On The Hill: Molino Teen Serves As House Page

May 22, 2013

A young man from Molino recently spent a week serving as a page in the Florida House of Representatives. Mitchell Singleton, an eighth grader at Ernest Ward Middle School, served as a page for Rep. Clay Ingram.

“My experience working as a page for the Florida House of Representatives gave me a perspective of government that most people don’t get to see. I was able to be in the chamber and work with the representatives first hand,” Mitchell said.

Pages and messengers are students who work one week at the Capitol during the 60-day Regular Session. Each of Florida’s 120 representatives may sponsor one page (ages 12-14) and one messenger (ages 15-18).

Being selected to serve is considered an honor and privilege. Pages and messengers assist the representatives and their staff during the Capitol’s busiest time of year while observing state government in action.

The page and messenger program is a long-standing tradition in the Florida House, with journals making mention of them as far back as 1865.  Singleton and each page and messenger will have their name appear in the official Journal of the House as an official record of their time spent serving in state government.

Pictured top: Mitchell Singleton, serving as page in the Florida House of Representatives, in the desk of Speaker pro tempore Marti Coley during a mock session. Pictured inset: Singleton with Gov. Rick Scott. Pictured below: Singleton (just left of center) with his House page group. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “On The Hill: Molino Teen Serves As House Page”

  1. Mrs. Florence Cutler on May 26th, 2013 6:55 pm

    Mitchell, I am so proud of your accomplishments! Some students will always be extra special to their teachers, and you are one of them.

  2. Duke of Wawbeek on May 25th, 2013 7:15 am

    @Dedra. Mitchell is fortunate to have a mother who is so very totally devoted to her family and their needs. A rare quality indeed.

  3. Dedra Singleton on May 23rd, 2013 8:41 am

    We are very proud of Mitchell and his determination to make a difference in this world. He realized this dream during his fourth grade field trip to Tallahassee and just waited until he was old enough to apply. His father and I, along with his sister and brother will continue to support his quest to make everyones life better!! We also appreciate all the love and support the community shows for Mitchell and his endeavors.

  4. jcellops on May 23rd, 2013 6:47 am

    what a wonderful opportunity for these young folks! congradulations to each one! proud that one of “our own” is up there too!! :)

  5. Molino Lady on May 22nd, 2013 4:03 pm

    We are proud to see our young folks serve and learn. Great job Mitchell!

  6. MissTrish on May 22nd, 2013 11:59 am

    So proud of YOU, Mitchell!

  7. 429SCJ on May 22nd, 2013 6:41 am

    Young Mr Singleton is a fine gentleman as his Father has groomed him to be.