ECUA, County Battle Over Trash

May 30, 2013

The Escambia County Commission took steps Wednesday directly intended to stop he Emerald Coast Utilities Authority’s plan to stop using the Perdido Landfill and divert waste to a private company.

The commission approved a moratorium on waste-to-energy facilities in the county, requiring any future such facility to receive approval from county commission. And the county will also seek proposals from waste-to-energy type firms.

The ECUA board favors a 15-year contract with Southern Waste Recovery (SWR) that would recover trash that could be converted into a fuel source.

The county, which operates the Perdido Landfill, says ECUA’s business is needed so that the landfill survives financially.


4 Responses to “ECUA, County Battle Over Trash”

  1. sniper on May 31st, 2013 10:05 am

    Bottom line is the county landfill will close (lost revenue). And the trash will now be turned into fuel by a third party (revenue to be gained). What the BOCC hasn’t figured out is how they (the county) can make money off of the new process. I’m sure once the county figures out how they can make money off of it they will be content and maybe even take some credit for the idea.

  2. steve on May 30th, 2013 4:34 pm

    lets see, all the area around the landfill is to grow like crazy over the next 10 -15 year master plan. town meetings in the past show the study’s done, mass home projects, bypass , new schools, restaurants, but yet do we want to have the next HOT spot in our area to be centered around the landfill? really! Hats off to ECUA at looking in new directions. I say close the landfill.

  3. DAGB on May 30th, 2013 11:59 am

    I would call it greed, which always ends up biting you . Look at this situation, BOCC arguing about the dump now they WILL be forced to give up money one way or the other to the Sheriff/Jail. ….. Fine job Commissioners

  4. Jane on May 30th, 2013 7:06 am

    So isn’t this sort of favoritism by the County? Let’s not use something that is cost effective and ecologically freindly, let’s force them to use Perdido landfill.