Two Indicted In Molino Related Murder

May 15, 2013

Two people were indicted Tuesday by a grand jury in connection with a Molino-related murder.

An Escambia County Grand Jury indicted Zachary Greer and Debra Burge for first degree murder in the death of Harvey Ray Smith.

The body of Harvey Ray Smith, age 43 of Pace, was found stuffed into a trunk behind a Motel 6 on Davis Highway the morning on May4. Smith had been reported missing in Santa Rosa County. Family members located his vehicle at the motel and then discovered the body.

Reports state Burge and Greer conspired to rob Smith. Burge allegedly lured Smith, her acquaintance, to her home in the 3900 block of Highway 97 in Molino. She told deputies she went inside while Smith and Greer remained outside. When she later exited the home, she found Smith on the ground bleeding. She told Sheriff’s investigators that Greer told her he killed Smith and put his body in the trunk of the car that was later driven to the Motel 6 on Davis Highway in Pensacola.

Arraignment for both defendants is scheduled for Thursday, May 30, 2013.


16 Responses to “Two Indicted In Molino Related Murder”

  1. Vinny on July 30th, 2013 5:52 pm

    I was in wal-mart this morning, buying some items, and I met the Grandma, and the (2) little girls Ray fathered. The Grandma helped me figure out ingredients to make a certain dish. You must see behind the eyes of these people when a crime of this magnatude is committed, just empty. She is so worried about the little girls.The smallest of the girls, wanted to play push the basket while giving me the most beautiful smile, she was able to convince Grandma to get her a box of Candy. You just don’t murder the one person you murder the entire family, everything that person would have done in their life is wiped out, gone from history. A life sentence for the girl I think not, she will do about 20 years, the guy will not even get the Death penalty, even though he palnned in his mind to kill this man for money, money he would have most likely given them had they asked. It coming to the end. The thing is they must press on, life goes on. The void that is there cannon be filled, because he is gone. A piece of life is just gone. Pray for the entire Family.

  2. ashley on May 22nd, 2013 9:50 am

    I just want to say I’m sorry for the loss..
    But everyone needs to look at the facts!!!
    A man died because of stupid people and their careless decisions!
    Even if the girl wasn’t the one who physically attacked him she still did nothing to save his life.. there was no phone call to 911 or anything..
    I’m a young 23 year old mother of two myself and I would never ever be apart of something like that or even have my children around negative people!
    That’s just crazy to involve your kids in such a sick pathetic situation like that!
    Every adult knows whats right and wrong and people need to start taking responsibility for their actions!!!! Yes those people are young but they both still committed a crime and they should have consequences…. I’m so tired of the justice system letting people get away with crimes , that’s why things these days are so hard and full of crimes…stop slapping people on the butts and start doing the right thing to make our community safe !!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tracy Smith on May 16th, 2013 9:04 am

    The thing people need to know about Ray is he has kids from 27 to his 3yr old daughter he was raising. As far as him knowing the girl that’s being charged. She was friends with the girl they released that lives down the road from Ray. Ray more than likely met her that way and if you need help? Male or Female he would help you. Ray had a heart, he was kind to those that are kind to him. Sure, I feel sorry for that idiots kids; but atleast they are little and probably didn’t know anything. Ray’s 3 yr old daughter now has to live without her Daddy. Asking where is her Daddy? My daughter found her Dad’s car and opened it with his girlfriend on Saturday. Now mine and Ray’s daughter has that to remember for the rest of her life of her Dad. Let’s get this clear! There were no Drugs on Ray’s behalf!! They more than likely said they had car trouble and Ray was being Ray,, Trying to help and that punk had to get him off guard; because Ray wouldn’t go down easy if he was aware. We Love and Miss You Ray!!

  4. teresa on May 16th, 2013 7:28 am

    This is a sad situation im feel sorry for the children and the victim neither of them asked for what happened to them. Im sorry for the families losevand im sorry that the children had to be in this. Who in their right mind would put their babies in a car with a dead person. You justv sick in the head. Yall both deserve to go to prison. And the babies need someone better as parents. I am sorry for the families life .I know yall have lost ur love one but he is never going to be forgotten. He is looking over yall at this moment and he is going to be with yall all threw this trail and the truth will come out. And justice will be served.

  5. Mike Amerson on May 15th, 2013 7:39 pm

    Joe, you can rest assured it wasn’t drugs when it came to Ray. They intended on robbing him from the start. It will all come out at trial. Then all the guessing can stop. It was just absolutely a senseless crime.

  6. Lloyd on May 15th, 2013 7:34 pm

    Fry them………

  7. mad on May 15th, 2013 6:52 pm

    The really sad thing is she had a 6 month old baby! stupid people like her shpuldnt to have children

  8. David Huie Green on May 15th, 2013 5:52 pm

    “They willingly killed a man and hid the crime, ”

    It actually looks like just one of them killed him and the other just did a poor job of helping him hide the fact. If she did indeed conspire with him to commit the felony of robbery beforehand and he was killed in the commission of that robbery, that makes her guilty of felony murder but that has to be established first. Add to it the fact that murderers sometimes lie, we don’t actually know exactly who did what at this time, just that it was a trashy thing to do.

    David for better people

  9. Matt on May 15th, 2013 5:31 pm

    Ultimately, they are both grown and are responsible for their own actions. I know I am for mine and blame nobody but me for my failings. If I killed somebody, I would expect to see life or the death penalty. Let them see the same.

  10. You know on May 15th, 2013 3:48 pm

    My mother was murdered by a 21 year old “man.” Age does not matter. Sociopaths are both born and they are made. All we can do is try to protect ourselves from their wants, desires and greed. Because that is all they care about.

  11. Tired of the Violence on May 15th, 2013 2:16 pm

    These two criminals are 23?! They are adults and old enough to know right from wrong and make better choices. They willingly killed a man and hid the crime, hopefully, the Justice Dept will prove their case, find them Guilty and send them both away where they can associate with people more like themselves. I don’t know the victim or the “suspects” but the victim and his family are due justice. I also don’t know how old Burge’s children are, but they deserve a better parent than the one they have. I am so tired of this generations attitude towards violence, they act as if it is no big deal to kill or maime another person. I will volunteer to pay higher taxes for them to build more prisons if the system would only keep the criminals locked up for their full sentence, no getting “gain days” for “good behavior”. The good behavior should come BEFORE the crime, then they can keep their freedom and save us all the hazzle of a court hearing.

  12. joe on May 15th, 2013 11:55 am

    I’m pretty sure that it will come down to drugs. Both of the accussed look to be on something & drugs make people do irrational things. Whether the original plan was robbery to get a quick score or they intended to murder the victim; they need to be locked up away from law abiding citizens.

  13. pls on May 15th, 2013 10:22 am

    I totally agree with “Me” on this one…something just doesn’t sound right…where were those babies while this murder was taking place…did this girl live at home with parents…if so, where were they…and to think she put those babies in the car with Mr. Smiths body and drove to p’cola…

  14. Here's_the_Facts on May 15th, 2013 9:11 am

    They are BOTH young, the same age actually. Burge will be 23 next month and Greer will be 23 in August. That doesn’t excuse their crime.

    In my opinion, she got mixed in with the wrong man. If you pull up public records, Greer has TWO felonies prior to murder–Florida’s Three Strike Law will put him in prison for the rest of his life even if they don’t give him the death penalty.

    Interestingly enough though, it looks as if Burge got charged with the SAME crimes as Greer in this situation (as per the public records website):


    A sad situation all around. May justice be properly served and may the family of the victim and the families of the offenders find peace to heal.

  15. Mike Amerson on May 15th, 2013 9:09 am

    Ray was a good friend of mine. You can rest assured regardless of the story from either of these two, he didn’t deserve to die over a few dollars. The thought of this girl loading her kids up in Rays car with him in the trunk and driving it down to P’cola should tell you what type of person she is. As far as Grier, all I can say is he had to be sneaky in his approach on Ray because if he wasn’t, he would have taken one good a?? whooping. He needs to consider himself lucky and he gets what he gets in the Justice System. I do feel sorry for each of their families and the kids that had no choice in the matter. Ray was a very good man and just didn’t deserve this nor did his family. I too will follow this case with hopes that the two defendants get what they deserve. Thanks on behalf of Ray for keeping us updated William.

  16. Me on May 15th, 2013 7:08 am

    I’ll be following this trial to the end. I wonder what really happened. She’s so young to be an acquaintance. Someone’s lying.