‘Lock Your Car’ – Readers Report Multiple Vehicle Burglaries

May 9, 2013

Several vehicle burglaries occurred sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning near Cantonment.

NorthEscambia.com readers reported the vehicle burglaries Wednesday in the Farm Hill, Muscogee Road and Jacks Branch Road area.  At least one resident reported a stolen firearm, while others reported losing cameras, purses and cash. Others reported there was nothing of value stolen from their vehicle.

In most of the instances, the vehicles were left unlocked.

“The moral of the story is to always lock your car and don’t leave valuables in it,” one victim wrote in message to NorthEscambia.com.

The vehicle burglaries are under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


17 Responses to “‘Lock Your Car’ – Readers Report Multiple Vehicle Burglaries”

  1. Teresa Davidson on June 4th, 2013 8:05 am

    A little something you men and women might want to know; an insurance agent told me one time that if you don’t lock you’re automobiles where ever you are, they have the right to DENY your claim, especially if you have an alarm system installed on it from the factory. I thought this might wake a few people up and might stop some of these idiots from breaking in. when they break into a locked up auto with an alarm and it goes off they will think twice about the next one. Just my thought on things from Cantonment.

  2. danielle on May 13th, 2013 10:33 pm


  3. Aggie Mom on May 13th, 2013 7:17 pm

    Thanks so much for the warning. They tried breaking into our garage and vehicles saturday night, May 11th, on Jacks Branch Rd. I haven’t seen the teenagers that are usually walking up and down Jacks Branch…..I wonder if they now have transportation?…….hmmmmm.

  4. cottge hill on May 12th, 2013 1:37 pm

    I wish you all good luck with getting your items back. This has been going on for years in Cottage Hill, and yes last week too. My neighbors truck was broken into, and yes it was locked. My car was broken into 3 times last year, and it also was locked. If its an older car they pop the locks, if a newer car they break the window, as the alarm only goes off when the door is opened. Great security system.
    My solution was a security system, night vision cameras attached to the house. . They havent been back. . Sad thing my son opened the door to find a fat white boy running across our yard with my work bag, but dropped it to jump into a white older style bronco, Yes a police report was filed. They live in our neighborhood. I have seen the truck, High school kids. Wow ,where are their parents at when they are on their stealing spree at 1 am to 3 am in the morning.I just hope its worth dying for, someone will catch them, and just may have that 45 in hand.

  5. Rainer on May 10th, 2013 10:09 am

    I stayed on my outside balcony last night with a shot gun. I got the week off. Hummmmm.. I work for mine and I am a perfect shot.

  6. cantonment on May 10th, 2013 9:26 am

    yea my dogs wouldnt have that. easy fix to a stupid problem

  7. haley on May 10th, 2013 8:03 am

    just so you guys know. My purse was stolen out of my car about a week ago from the jacks branch area , and last night they got into our shed … they kicked the door down.. but jokes on them! because there was nothing in there for them to steal! but we still filed a report

  8. muscogee89 on May 10th, 2013 7:06 am

    My truck was unlocked and was went through also but i dont leave vaulables in it. I would rather the idiots look in my truck than to bust my windows out and then look. I just hope it wasnt young teens because they will get braver and when they enter a home they may not return, sad but true!

  9. Ellie on May 9th, 2013 10:49 pm

    I was just telling a couple friends, one who is also my neighbor this morning that I thought someone was around my house between 11 and 2 am. Our dog started barking like crazy, I could not get him to stop his barking. (He has never acted like this in the middle of the night.) Naturally, I grabbed my pistol, and turned both porch lights on and that is how they stayed till am. The pistol slept with us, and it will again tonight. I get a call from my neighbor friend about this article, and I think this adds to my suspicion. So blessed to live where we look out for one another. We live around Jacks Branch and 196!

  10. Robert S. on May 9th, 2013 7:27 pm

    Mom, Dad, Driver Ed Coach, my insurance company for many years have always said “Lock the Vehicle” when you are away from it and DO NOT leave anything in plain sight. Common Sense which ain’t so common anymore.
    Had a friend tell me of several thefts from vehicles where people had left windows open, doors unlocked. and purses, computers, cell phones GPS, all sorts of personal information in Plain Sight in the UN–locked vehicle and the thugs took advantage of the opportunity and the ignorance of the victim.
    She laughed and said, “Bad as the theft is, the idiots kind of deserve it as all they had to do was lock up the vehicle.” Not one vehicle that was locked was broken into….Stupid is as Stupid Does.

  11. Namen on May 9th, 2013 6:59 pm

    It won’t necessarily make you safer to lock your doors. If they want to get in, all they’ll have to do is break a window. Don’t leave anything in your car. Take your stereo faceplate off and bring it in the house with you.

  12. Maggie Jackson on May 9th, 2013 5:28 pm

    If you leave your car parked outside your garage, do not leave your garage door opener in your car! Once they get into the garage, your house is next.

  13. Bob on May 9th, 2013 8:19 am

    Why not invest in a good dog and install an invisible fence. Most people that pilfer in an automobile are amateurs under twenty years of age. They want no part of a good watch dog.

  14. bd on May 9th, 2013 7:16 am

    and it’s only going to get worse with kids getting out of school in a few weeks. It’s amazing coming home from work at 1 or 2am in the morning how many kids are out wandering the streets. Any parental involvement or do they care at all? Lock your cars up, don’t leave anything of value in them. I’s a sad thing to NEED an alarm system on your house AND car!!!

  15. 429SCJ on May 9th, 2013 7:00 am

    Don’t leave your sidearm in the car, that goes under your pillow at night.

  16. baebae on May 9th, 2013 6:12 am

    Nicely said Jane…that’s the same way I would have said it

  17. Jane on May 9th, 2013 4:47 am

    One of the first things you learn with the Neighborhood Watch groups is to lock up, light up your yard/homes, and make it a little harder for people to rob you. Many times these are robberies of opportunity. If you make your valuables accessible to the thieves they will take advantage of that.