stuff and don’t steal mine or any one else’s!

  9. colleen nickerson on May 6th, 2013 12:15 pm

    We too sacrifice alot for our 13 year old grandson to race karts. This just makes me sick. We are in Michigan so the word is getting out there, have you thought about putting it on bobs 4 cycle, burris thunder tour, and chasen racen?

  10. Brandy on May 6th, 2013 11:01 am

    I’m so sorry to hear about your kart getting stolen! My little boy raced last year and the year before (Ashton Juilan-Watts) this year he hasn’t raced due to his dads off shore work. Jarrett I will tell his dad to keep an eye out for your stuff being that kart racing is such a small group of people in our area maybe it will turn up!

  11. Charlotte on May 6th, 2013 10:39 am

    My Grandson races, he is now 13. He works (cuts grass, bush hogs, Helps his paw paw with his cows) to earn money. He has paid for his Kart and everything on it. It is an expensive hobby, but it keeps teens occupied and helps keep them out of trouble. He has spent several hours with his Dad getting and keeping his Kart going so that he can race. All of his Family have supported him in this sport. This is so Heartbreaking, these kids sacrifice so much to do this and it is shameful for someone to do this to kids!

  12. Angela Commander on May 6th, 2013 10:10 am

    We will all post this information on our social media sites and get the word out there. These low life individuals will be found. I’m sure it’s going to boil down to jealousy. You and your family have excelled in this and someone out there can’t stand the competition. Keep your heads up high. In the end, your family will shine no matter how hard someone is trying to put this light out. God will protect His own:)

  13. Such a shame on May 6th, 2013 9:12 am

    We should send a link to every major racing team in NASCAR and see if someone will help the boys. It wouldn’t hurt and it may get them some assistance so their season can continue. Crossing fingers and praying the thieves are caught quickly. Probably kids in the same sport that are jealous of the talent.

  14. Chris on May 6th, 2013 8:57 am

    @ Jane
    What they need is a Shot-Gun loaded with Buck-Shot !!
    If we would start protecting our homes and property with a Shot-Gun or should I say put some lead in them, these thieves would think twice before breaking into someone’s house/property!!

  15. deAnn McGilberry on May 6th, 2013 7:04 am

    Thank you for the article, so hoping the people who are responsible are caught.

    Their shop is at their house and after being there many many times. I would never believe someone would have the nerve to break in with them asleep so close but they new what they were doing and new the property. who wants to think someone you know would do this to you. so very sad and the to think they stole from children. Can you imagine how hard it was to tell our 10 yr old Chambers he may not get to race in the big state race this weekend bc we don’t know if we can get new motors in before saturday. Even harder to imagine being the Parkers and someone coming on your property while you are sleeping and stealing from you. Thank you again of rthe article and helping to get this out there.

  16. me on May 6th, 2013 6:49 am

    People are just so hateful these days and didnt they just bust a few meth heads thats already out on bond?? I hope these people get theyre things back along with the scum who took it!!

  17. Ashley Mooneyham on May 6th, 2013 6:26 am

    I don’t know a more honest and hard working family than the Parker’s. it really upsets me that this has happened. In an erra where kids are difficult to motivate, you couldn’t find more dedicated, motivated, honest , and happy children. I know they will do everything they can to find the person, but they need our help.

  18. 429SCJ on May 6th, 2013 6:16 am

    I am sorry for your loss, such a great kid to have to go through this.

    Hopfully the thief/thieves will be caught and dealt with in full measure and the stolen equipment fully recovered.

  19. Jane on May 6th, 2013 3:57 am

    Someone knew where the things were and what they were. I guess my question is if they had all this expensive stuff, why not invest in an alarm system for the workshop? An alarm for the workshop would be less expensive than having to replace all that was taken. A camera and alarm are less than $500 and can be installed yourself. Sorry about how it impacted this family.

  20. Henry Coe on May 6th, 2013 1:18 am

    Heart breaking for the kids. I hope the thief gets busted quickly. I hate seeing bad things happen to good folks, while they are just living life, by others who think winning is about getting over on others or wanting the rewards without putting in the work to get them honestly and leaving a path of damage and destruction for the lives they interrupted. Unfortunately some narcissistic folks think crime is only a crime if they get caught and they don’t care about the damage they create along the way. Eventually I believe that time wounds all heels.

    I always hope that what comes around goes around. Call it Karma, if you will. But, it never seems to happen quickly enough to those that I think are deserving, but it does seem to happen.