Molino Man Gets 15 Years For Driving Into Ex-Girlfriend’s Home

May 22, 2013

A Molino man that was shot multiple times after driving his vehicle into a house in Cantonment last summer is headed to prison.

John Alex Godwin, age 35 of Molino Road, was found guilty of burglary and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced by Judge Terry Terrell to 15 years in state prison as a habitual offender, to be followed by five years probation.

During the predawn hours of July 13, 2012,  the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Godwin crashed his car into the home of 25-year old Heather McKamey of Cantonment.  The car literally pushed in the front door, door frame and surrounding bricks.

Godwin was then shot by 25-year old Andrew Lundy of Cantonment. Lundy was not charged. Godwin  suffered multiple gunshot woulds and was airlifted to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, Godwin was McKamey’s ex-boyfriend. She had unsuccessfully tried to get a restraining order against him in Escambia County back in June 2012 after a domestic violence incident between the pair in Mississippi.

According to a Gulfport Police Department incident report, Godwin was dating McKamey when he allegedly assaulted her on I-10 in Mississippi at the 33 mile marker by grabbing her hair and throwing her to the ground. She suffered minor lacerations to her hand during the incident, according to the report.


19 Responses to “Molino Man Gets 15 Years For Driving Into Ex-Girlfriend’s Home”

  1. relieved on May 23rd, 2013 5:40 pm

    All I can say is thank you judge Terrell. I personally wish it was a longer sentence but I am thankful he is put away for 15(or as close to that as they keep him, hopefully parole is not an option).
    @Karma- I completely agree with you!
    everyone involved please stay safe and always vigil. My love and prayers are always with you!

  2. Karma on May 22nd, 2013 10:20 pm

    This information (criminal history from the above website) is only a piece of the “ART” of John Godwin he has other convictions in other states LA, AL etc.. other counties.. Before you start defending this MONSTER maybe you should of been the victims of these horrific crimes/ incidents- what if this was you? your families? friends? Your home? Just because hes in Jail doesn’t mean it goes away, its something you have to live with- mentally, emotionally- if someone really wanted to shoot and kill him it would of been no problem but it goes to show the character of the victims involved- No one wants to live with a “Death”. (It may have been a better outcome though)
    In the previous comments- your right, every story has 2 sides but who’s did you get? — I don’t believe we’ve spoke!

  3. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2013 8:42 pm

    “We are all entitled to our opinions and interpretation of others comments, however I never said that other people were responsible for his actions. Only that he was reacting. PLEASE do not put words in my mouth.”

    I am confused here. What I wrote was, “like reading the comments from the lady who thinks others drove him to drive into a house.” So there are no words inserted but there is an interpretation based on, “Mr Godwin admitted to the crime, never has he tried to say he did not commit this crime, only that there were actions by other parties that lead to his reactions.”

    So where lies my error in interpretation? How does the thought that others drove him to his actions differ from the claim that the actions of other parties lead to his reactions?

    I’m all befuddled.

    Looking at

    and knowing that numbers 8 through 28 are all instances of his “reactions” involving burglary, beatings, drunk driving, theft and other crimes makes one think those others are certainly pushing his buttons a lot.

    It is interesting anyone would defend his “reactions” after all this time even if they claim they aren’t defending them, just explaining them.

    David for glass houses
    and clear interpretations

  4. me on May 22nd, 2013 7:50 pm

    In my opinion, godwin is lucky to only have received 15 years, according to the law he should have received life in prison for his habitual offender status. Anyhow there is one less piece of trash on the streets of molino, for a little while anyway.

  5. Amy on May 22nd, 2013 7:05 pm

    Yes there are two sides to every story. But there is also a history of this same behavior from John. Everybody in Molino knows he has been thrown out/barred from every bar around at one time or another for fighting. Everybody in Molino knows he is an addict. Everybody in Molino knows him. Everybody in Molino should NOT be surprised by this. I can attest that 10 years ago he got drunk and threw me to the ground. Hell I used to have to sleep with my car keys….
    Good luck John. I hope this is your rock bottom.

  6. PWS on May 22nd, 2013 2:40 pm

    Oh yea, and Lisa, your breaking my heart with your posting !!

  7. PWS on May 22nd, 2013 2:36 pm

    Maybe they couldn’t prove you broke into my house, but I know through the grapevine you did , that’s ok , because I knew this day would come when you get what you deserve,and you did, and your getting it now. I’ll send ya a Birthday card in prison. Yours Truly !!

  8. Lisa on May 22nd, 2013 2:09 pm

    Mr Green:

    We are all entitled to our opinions and interpretation of others comments, however I never said that other people were responsible for his actions. Only that he was reacting. PLEASE do not put words in my mouth.

    Yes God has blessed me well: With the insight to know there is always more than meets the eye. And that he FORGIVES His Children of their sins.

    Here is a parting thought to you all: Many women are abused, mentally and physically everyday in our great nation (I being one of them many years ago), and deserve all the justice they can achieve from the law. However, there are many that use these laws to hurt others. I have witnessed it many times. Smoke and mirrors……….

  9. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2013 1:53 pm

    Just Saying,
    His problem lies in the habitual nature of his many crimes over many years.
    There comes a time when it behooves a judge to face facts and protect the citizenry as is their duty.

    David for good judges

  10. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2013 1:03 pm

    @David Huie Green
    “I guess it makes you feel good about yourself to make jokes. When this criminal gets out of prison, this poor woman will probably be always looking over her shoulder. I’ve seen it too many times, but hey, if it makes you feel good, what difference does it make to you. :-/”

    Nope, I already feel good about myself and with a sense of the ridiculous which just won’t quit like reading the comments from the lady who thinks others drove him to drive into a house. Lord bless her.

    This woman won’t have to worry about him for fifteen years. He was already stalking her, so that’s over for a while. By the time he’s fifty, he’ll probably have a hang-up on a favored cellmate, so she won’t have to worry about him then, either.

    And if he hasn’t moved on by then, he will have to consider the fact that there are people who can’t take a joke and will open up with a gun and send him to his final judgment if he tries it again, poor baby.

    David for better people
    freedom from fear

  11. Just Saying on May 22nd, 2013 12:28 pm

    People kill people and get less time than this . I Think 5 years max no one got kill and the house got repaired . Just saying

  12. Jacob Winsinger on May 22nd, 2013 9:52 am

    Thanks for saying that LEO guy.

  13. wesley on May 22nd, 2013 9:13 am

    Thanks judge Terrell,we need more judges like that ….they commit crimes stick it to them….No pity….

  14. rb on May 22nd, 2013 9:07 am

    so a man shoots into a house with kids has drugs on him and gets four years….
    a man runs into a house and gets shot gets 15 years…….guess the 4 year guy had no priors….

  15. Lisa on May 22nd, 2013 9:01 am

    Remember everyone: there are two sides to every story and TRUTH can be found in between.

    We are not here to judge this man and his actions. ” He who lives in a glass house need not cast the first the stone.”

    Mr Godwin admitted to the crime, never has he tried to say he did not commit this crime, only that there were actions by other parties that lead to his reactions. Does not negate the fact of what he did and he took responsibility, has from the beginning.

    @Karma–the state is the reason it took over a year for closure on this case, but you already know that.

  16. LEO GUY on May 22nd, 2013 8:21 am

    @David Huie Green

    I guess it makes you feel good about yourself to make jokes. When this criminal gets out of prison, this poor woman will probably be always looking over her shoulder. I’ve seen it too many times, but hey, if it makes you feel good, what difference does it make to you. :-/

  17. bama1 on May 22nd, 2013 7:50 am

    Just really wasnt a smart move!

  18. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2013 7:28 am

    Well, it WAS extremely poor driving

  19. Karma on May 22nd, 2013 2:22 am

    The fact is, that individuals do not plead guilty and accept a 15 year sentence for a crime they do not commit.
    I find it unjust that our legal system does not up hold the same laws and standards they set.
    -A habitual offender is a person who is convicted of a new crime, who was previously convicted of a crime(s). Often, the sentence is greatly enhanced, in some circumstances it may be substantially more than the maximum sentence for the crime.
    *** Due to the judicial system cutting back on there resources and funds they chose to enter in a plea deal so a trial was never set. ***
    – its been almost a year and finally gone.