Shots Fired Near Repo Man

May 11, 2013

Shots were fired near an area repossession and recovery company’s driver Friday night, but both parties agreed Saturday it might have been a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

US Towing and Recovery of Jay was working to repossess a vehicle on Still Farm Road, just off Jack Springs Road north of Poarch, Ala. As the repossession was underway, the repossession man said a female fired a shot from a nearby home.

The resident said she was on edge after someone had “beat at” her door on Wednesday night. On Friday night, she said she was feeding her chickens when someone was walking down a tree line on her property. She sent her dog after the possible prowler while she ran inside her home and called the police before firing her pistol in the air.

She said she did not fire at the repo man, but rather at an unknown prowler.

“We’ve had a lot problems with things being stolen and stuff on our road since Spring Break,” the woman said Saturday morning.  She said the person she saw was wearing a white or light colored shirt, while the repossession company said their employees were all wearing dark clothing. “It might not have been them I saw,” she said. “But there was a man on my property.”

There were no injuries and nothing hit by the gunfire.  The Poarch Creek Police Department and the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office responded to the incident. No charges were filed.

The US Towing and Recovery driver was able to successfully complete the repossession.

Pictured: Shots were fired Friday night the driver of this repo truck on Still Farm Road north of Poarch, Ala. Reader submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


40 Responses to “Shots Fired Near Repo Man”

  1. Mark on May 14th, 2013 11:14 am

    Holy Cow! I can’t believe there are people here that actually condone shooting a firearm into the air! There have been documented reports of people being injured or killed from someone shooting “into the air”. Ever do any research to see how far a fired projectile will actually travel and do damage? A .22 can do damage after traveling a mile!

    Ladies and gentleman, the “warning shot” should be your voice. It’s this type of stupidity that gives the gun control advocates a leg to stand on.

    Michelle said: “Don’t judge someone until you know the whole or you walk in their shoes!”

    Ummm, I’m pretty sure I can judge you fairly here by saying shooting into the air is a bad idea. What would you have done had that projectile came to earth and killed someone? You would have probably cried that it was an “accident” and you should not be punished.

    Again, if you are going to pull the trigger, your sights should be fixed on your target, and you should not fire if there is something you do NOT want to hit behind your target.

    Common sense gun safety.

  2. Lisa on May 12th, 2013 10:21 pm

    If a sheriff is on someone’s property they need to let homeowner know so that they can stay in & keep their children if they have any @ home & lock their doors. I’m not trying to be rude but it seems that you do not know what your talking about. Sheriff’s just can’t shoot where they want either, because like everybody has been saying a bullet has to land somewhere.

  3. curious on May 12th, 2013 10:13 pm

    Michael, why would she be in jail in Florida, I’ve shot warnings & I haven’t spent any time in jail& I live in Florida it seems to me that warning shot has been good enough because they run & they don’t call cops cause then they’d be getting it.they’re not gonna tell on their selves

  4. David Huie Green on May 12th, 2013 9:49 am

    “to Mr. Green from your comments I feel you have never felt threaten I have and believe me you do what you have to to protect yourself and your loved ones“

    Felt threatened? Of course I have. I feel it every time I get on the road and see women driving multi-ton vehicles toward me at 70 mph while they text each other. I’ve had lead rain down around me while neighbors fired in the air at birds. (If they were careless about shooting high and/or fired slugs instead, I wouldn’t have just been peppered.) I’ve had 18 year-old 200 pound middle schoolers draw back to hit me as I drove them to Truman Arms.

    Been threatened? A few threatened to kill me but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’m ready if they ever decide to make good (ready to meet my Maker, anyway). I’ve had three Angolan soldiers pointing Russian AK-47s at me while questioning why I was on their military base at 10:02 pm the week after President Reagan invaded another communist country, Grenada.

    So here’s the question: Do I protect my loved ones by firing lead randomly in the air or at identified threats to them?

    David for good aim

  5. Michael on May 12th, 2013 6:56 am

    I understand why the shots were fired but if this was in Florida, you’d be in jail. Warning shots are not acceptable, you only fire when you have a specific target and you only shoot to kill.

    Bullets in the air travel well past anywhere you can see them so if that “warning shot” hit anyone that was lawfully on your property (say a sheriff chasing a suspect) that would be murder.

  6. old man on May 12th, 2013 12:01 am

    a few months ago a man in pensacola fired a pistol into yhr ground to break up a fight the bullet ricochet killing a person the lady said she fired toward an area of 2500acres of forest to me this is the safe thing to do she also stated this is a warning shot i feel that due to the cost of bullets there should be no warning shots to mr green from your comments i feel you have never felt threaten i have a nd believe me you do what you have to to protect yourself and your loved ones to the lady (pistol packing momma) good for you

  7. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2013 11:07 pm

    “Oh and I never fired at anyone I shot up in the air! ”

    If the bullet stuck in the air, that would be fine.

    If the bullet fell to the earth, while nobody was its target, if someone were where it hit, she would be unhappy about having the slug pass through her body.

    It isn’t likely to hit anyone with any given shot, but people die every year from shots fired in the air. Saying, “I didn’t mean to kill anyone,” isn’t the same as saying, “I meant to NOT kill anyone.” That’s why I say, if you’re going to shoot, intend to hit whatever your shot strikes, be prepared to kill unless you can be certain it won’t kill.

    David for sticky air

  8. Wharf Rat on May 11th, 2013 10:08 pm

    A long time ago, there was a used car dealer on Pace Blvd who had a very bold sign, that stated “Late payments…first day, we call…second day, we haul!” Nuff said.

  9. Theresa Smith on May 11th, 2013 9:52 pm

    Very well said Greg and Just sayin’!!!!!! So very very true! Pay for it and you won’t have to worry about it getting repoed! You trying to keep something you haven’t paid for certainly makes you the theif!! The repo companies are only told to go collect what belongs to someone else! Becareful and stay safe!

  10. Michelle on May 11th, 2013 9:43 pm

    I just want to say thank you to the people who understand why I did this! It’s a shame when you can’t protect your property and family from people who are up to no good! And once again thank y’all!

  11. Michelle on May 11th, 2013 9:18 pm

    Just to let all you people know I’m not an idiot! I’ve shot guns my whole life! Where I shot there is nothing for a bullet to ricochet off of and I shot over a timber area! It’s 2500 acres and no one lives out there! I pray that you people who are being so judge mental never have this happen to you! Oh and I never fired at anyone I shot up in the air! You people need to sit back and think what you’d do if someone continually did this to you!

  12. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2013 8:07 pm

    “I am the lady who fired the pistol! I have talked to the repo man, and he completely agrees with what I did! ”

    He may agree, but I don’t. You were lucky — or blessed — this time.

    Don’t shoot unless you have your target identified and you intend to kill him. Never shoot to wound because you might kill anyway.

    If you have determined you need to kill him, go ahead and live with the consequences. Remember: he’ll be dead a long time. Be sure you’re killing him, not somebody near him, in front of him or behind him. Unless you’re Dead Eye Dick, you might kill that other person — seen or unseen.

    Just don’t sling lead randomly at every man, woman and child who might be where your shot is coming down. (No matter what Vice President Biden says.)

    Other than that, blast away and may the Lord guide your lead.

    David for careful killing
    sans regrets

  13. Patriot on May 11th, 2013 4:36 pm

    I reckon them 3 bullets will land somewhere! I hope for her sake they don’t land on the chicken (or the dog).

  14. Just A Thought on May 11th, 2013 3:46 pm

    Careful of the direction you fire Michelle. What goes up must come down. Might want to shoot into the ground. Just make sure there is nothing to ricochet off of.

  15. Lisa on May 11th, 2013 3:22 pm

    To Michelle, I don’t blame you my husband works nights & I can’t tell you howany s rounds I’ve shot. I also have kids. My girls also know how to shoot & be pretty sharp with it.

  16. molino jim on May 11th, 2013 3:21 pm

    @ Greg & Big Don— well said and please be careful. @ Michelle– I can understand your reasoning for what you did. Please fire into the ground from now on-that bullet will come down some where and believe it or not people can be injured or killed.

  17. Michelle on May 11th, 2013 2:56 pm

    I am the lady who fired the pistol! I have talked to the repo man, and he completely agrees with what I did! He also told me that if he had known that someone had been in my yard then he would have helped me look for them! This is the second time this guy has been seen and both times he has taken off running! He was up to no good or he would have said something when I ran toward my house in fear screaming to my cousin call 911! After calling 911 I fired 2 shots in the air! My cousin and I then walked to the area where he was in my yard! We seen him move in woods by my house so I fired my pistol again! I have no trespassing signs in my yard! I’m very sorry that the repo people got caught up in this! But I’m not sorry for firing my pistol in the air! I have 4 children and my husband works out of town! And after someone beat on my door Wednesday night and got my kids upset and scared the line was drawn! I just want to make it clear that the repo people were two houses down, a good piece away from my house! And no shots were fired in their direction! While waiting on the cops we watched them repo the vehicle! Don’t judge someone until you know the whole or you walk in their shoes!

  18. Just sayin' on May 11th, 2013 2:19 pm

    @Big Don,

    I come from a long line of “repo men”, and I can honestly tell you that the main reason that we have to go out and get vehicles in the middle of the night is that people don’t want you to take “their” cars and so they will hide them, park them at the neighbor’s house, in the back yard, at their relative’s house, at their jobs, chained to a tree, etc. They will keep these vehicles hidden throughout the day anyway that they can. However, most of them will eventually come home with them, and then…..we are able to retake possession of the vehicles they did not pay for.

    As Greg said, if you pay your car note, you won’t see me, and we won’t ever have a problem. See, YOU understand the concept of coming to you like a man and saying, “Hey, look, you didn’t make your payments, and the finance company says I have to pick up your car.” However, the people we deal with are NOT like you and me. They think that they have a right to keep that vehicle without paying for it, and any attempts by us to have that face to face discussion would result in a possibly deadly confrontation. Therefore, we must do whatever necessary to get that vehicle out without having contact with the so called “owner”, the person who thinks he should get the car without paying for it.

    Our primary goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible WITHOUT any contact with anyone else, whether the “owner”, the neighbors, relatives, or Joe Blow from down the road. We have families to go home to, and we have to protect ourselves, too.

    And, yeah, some of us do call ourselves “the only legal car thieves”. However, I don’t consider it stealing when I’m taking back something that wasn’t paid for. The person who is stealing……is the one in possession of something that they did not buy.

    Sort of like shoplifting, if you don’t pay for it, it ain’t yours!!!

  19. greg on May 11th, 2013 1:20 pm

    I have spoken to the property owner and we do not believe she was firing at us, The shot we heard was actually her second shot, the first was before we arrived at the neighbors to do the repossession. Understand that we heard the gunshot at the time we was securing the repo with straps and left scene immediately when we heard the shots as we did not know who was doing the shooting or what was being shot at. The Poarch officers were on scene as we was pulling out thus supporting the story of the property owner as she had called them about the prowler prior to our arrival next door, The repo only takes us about 30 seconds so we was not there long, had we known that she was there alone with a prowler in the area, we would have stopped to assist her but we saw her standing in an open area with a gun and continued to the end of the road and stopped. Maybe this story will be scene by the prowler and he will stay away from this lady’s residence. Im proud of her for standing her ground to protect her property and we hold no hard feelings whatsoever…

  20. bk on May 11th, 2013 12:13 pm

    Good thing this didn’t happen in Florida, that lady would be sitting in jail right now facing a list of charges as long as my arm.

    It’s certainly irresponsible to start just firing in the dark, but of course the impulse to protect your children and property can sometimes override logical thinking.

  21. New York 37 on May 11th, 2013 12:05 pm

    I understand the repo man’s point. I also understand the lady’s point. When I was young we had woods beside our house. At some point a strange man started living in those woods. This man would creep around our house at night , knock on windows, and rattle doorhandles. It got so bad he would call our house and tell my dad what we were wearing that day. Eventually my 56 year old father went out a bedroom window and shot this guy hiding behing a tree. He wasn’t hurt bad. Enough so that he never did it again at our house. Now to my point… My husband works out of town. If someone or something is creeping around my house at night I will NOT ask alot of questions. I will call the police wait 2 hours for them and keep my 45 within arms reach. Maybe her neighbor she talk to her, let her know this might happen. That way this lady is not scared someone is around her house.

  22. jalmali on May 11th, 2013 11:59 am

    How far behind do you have to be on payments before a repo. order?

  23. Missy on May 11th, 2013 11:47 am

    The lady who fired the gun, fired it in the air not on nobody’s property but her own! A man was walking toward her and never said a word! She was alone and in the dark! The repo people weren’t even next door at this point! They didn’t arrive until after she had fired the gun! I would have did the same thing and all of you would have too if you weren’t scared! In my opinion, she’s a real woman, she’s protecting her property! She did something that most men wouldn’t do, she went out and let the bad guy know who’s in charge! I know that she’s truly sorry that the repo men got mixed up in this! She’s one of the best people I know and wouldn’t harm anyone unless they needed it! And the tall skinny white male wearing a white shirt, dark jeans, and white shoes needed it!

  24. Greg on May 11th, 2013 11:04 am

    This is the “repo man” and in response to big don, we do work in daylight and in the night. People tend to be home at night and we have laws here about doing repossessions without breaching the peace so it stands to reason, if you don’t have a confrontation then peace won’t be breached. If you don’t want your car taken then pay for it. I am an advocate for gun owners and if this lady was protecting her property then she was absolutely within her rights, we just happened to be next door hooking on to a vehicle when she fired the shot. And for you idiots that call a repossession agent a “Thief” I believe a thief is the one who takes the car and don’t pay for it and deliberately hides it and runs with it knowing they can’t pay for it. If it wasn’t for repo agent who do this dangerous work, none of us could afford a car because they would have to figure loss in everyone’s financing. Pay you note and you want have to worry about the Repo Thief.

  25. ABM03 on May 11th, 2013 10:51 am

    The person who fired the gun is a friend of mine! She was not only protecting her property, but she was protecting her children! And by the way, she has some chickens that are worth more than most people make in a month! What would you do if a suspicious man walks up on you at dark and doesn’t say a word! And this isn’t the first time the person has been seen near the resident! I guess you don’t have a right to protect your property! It wasn’t nothing against the repo man! Like she said he has a job to do and it isn’t her business!

  26. Well said on May 11th, 2013 10:19 am

    What big don said!! You want something I have……Come to the door in the light of day. Come at night unannounced and you will woefully meet Mr. Buck Shot.

  27. briarroot on May 11th, 2013 8:43 am

    What a great neighbor, trying to chase away the car thieves!

  28. big don on May 11th, 2013 8:30 am

    Stealin is stealin. dont matter if ya paper or not. these finance companies need need to go get their property in the light of day not in the night like a common THIEF.

  29. rita on May 11th, 2013 8:09 am

    Glad yall wasn’t hurt. glad it wasn’t her house u was at. geeezzzz

  30. Kelvin on May 11th, 2013 8:05 am

    With that brightly covered / lettered truck – the repo man wasn’t being very subtle…. Sorta looks like a rooster on the doors!

  31. Poplardell on May 11th, 2013 7:29 am

    Nothing to crow about.

  32. Pineville PI on May 11th, 2013 7:14 am

    Ole girl must have some big ole roosters to use a repo truck for the getaway vehicle!

  33. worried on May 11th, 2013 7:12 am

    DARN,chichen theifs!

  34. WOODY DAW on May 11th, 2013 7:04 am

    It aint no joke if you dont pay that note.

  35. 429SCJ on May 11th, 2013 7:01 am

    Finance Companies have a right to recover their property, but some of these repo guys on television are just a little too conforontational.

    I am surprised that there have not been fatalaties, prowling around peoples residences at night. A good thing she did not have a large caliber, centerfire deer rifle.

  36. Say What? on May 11th, 2013 6:48 am

    Arrest her. Misuse of a fire arm. Court trial. Period. You are not allowed to start firing at random at unknown targets (not to mention, at humans) and you do not fire when the projectile is going on to someone else’s private property. Defending poultry is not the same as defending yourself. Next time, call the cops. End of story.

  37. chris1 on May 11th, 2013 6:40 am

    “Repo man is always intense”

  38. Carl on May 11th, 2013 6:18 am

    Sounds like it was a warning shot which is a sign of a responsible gun owner.

  39. cygie on May 11th, 2013 5:34 am

    Evidently she was out of butter knives and tire irons.

  40. eeyore on May 11th, 2013 2:41 am

    …indeed this is a sure sign of a responsible gun owner…