Deputies Stumble Across Potted Pot Plants

May 24, 2013

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies literally stumbled across a couple of potted pot plants Thursday afternoon in Century.

As deputies were involved in a manhunt near the intersection of Gilford Avenue and Bonwell Street, they spotted a couple of a small marijuana plants behind a home growing in pots that were labeled as previously containing hybrid tomato plants.

The plants were uprooted and seized as evidence, while the pots were returned to a  Bonwell Street resident.

No charges were filed in the incident.

Pictured top and below: Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies stumbled across a couple of potted pot plants during a manhunt Thursday afternoon in Century. Pictured inset: One of the small plants seized as evidence. photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Deputies Stumble Across Potted Pot Plants”

  1. Jimbo on May 29th, 2013 7:36 am

    @ Make It Legal. I respect much of what you say, but if it’s made legal, who’s going to pay taxes on something they can grow in their backyard, closet, or porch? Also, the stuff that’s out there now will knock down a bull moose. I don’t want a backhoe operator, a car or truck driver, airline pilot, or train engineer high on that stuff. Colorado and Washington state are already having issues they didn’t anticipate when they legalized it. What if your Dr. was stoned while doing surgery on you? Maybe if they had bars that let folks come in and smoke or eat brownies that didn’t hold Captains, Pilots, or Medical licenses…. you’re asking for Pandora’s box, my friend.

  2. Make it Legal on May 28th, 2013 1:21 pm

    Why don’t the make it legal?
    Look at the space it would free up in our county jails and state prisons!
    Look at the taxes the state/ Feds could make!
    Look at how many smugglers would stop crossing our border with pounds of pot!

    Have you ever heard of someone that had overdosed on pot?
    Heck you can OD on aspirin, get alcohol poison from too much beer/whiskey!
    Folks get drunk, put the pedal to the metal Crash and kill other folks!
    Folks get stoned and drive slower and are more aware of their surroundings!
    You hear everyday of someone killed by a drunk driver!
    I’ve never heard of someone being high/stoned causing a crash resulting in death!

    You hear of people saying it helps them with pain and other health problems
    Why wouldn’t we want these folks using something natural instead of taking strong pain killers?

    Researchers are doing studies on anything you can think of, lots of the studies are just plain Crazy!
    Why doesn’t our Gov-ment share their studies of Pot?
    If they made it legal would they loose to many ICE agents?

    I think there is far more Good than there is bad!!!

  3. molino jim on May 25th, 2013 12:14 pm

    @ Anna. Two part to my reply. Some have all ready commented about the burden of proof that the property owner was the grower. #2-My comment about the “head” librarian was a tongue in cheek pun because this dealt with weed. No one ever came forward to admit they had planted the reefer seeds in the planter box.

  4. mnon on May 25th, 2013 10:49 am

    I would have been embarrassed and kicked myself for years if I got busted and jailed for a couple scrawny, sun-starved pot plants.

  5. Anna on May 25th, 2013 8:12 am

    Molino Jim~ Really? That’s not even within the context of my comment.

    Reader~ You have a point. I assumed (my bad) that they were fairly close to the house, were they were easily spotted but that might not have been the case. Your right they could belong to a really bad neighbor or anyone who placed it on their property.

  6. A friend on May 24th, 2013 8:38 pm

    Mr Bashore is looking really serious and the other officer is like ” heck yea we just got their stash” good job men

  7. molino jim on May 24th, 2013 2:15 pm

    I recall a few years back there were several nice pot plants growing in the planter box/flower bed in front of the Pace Library at UWF. I guess they should have arrested the “head” librarian.

  8. Ben Thar on May 24th, 2013 9:07 am

    I don’t know…maybe they ought to let them grow a little more and see if they sprout some hybrid tomatoes.

  9. well on May 24th, 2013 8:00 am

    See, they will pick them up later, when they stumble across them.
    No need to chase.

  10. reader on May 24th, 2013 7:36 am

    “I’m wondering why no arrest was made.”

    You have to be be able to prove who the plants belong to. If I were your neighbor, I’d grown my plants in *your* backyard.

  11. Goober on May 24th, 2013 7:34 am

    WOW! Great job! I feel safer already!

  12. Matt on May 24th, 2013 7:25 am

    It looks like the rabbit got to the plants before the cops did.

  13. southern girl on May 24th, 2013 7:14 am

    Well if they didn’t know it before they do now……….. All the sorry no good criminals now know to just cross the Florida line when running from the law and you got it made,………..HaHa, can’t catch me now!

  14. Anna on May 24th, 2013 7:13 am

    I’m wondering why no arrest was made. Isn’t it illegal to cultivate maijuana? It doesn’t just spring up and grow in a container by itself.

  15. van on May 24th, 2013 3:42 am

    Goody. We can’t chase a wanted criminal but we will take your pot plants and leave you with the planters so you can just plant some more!!