National Day Of Prayer Observed In Century, Atmore

May 3, 2013

From iPads and iPhones, to the tattered and torn pages of cherished family Bibles, participants in a National Day of Prayer event in Atmore read the entire Bible aloud in just 30 minutes Thursday evening.

In Atmore, the threat of rain from the heavens pushed about 300 National Day of Prayer participants from a local park into the gym at Escambia County High School. Community, business and spiritual leaders led those gathered in prayer before the annual Bible reading.

In Century, community leaders gathered in prayer, asking for God’s favor on their town, surrounding communities and the nation.

For more photos from the Atmore National Day of Prayer events, click here.

Pictured top: Rev. Ted Bridges of the Walnut Hill Baptist Church, on his knees, reading from his Bible during a National Day of Prayer event Thursday evening in Atmore. Pictured inset: Dr. Johnathon Yoder of Atmore reads aloud from his Bible. Pictured below: Luanne Henderson and Lonnie Wilson at the Atmore Bible reading event. photos, click to enlarge.



9 Responses to “National Day Of Prayer Observed In Century, Atmore”

  1. David Huie Green on May 4th, 2013 6:15 pm


    Unless anyone has stopped who was praying, it’s still there, just not government led prayer.

    If you want President Obama to lead your children in worship, please ask him. He’s a very accommodating man.
    Mitt Romney would have surely been glad to lead them, so would President Clinton.
    Just be careful what you wish for.

    “Just under 800,000 words in the KJV.
    150 wpm, average person reading aloud
    150 x 300 readers together x 30 minutes = 1,350,000 potential words read aloud in 30 minutes, making it an easy task.”

    Of course, reading simultaneously like that, it would likely have sounded much like right after the Tower of Babel.

    David for good reading, well read

  2. William on May 3rd, 2013 5:00 pm

    >Unless the entire Atmore community has recently become speed readers, there is no way that this statement is accurate.

    Here’s the math.

    Just under 800,000 words in the KJV.

    150 wpm, average person reading aloud

    150 x 300 readers together x 30 minutes = 1,350,000 potential words read aloud in 30 minutes, making it an easy task.

  3. dan-o on May 3rd, 2013 4:43 pm

    “participants in a National Day of Prayer event in Atmore read the entire Bible aloud in just 30 minutes”

    Either the power of prayer truly is where miracles begin, or this has been falsely reported.

    Unless the entire Atmore community has recently become speed readers, there is no way that this statement is accurate.

  4. Michelle on May 3rd, 2013 4:27 pm

    Going to GOD first is always the thing to do.

  5. Linda White on May 3rd, 2013 4:09 pm

    Prayer is a powerful tool used against the enemy. As Americans we cant’s afford
    not to pray. God Bless American !!!

  6. Sue Ellen on May 3rd, 2013 10:28 am


    It’s still there. The Supreme Court ruling only prohibits government (teachers and administrators) from forcing children to pray. If a kid wants to say a quick Hail Mary before lunch or Kaddish (Jewish prayer for the dead) before an exam, they’re perfectly free to do so as long as they’re not disruptive.

  7. Charlene Clayton on May 3rd, 2013 10:24 am

    Since the feds/Obama administration have now made it a crime to share one’s faith in the military including Chaplains it is probably only a matter of time when the national day of prayer will become a crime. We go out of our way to be politically correct when it comes to the Muslim faith but do not hesitate to dictate policy to members of the military who may or may not want to share their faith. Its alright to serve and possibly die for your country but make sure you don’t let anyone know your religious views. Come on people wake up and smell the turnips, we are headed for totalitarian government and everything will be decided for us.

  8. bp on May 3rd, 2013 9:32 am


  9. tomtom44 on May 3rd, 2013 3:51 am

    our country needs MORE of this