Century Won’t Intervene In Woman’s Parking Dispute With Business

May 9, 2013

A Century woman is battling with a neighboring small business over parking, and the Town of Century is taking a hands off approach, staying out of the fight.

Gail Aldridge, a resident of 9032 North Century Boulevard, approached the Century Town Council seeking help due to customers at a neighboring plant nursery parking on her property. Mayor Freddie McCall said it’s a private property dispute, and Aldridge needs to hire a lawyer.

Despite a postal address on North Century Boulevard, Aldridge’s property does not front on any roadway; it’s accessed from a driveway and easement from nearby Zion Street, behind the First Mt. Zion Church. The same driveway provides access to the nursery property, and Aldridge said the driveway and access to and from her property is often blocked by nursery customers.

She said “that does not give them the right to take my front yard for their business”.

Aldridge chose former Century councilman Henry Hawkins to speak on her behalf the council.  “All Mrs. Aldridge wants is to be able to get out of her property when she wants to,” Hawkins said.

Aldridge has called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, but deputies have not become involved because they believe it’s a civil, rather than criminal, issue.

McCall said he has been called to the location several times, including once when he was told “to hurry up and get up there because there is going to be a fight or a killing”.

“It’s a civil matter and they need to get a lawyer and let a judge…take care of that,” McCall said.

Pictured top: A map from the Escambia County Property Appraiser shows the location of Aldridge’s property relative to the neighboring plant nursery.  Pictured inset: Henry Hawkins speaks on behalf of Gayle Aldridge (right) during a Century Town Council meeting. Pictured below: The area in front of Aldridge’s home that she says is being blocked by nursery customers. Pictured bottom: The nursery adjacent to Aldridge’s home. Courtesy images for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


39 Responses to “Century Won’t Intervene In Woman’s Parking Dispute With Business”

  1. bamagirl on June 22nd, 2013 9:12 am

    Always causing DRAMA. PUT UP A NO TRESPASSING SIGN AND THEN IF THEY PARK ON YOU YARD THEN YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It took 20 something years before you decided to say something.

  2. FLOWERPOWER on May 12th, 2013 7:02 am

    Have a trade off:
    For every car a flower,
    Then her yard would be landscaped as well!
    I see a few plants in yard now, did they come from next door? Looks good!

    I know this is a problem, but is seasonal, good neighbors can be forever, if we

  3. Bamafan on May 11th, 2013 12:58 pm

    To everyone who is saying they owners should post no parking signs ect maybe you should drive by and look there have been signs and other areas blocked off for over a month now. There should have been a picture taking of all that not just the aldridges house

  4. Anna on May 11th, 2013 6:59 am

    I don’t know either party involved but it seems to have a simple solution. Post signs to begin with. No Parking. Private Parking. Trespassers will be towed. Then because the drive way is an easement with acess for BOTH resident and business you post more signs. DO NOT BLOCK THE DRIVE WAY OR VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED. Then do it. Tow the cars. It doesn’t matter if the nursery works hard or not, the resident lives off the gov. or not. The issue is you can not block someones driveway or acess. Everyone thinks that the resident should stop complaining. Well tell me what would you do if people were daily blocking you in or out of your home? Parking in your yard?

  5. Bk on May 11th, 2013 12:43 am

    If the city of Century is responsible for the zoning, it’s really crappy of them to not take care of this. I can’t help but think that a business owner would want to fence in their own property, not just to keep it safe from theft, but as a definite border for insurance/liability issues.

    Regardless, I’m sure if the parties involved read the comments, they could come to an agreement based on all the good ideas people have been posting!

  6. David Huie Green on May 10th, 2013 8:59 pm

    “I wish people would stop complaining about insignificant issues ”

    Don’t we all?

    Problem is we don’t agree on what is insignificant. A shed is important to one, unimportant to another. A particular route is important to one, unimportant to another. The great Dolly Parton has the song about family in which she says for family you’ll forgive what you’d kill others for. (Sometimes it works the other way, of course when family members just can’t get along.)

    A minor nuisance by someone you like is something you can overlook.
    The same thing by someone you dislike can drive you to killing.

    That’s why good judges help us sort out things like that. (In fact, it’s part of the reason the people of Afghanistan tolerate Taliban, because they will judge independent of bribes, even if their judgment is to behead all women involved.)

    David for more perfect justice
    (and for Heather, of course)

  7. Connie Whitworth on May 10th, 2013 3:01 pm

    That shed was Mr. Mathis’s and leave it alone. There are so many memory’s there in that shed. Let someone tell you to remove a memory of your parent that is no longer with you. Nursery needs to be moved to the business district not a home.

  8. Just Wondering on May 10th, 2013 10:53 am

    David Huie Green,

    I’m not saying don’t report the “less important” news stories, I’m saying I wish people would stop complaining about insignificant issues (such as parking) and focus on solving bigger issues. Obviously, I read the “less important” news stories (and enjoy them) otherwise I wouldn’t be commenting on this particular story. Like many other commentors have suggested, she can solve the problem in many way: put up a fence, have the cars towed, get a lawyer, etc. There, that problem is solved. Now on to world hunger.

    Heather for protesting stupid tag lines after commenting on every single story on NorthEscambia.com

  9. Connie Whitworth on May 10th, 2013 10:49 am

    When and why are people wanting the Aldridge’s to build a fence are sell there property? Mr.Mathis had that shop opened for years before he passed away he never blocked there driveway for his customers and he had a lot. He would let you know not to disrespect the neighbors driveway. There’s a way to solve this. Have to nursery build a fence not the Aldridges. It is CALLED RESPECT AND NOT HAVE YOUR CUSTOMERS DRIVE ON OTHERS PROPERTY. Mrs. Aldridge stand out there and charge a 5.00 parking fee to keep your yard maintained then that will stop the traffic. Tow them off that will stop them. THERE WOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM IF THE NURSERY WOULD HAVE THERE CUSTOMERS PARK ON THERE PROPERTY. CLEAR A PART OF YOUR YARD FOR YOUR BUSINESS. YOUR NEIGHBOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS PARKING. THERE YARD IS NOT A PARKING LOT.

  10. Nick on May 10th, 2013 10:33 am
  11. Beverly on May 10th, 2013 9:22 am

    Put up signs that say “private property….your vehicle will be towed” and then follow through with the towing if people park on your property. That’s the way we do it here in Texas. It only took one time for me…I didn’t see the sign, but I paid dearly for towing. Good luck Gail.

  12. David Huie Green on May 10th, 2013 9:12 am

    Just Wondering,
    It would be silly to report no lesser news until the problem of the heat death of the universe is solved. Since it ain’t gonna happen, you can quit reading all news if that is your preference.

    David for reasonable attitudes

  13. Just Wondering on May 10th, 2013 7:33 am

    Okay, how about I put it out there like this:

    There are bigger issues in the city, county, state, country and world going on right now that totally eclipse a stupid parking situation. Obviously, if the police and City of Century won’t do anything about the parking situation, then Aldridge needs to take this matter in to her own hands. Get a fence or get a lawyer. But stop bringing stupid issues like this up when there are bigger fish to fry.

  14. well on May 10th, 2013 7:05 am

    Ingress egress is one thing, already cross 2 other properties to get to the problem area. Looks like the Nursery would want a happy neighbor but they most likely don’t tell their customers to park there.
    May not tell them to not park there either. Sometimes customers do as they like not whats right.

  15. ben on May 10th, 2013 4:32 am

    When I opened up my business in the city of Pensacola, I had to assure the city there was adequate parking for my customers. I also had to screen off my property from adjacent residences with fencing or landscaping.

    It seems like a reasonable accomodation.

  16. The bottom line... on May 9th, 2013 10:24 pm

    It doesn’t matter who was there first. And it’s irrelevant if either of them live off the government or are hard working people. Gayle shouldn’t HAVE to put a fence up to keep people off her property, or keep them from blocking her driveway and mailbox. And even suggesting that she should sell some of her property so the nursery will have more space is ridiculous. The bottom line is that if the nursery doesn’t have permission for its customers to park in her yard, it’s their problem and their responsibility to accommodate their customers with parking space. If I were Gayle, I probably would install a fence, but ONLY because traffic to and from the nursery is apparently somewhat heavy at times and wouldn’t want to risk my grandchildren being injured… not to solve the nursery’s parking dilemma.

  17. flower power on May 9th, 2013 8:49 pm

    Leave the nursery alone! All she is doing is beautifying the town and at least she is ‘working’ to make a living unlike many others around there. Her customers are not there to spend the day nor over night…just long enough to buy some plants to add beauty to their place. Quite whinning like a spoiled brat and live and let live! Yeah, she WAS there first. The world does not revolve around one person…be a neighbor for corn’s sake! Just saying~

  18. David Huie Green on May 9th, 2013 6:45 pm

    Yep, civil court sounds like the place to go

    Wonder how Judge Bergosh would split the baby.

    David wishing all well

  19. jeeperman on May 9th, 2013 6:21 pm

    There is a cheaper way other than hiring a lawyer………..who will drag it out as long as possible to fluff up their “billable hours”.
    No need for a fence either.
    Just have or rent a trencher to cut a nice two foot by two foot trench inside the legal perimeter of said property.
    Just leave a space wide enough for your vehicle to come and go.

  20. Michelle on May 9th, 2013 2:26 pm

    Have you checked both property deeds? There are usually restrictions added to them or maybe a side note about who actually owns said area (driveway) Check all deeds first before you waste money on a lawyer.
    Yous till have options available as suggested by others. Like open your own business if possible.

  21. tom on May 9th, 2013 1:36 pm

    Looks like it may be a safety issue….If there are children or elderly in the home and a fire truck or ambulance is blocked, this is a problem… and there are several govt offices that could have jurisdiction….The right person just needs to know about it.
    I’m all about too many laws and free enterprise, but this is just common sense and “do unto others”

  22. M & D supporter on May 9th, 2013 1:05 pm

    Leave it to Gail to mess up a good thing in Century. A place to go get some of the most beautiful flowers around and not charge an arm and a leg for them and all she can do it grip about something. A place where you can take your children and they always get to pick a flower just for them at no cost! Some of the nicest people you could ever met. Exactly the kind of person a bully is looking for!

  23. Just Wondering on May 9th, 2013 12:58 pm

    I have no dog in this fight at all, but I’m just wondering…who was there first? The nursery or the Aldridge home? Was the nursery there before the Aldridges built/moved in to their house (as it looks a little newer than the nursery’s house/office)? I don’t know how long the nursery has been open, so that’s why I ask. Some people are immediately jumping on the nursery and saying, “make the nursery move” or “make the nursery put up a fence”, but what if they were there first? Hypothetically speaking, if the nursery was there before the Aldridges built or moved in to their home, then too bad for the Aldridges. They should not have moved right next to a business. I would not move right in front of, next to, behind, etc. a business for that very reason…dealing with the business’ customers!

    If the Aldridge’s were there first, then my whole arguement is null and void. :)

  24. Customer on May 9th, 2013 12:18 pm

    That’s Gail for u…lol Can’t you get a fence? or handle it yourself do you really need to bother the town council??? Seems she just needs something to whine about. Let them make a living and quit making such a big deal out of nothing!

  25. Problem Solver on May 9th, 2013 10:58 am

    1. If a vehicle you do not own is parked on your property you can call and have it towed away. I say invest in a few signs advising if they park there they will be towed away.

    2. Call the Sheriff’s Office regarding Trespassers, if this is not their property, they are Trespassing, it is criminal!!

    3. build a fence

    4. get a mean dog that bites

    5. run outside naked screaming like a crazy woman and they will move the nursery.. lol

  26. ngd on May 9th, 2013 10:18 am

    I am related to the Odoms and they are very hard workers and taught their children to be hard workers. I am wondering why the Aldridges haven’t put up a fence, could it be that maybe they don’t own the property they are claiming..I really don’t know, but seems to me they would put a fence up or shut up….just saying, its not like the customers are parked there all day and night.

  27. just saying on May 9th, 2013 9:55 am

    This is really a sad and crazy situation. Its really sad that the Odoms are trying to make a living and cant because people dont let them. At least the Odoms are attempting to work and not live off the government like others. The Odoms cant run a business for people cussing and hollering at people when customers drive in. People today really amaze me. Get along be happy that they are working and supporting themselves not depending on the government. If i was them Odoms id take the fighting or killing comment as a threat and have something done about that. Just a crazy and sad situation.

  28. Henry Coe on May 9th, 2013 9:22 am

    I agree with the fence idea. Just run some fence to the road or put in a concrete curb.

    It is a shame that the business is being a bad neighbor by not coming up with a solution to a problem they created. It’s also a shame the authorities are cowardliness in going to bat for one of its residents. It seems who ever issues the business license should have some culpability in this.

    This has to be like harassment for the people that live there and keep finding their driveway being blocked.when they are just trying to get to their home. It would seem like a stupid problem to keep happening over and over and over.
    Some how the “stand your ground law” should apply to being able to protect your property. If you had a family medical emergency and the offending vehicle was blocking access to or from the property, someone could literally die.

  29. c.w. on May 9th, 2013 8:38 am

    If they are parking on your property, put sign up that its private property and the cars will be towed. Then call a wrecker and have the removed. After paying a few fees to reclaim their cars, watch the parking problem go away.

  30. Rhah on May 9th, 2013 7:55 am

    I was down there yesterday morning and there were so many of us customers having to park down the driveway that I seen mr Aldridge trying to get to his mailbox but couldn’t because it was so packed, then I didn’t know there was an issue. And as far as I know about the shop being an eye sore, all the junk an trash on the left side of the shop belonged to mike odom not the aldridges because I seen mr odom cleaning it out while there buying flowers one day. There are codes for stuff like that so maybe if this issue has been going on for a while maybe Mr odom was told he had to clean his junk out? The junk has been in the aldridges shop for a long time and all I sudden me odom decides he should clean his mess up?

  31. Love thy neighbor on May 9th, 2013 7:47 am

    I think it is a sad day when you cannot handle a matter so trivial to help your neighbor, and especially to call the police to say there “will be a fight or a killing”, really??? Over a parking issue? What kind of person would say something like this! I have been to the nursery many times over the years, and have never seen a problem when I have been there. The people who own the nursery are hard working people trying to make a honest living. I know most people try to stay off of the adjoining property, but I am sure there are some who are not considerate and until now did not realize there is an issue over parking. I think the best advice would be to follow the Bible: Love Thy Neighbor! Come to a mutual agreement instead of making threats and trying to get the police involved…

  32. ProudArmyParent on May 9th, 2013 7:15 am

    Looks to me that the “nursery” is in a private home. What is the property zoned for? Maybe that is the issue!

  33. mnon on May 9th, 2013 6:38 am

    Put a fence up between you and the nursery and about 4 yards of roofing tacks on your side of the privacy fence so you have the only safe clean spot to park. I would if it were my property.

  34. cygie on May 9th, 2013 6:30 am

    Seems like a case of “let the governent fix my problems” instead of dealing with it.

  35. Susan on May 9th, 2013 6:23 am

    Problem Solved:

    Why doesn’t Mrs. Aldridge let the Odom’s purchase the area that dilapidated car shop/garage is on? (which was not pictured, but as a “neighbor” I can say it has been that way at least for 15 years.

    I’m almost certain it’s against some code in Century, and is a danger not to mention an eye sore, and the Odom’s can use it as parking.

    I’m sure it’s more than frustrating to be blocked in, and that’s understandable but some people take things way too far.

  36. just me on May 9th, 2013 6:11 am

    These pictures certainly don’t depict what it looks like now. The neighbors have roped off everywere around their place. Matter of fact, if more than one person is at the nursery, you have to back up to the church to turn around. Don’t understand why neighbors just can’t be neighborly. Maybe they should consider setting up a lemonaide stand or something and make use of the added “traffic”.

  37. Ali on May 9th, 2013 5:54 am

    Of course, hire an attorney….Everyone has the money for that. Looks like the resident and the business share a driveway, the resident should block the driveway so customers can’t get to the nursery. Maybe then the owner of the business will try and be civil and put up a sign asking customers not to bock the driveway.

  38. Susan on May 9th, 2013 5:48 am

    I went to the nursery once and parked right in front of the Aldridge place. It looked like a parking lot to me and there wasn’t anywhere else that I could see to park. I won’t do it again , just letting you know how it looks to someone who doesn’t know.

  39. Gwen on May 9th, 2013 1:48 am

    Fences make the best neighbors, just saying.