NorthEscambia Readers Share Mom’s Best Advice

May 12, 2013

For Mother’s Day, invited our Facebook fans to answer the question “What’s the best advice your mom ever gave you?”.  Responses are below.

Feel free to add a comment to this story to answer the question or just wish your mom a (belated)  Happy Mother’s Day.

What’s the best advice your mom ever gave you?

Willene Bryan: My mama (Levonia Wilson, pictured top) was a very special woman. She raised 11 children and when my oldest sister died she left behind two children in which my mama and daddy raised that were just like sisters to me. Needless to say my mom had her hands full. My daddy worked at the Saw Mill. We didn’t have a lot but there sure was love. Mama always made sure our clothes were cleaned and ironed. She said anybody can be clean all you need is soap and water. She had the old wringer type washing machine and plenty of clothes line outside to hang and dry.

Lindsey Sherill: “This too shall pass!” Good or bad, it puts everything in perspective.

Amanda Lee Siler: My mom gave me my best piece of advice once when I was 15 years old. I was sitting in my room heartbroken because my boyfriend of a few years had broken up with me. Even though she had to work the next morning she came into my room and stayed up with me talking. She told me “Amanda, Men are always going to do you wrong. Don’t ever depend on someone else to make you happy. Be your own person and make yourself happy”. She taught me that its OK not to have a boyfriend and be independent. I may not have listened until I was much older, but her advice rang true. My mother taught me to be the author of my own happiness.

Amanda Cotton Nelson: My mom told me when I was a teenager “Nothing good happens after midnight” and as silly as that may seem its held true in many cases.

Chelsea Parham: My mama’s best advice was her telling me that popularity in high school doesn’t matter. She always told me that once all of us graduated and came into the real world that who you were in high school wouldn’t matter and I’ve come to find out that she was right.

Vicki Gandy Baggett: My mom always said, “Do what you can afford.” Her second best piece of advice was, “Marry someone who makes you laugh.” Wow! What some great advice!

Clint Keesler: Do No Marry Her.

Michelle Gibbs: Mom always told me “Please don’t repeat my mistakes!

Aimee Cabral: When I was upset over something bad happening in my life, my mom would remind me “life isn’t fair and no one said it would be”. That has helped me so much over the past few years when bad things have happened. It seems harsh and strange, but it has helped me through my divorce, my financial struggles, vehicle troubles, and other hardships. It also reminds me that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is my Jesus. Not my problems then or even my success now. I tell my children this now when they are upset with friends now. I am reminded I am human, not perfect and neither is anyone else.

Yolander Reynolds: Don’t  help anyone that’s not willing to help themselves…RIP Mary D.Jones.

Rebekkah Parker: My mother’s favorite quote to me was “If you can’t believe a fool then be a fool.” I can’t count how many times I failed to take her advice but have learned some good wisdom from being a fool. Love and miss my Mother today in Heaven.

Ernestine Gunn: If you can’t say anything good, don’t say nothing at all.

Janice Parham: Life is too short to worry, hold grudges, or try to please everyone. It is YOUR life, live it YOUR way! It took me YEARS to take this advice…She is 100% right!  She could also give ANYONE some awesome gardening tips! She is a 27 year breast cancer survivor and has taught us WELL to live for today! I love you, mamma!

Shannon Jones: “Let that be a lesson to you” whenever there was “teachable moment”.

Bonnie Glass: The best advice mama gave me “stop looking so hard for the right person most likely they are standing besides you” she was right. RIP MAMA & KEN.

Julia Harris: Never go to bed mad at the one you love.


10 Responses to “NorthEscambia Readers Share Mom’s Best Advice”

  1. EMD on May 12th, 2013 11:57 pm

    “Always put yourself in the other person’s place, and do unto others as you want them to do unto you.”

    I miss my Momma more than I have ever missed anyone. I can hardly wait to see her again. She cannot come to me, but I can go to her. :D

  2. Karin on May 12th, 2013 10:30 pm

    My Mom’s best advise to me was be your own person say what you mean mean what you say and always be true to your self (=

  3. Keka on May 12th, 2013 4:35 pm

    Where to start? :) here’s a few that I will never forget: “time heals”, “everything
    you do in the dark will eventually com_e to light”, “even when you’ve lost everything , there’s always hope”, “read your Bible”,…I’m thankful for all she taught me and am proud to call her my MOMMY!! :)

  4. david Lamb on May 12th, 2013 1:07 pm

    MY MOM HAD MANY SAYINGS. One was ” My get up and go, done got up and went”!
    My sister compiled a little fact book on mom. She had 7 Lamb kids, all still alive, all born in Cottage Hill. Living in Cottage Hlill or Hurtsboro, Al and me, the oldest, in Plattsmouth, NE. I sure miss not being able to call her and “Whine” about my troubles! She is buried in Cottage Hill Cemetary with her brother Frank , mom and dad and other relatives. She loved a poem written by Bo McKenzie,a great uncle?. It is called “Beneath the Florida Pines”
    Im going to find acopy and load it here. Sue… wanna help!

  5. Trudie Gilmore Johnson on May 12th, 2013 12:44 pm

    My Mama, Mary Lee Gilmore (RIP) always said that her Mama told her, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right!” Great advice!

  6. JD on May 12th, 2013 12:04 pm

    “Be a leader, not a follower.”

  7. Henry on May 12th, 2013 11:58 am

    My mom told me: “If you ever have a child, don’t drop it on its head like I did you.”

    Solid advice, I think…

  8. nora on May 12th, 2013 9:38 am

    If you cant say something nice its bestt to say nothing at all.

  9. michael & donya wiggins on May 12th, 2013 8:40 am

    “It’s better to be far away and in the will of God than stay at home and be out of the will of God.”
    These were her words to us when leaving for Bible college in Texas. We love you Mary Murph!!!

  10. 429SCJ on May 12th, 2013 3:22 am

    “To thine own self be true”.