Century Man Arrested On Federal Weapons Charges While Coaching T-Ball

May 2, 2013

Authorities said a Century man was arrested on a federal weapons charge while coaching a little league t-ball game Tuesday afternoon at a Century ballpark.

Joshua Duane Griffis, age 26 of North Century Boulevard,  was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of unlawful transport of firearms and transport of stolen firearms. According to the indictment, Griffis is a convicted felon, having been convicted of fraudulent use of a credit card, burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and burglary of an occupied dwelling.

Count one of the  indictment alleges that Griffis knowingly possessed a .22 caliber revolver in violation of federal law during September 2012. Count two alleges Griffis knowingly concealed and disposed of the stolen firearm during the same time period.

Griffis was taken into custody without incident, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Griffis made his first appearance in federal court Wednesday before Senior United States District Judge Lacey A. Collier. Collier ordered Griffis held without bond until a detention hearing Monday  in federal court in Pensacola before Magistrate Judge Elizabeth M. Timothy.


53 Responses to “Century Man Arrested On Federal Weapons Charges While Coaching T-Ball”

  1. Pops on May 4th, 2013 12:57 am

    I’ll never have to worry about that because I will never get arrested(much less in front of my daughter). And if, for some reason, I ever did find myself being arrested in front of my kid, her Mother would explain to her what was going on. Not lie to her. Kids, even small ones, are lied to and coddled too much these days. Don’t hide the world from them…teach them about what actually happens in real life. They’ll thank you someday.

  2. Hill! on May 3rd, 2013 11:19 pm

    The only reason that most of us were saying that the PD should of handled this at another place is because of all the KIDS!!!!! How upsetting would you think it would be if YOU got arrested in front of your two kids? And then on top of that, having to explain to them what happened to their daddy? And why he was taken off by the cops? Plus the two kids not being old enough to understand.

  3. Pops on May 3rd, 2013 9:32 pm

    Every single one of you saying that they should not have arrested him at the ball park are straight up kooky in the head.
    It’s really, really scary to know that people like (the collective) you even exist anymore.
    I know of a very easy way to have avoided the ball park arrest….don’t commit any crimes.

  4. huh on May 3rd, 2013 6:17 pm

    This guys family will do nothing but make more excuses for his crimes. If you have robbery and selling drugs as your background, then you have lost the right to own a gun. Its that simple

  5. BT on May 3rd, 2013 11:40 am

    Here’s what you can do with the kids who were traumatized by seeing a man get arrested…you sit down and teach them a lesson.

    When your Dad or your coach steals anything that isn’t chained down, he goes to jail. When they let him out and he continues to break the law, he goes back to jail. We can be mad at the deputies that keep arresting him, or we can realize that you shouldn’t keep breaking the law.

  6. Marshall on May 3rd, 2013 11:03 am

    For those blaming the ECSO…If there had been no crime committed…they would not have had to arrest anyone. When they get a warrant, they serve it as soon as possible. Nobody knows, especially the ECSO, if the wanted is going to run or not. Most convicted Felons do not want to go back to jail. They chance of them running is excellent. It is too bad the kids had to see the arrest, but don’t blame the Deputies…blame the criminal that committed the crime(s).

  7. ----Just thinking---- on May 3rd, 2013 9:26 am

    I am certainly not suggesting that the sheriff’s department break the law. This crime was in September 2012. That was at least seven months ago. The person lives here, he is well known, He was not some vagrant on the run. They knew where he lived and could have arrested him much sooner if they so desired. Why wait to arrest him at the ball park? If the arrest warrant “commands” an arrest be made when the person’s whereabouts are known.—-Then they really should have arrested him at his home.

  8. concerned on May 3rd, 2013 7:58 am

    What happened to trying to help people rebuild their life. Why arrest the man at the ball park with his kids there for everyone to see.. He would go home after the game. go there to get him. Do you have no feelings for the children?

  9. liz on May 2nd, 2013 11:10 pm

    I am not arguing the point that he may not be a convicted felon that has changed I don’t know this man personally nor do I really care! I was just responding to the ridiculous comment of not coaching because u are a felon! I have never been arrested in my life but I know many convicted felons that are outstanding citizens friends and parents that made mistakes and have learned and to be so judgmental just baffles me!

  10. Hill on May 2nd, 2013 10:39 pm

    I agree with you Angie 100%! I keep his youngest daughter, and look at her as if she were my own daughter!!!!!!! I do not agree with the PD at how they handled this situation. It wasn’t right. They could of handled this matter at a different place and time!

  11. Resident Knows on May 2nd, 2013 10:13 pm

    >>> No one was in immediate danger and to arrest a person at the ball park for breaking the law previously is, in my opinion, inexcusable.

    An arrest warrant *commands* a law enforcement officer to take the person into custody when that person’s whereabouts are known. So you are suggesting the deputies should have broken the law? They were ordered by law to make the arrest and by the federal ATF bureau.

    For those that don’t know, he was approached by the deputies and he walked with them to their car. He wasn’t handcuffed or searched or read his rights or any of arrest stuff in front of the kids.

    This was a serious federal warrant. It’s not like it was a warrant for a $50 bad check or something. It was a felony federal warrant on gun charges.

    Kudos to our sheriff’s office for the way the arrest was handled, and kudos to Sheriff Morgan for having deputies that were able to carry out justice in a swift and appropriate manner.

  12. ---just thinking--- on May 2nd, 2013 9:47 pm

    The law is the law and of course the young man should be made to pay for his mistakes but why arrest him at the ball park? I know it was to make a statement and that statement was not in the best interest of the children. Many of the children who play ball for these teams would not get to play if they had to travel to get to practice or to the games. No one was in immediate danger and to arrest a person at the ball park for breaking the law previously is, in my opinion, inexcusable.

  13. Henry Coe on May 2nd, 2013 9:25 pm


    It would depend on the Bylaws and rules for the Little League or some other law or ordnance, if it is that organized, as to whether it was ok for him to be involved with coaching little league and being a convicted felon. I use to know a convicted felon named Bob Glass that umpired baseball in the lower parts of Escambia County. As dishonest and manipulative as he was and with his record, I don’t know that made any difference in how he did that job. It did seem that there was a certain amount of inside politics and networking that went on or was available in that organisation. Not that Escambia County it seems hasn’t had other forms of corruption and/or cronyism at every other organisational level having to do with anything at some time or another.

    It would be interesting to know about Little League rules though and if they do back ground checks for coaches and umpires.

  14. Whatgoesaroundcomesaround on May 2nd, 2013 6:30 pm

    Lol..This is so typical that his family would get on here defending him..it dont matter what he has done? HE IS A CONVICTED FELON. No felon should be on a little league field. The only reason he was is because his brother is the president. He is a repeat offender..and to renae he could have ran because he has before..He yelled at mom the other day, told her to take her kid and go, just because she wanted him to put her son in for a little while..he needs to be gone and his family can stop the drama because no matter what you want people to think, his rap sheet speaks louder.

  15. Flomaton Gal on May 2nd, 2013 6:10 pm

    People you all sound crazy. I checked his background and he should have never been allowed to coach. He has been arrested on many things that has been a danger to children, speeding, driving reckless, drugs (priscription fraud), breaking into homes. This is the very reason my children does not and never have play for Century. The people who are over this should be ashamed. This is not looking out for the children. I agree maybe the t ball game in front of children wasnt the time or place. But its what you asked for by letting a person and his family and friends run a ballpark.

  16. bleeding blue and orange on May 2nd, 2013 5:27 pm

    To Just An Observer,
    I just checked out his record too and WOW over 17 different charges against him lol. Who cares if he didn’t endanger a child or kill anyone, he is in constant trouble. I would rather have nobody coach my child than have such a BAD influence around them. Honestly, with all the other children playing on this team, why couldn’t someone else coach. Invest some time with your kids instead of using it as a child care Century.

  17. Chief says..... on May 2nd, 2013 5:08 pm

    Sounds like this one might be hard to prove seeing how he the alleged weapon was not in his possession. Any lawyer worth his weight in salt will dismiss the allegations by leading the judge (jury if it gets that far) to believe that this “could” have been a toy vs. real weapon since the gun was not recovered in the felons possession.

    Count one of the indictment “alleges” that Griffis knowingly possessed a .22 caliber revolver in violation of federal law during September 2012. Count two alleges Griffis knowingly concealed and disposed of the stolen firearm during the same time period.

    Hope this is a wake up call. If he wants to legally own firearms, he needs to
    seek to have his rights restored.

  18. Henry on May 2nd, 2013 1:42 pm

    So, did his team win the game? I had a bet on it…

  19. Mom on May 2nd, 2013 1:19 pm

    ….UMMMMM….BACKGROUND CHECKS!!! ANYONE who volunteers with youth SHOULD have them!!!!

  20. Reality Check on May 2nd, 2013 1:17 pm

    I’m just glad that E.C.S.O. finally did something right by getting this criminal off the streets.

  21. CitezenX on May 2nd, 2013 1:10 pm

    To Get Real: You do need to “get real”. You stated that he could commit any crime as long as it’s not against children and he would be ok. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? So according to you, he could be a drug user or seller or even a murderer as long as he didn’t sell to children or murder any children. Please begin typing your resignation letter. You have some serious issues and do not deserve to serve on any board involving anything. And before you speak please read the entire column, he IS a convicted felon who WAS just arrested again. And stop blaming the police for everything, criminals don’t deserve to be pampered and coddled. This is one of the many reasons why Century is one of the most crime filled and awful places around…

  22. Astonished on May 2nd, 2013 12:11 pm

    Here we go again blaming the law because someone broke the law. I cannot believe people are upset because this man was arrested at a ball park. He broke the law people. When you do that it is you that has done something wrong not the officers that are in charge of arresting you. You don’t get a choice on where you will be arrested. If he was so worried about his little girl he should have thought a lot more about her when he was braking the laws.

  23. FredaSowell on May 2nd, 2013 12:09 pm

    Wow my son was in football and when I found out one of his coaches was arrested for pimping I was told that story not a murder or child molester….No just a pimp and no they wouldn’t refund my money so he could play elsewhere. I really understand people go to jail heck almost everyone I know has been to jail before but the pimping thing was sick to me knowing how people they come in contact are treated and way the thing is Someone needs to be overlooking these parks better not just century cause this is not just there The people collect the money at the parks then after you pay you get letters saying if you don’t pay other fees your child will not be able to play !!!! These ball park presidents need to be checked on more cause there is noway most of them are doing wrong.

  24. COL on May 2nd, 2013 11:58 am

    I would not want a convicted felon coaching my children.
    It is not judging when someone knowingly breaks the law, it is a fact.

  25. BT on May 2nd, 2013 11:20 am

    While I appreciate the desire of people to quote that one passage of the Bible they seem to have heard somewhere, it’s misapplied here. You really shouldn’t be using it every time one of your family members or drinking buddies gets arrested.

  26. nudo on May 2nd, 2013 11:19 am

    Judging really???? I will do my best to judge anyone and any situation in order to keep my family safe period! Its called doing your job as a parent.

  27. Ryan on May 2nd, 2013 11:13 am

    @ Concerned Citizen

    According to this article, this was his second chance. Guess he deserves a third.

  28. just a observer on May 2nd, 2013 11:08 am

    go to http://www.escambiaclerk.com and search his name this scumbag is no saint.. Should have been in prison a long time ago

  29. NO Excuses on May 2nd, 2013 10:51 am

    People change, people make mistakes, etc. All true, but when a convicted felon knowingly possesses a firearm, gets caught and then trys to destroy or get rid of the evidence, it’s pretty apparent he still has no regard for the law or the rules. I personally DO NOT want that type of person to be coaching or setting any kind of an example for my kids. He has a criminal mindset, and I don’t want them learning that.

  30. Patriot on May 2nd, 2013 10:48 am

    A second chance?? How many felony convictions does it take before the “second chance” has expired?
    Renea, the Deputies make the arrest when it is safe to do so. I would rather get him at the ball field than go to his house (where he has access to stolen guns). If it embarrassed him, so be it. They don’t schedule arrests for the convenience of the suspect.

  31. johnathan on May 2nd, 2013 10:36 am

    why don’t yall just quit downing people yall act like just cause hes a convicted felon hes a bad person if that’s the case I guess yall can say the same about me but honestly im doing better than a lot of people that are not convicted felons I guess if it were up to everyone else a convicted felon should have zero to do with there kids I know josh personally and he has changed and hes a good dad so why cant everyone quit trying to make there self look better and down others.

  32. Mandy (sister of) on May 2nd, 2013 9:58 am

    Through all the times that Josh”s name has been put on here and any other place, I have never commented but today i feel the need because all these comments about the ballpark and coaches is insane! To start with, myself nor my sister are on the board at that ballpark, all we are is VOLUNTEERS. I spend 4 days a week at that park from the time the first person is there till the last one leaves working concession stand to helping coach and any thing else I can do to make a better ballpark for my children and every one elses children. If ever I felt that anyone’s kid was in danger by a coach or anyone else I would have been the first one to voice my opinion, brother or not!! But as his sister, I can tell you that the three crimes Josh committed as a youthful offender, he has servered his time for. So let the judge decide proper punishment this time as well.

  33. JR on May 2nd, 2013 9:49 am

    How many convicted felons do we watch play pro sports everyday? It’s a rhetorical question. Look it up. However it may cut into the amount of time you use to judge others.

  34. bigmac on May 2nd, 2013 9:39 am

    Really people the ball parks do the background checks and look them over .i don’t see any of u out their giving up ur free time trying to help kids ..people do change

  35. Ashley on May 2nd, 2013 9:36 am

    Just to clear a few things up. His 2 sisters do not run the ball park! They volunteer ther time eloping in the concession stand and getting things we need for the concession stand. Yes, his brother is Vice President but we were told he could not coach if he was a murderer or child molester, which he is neither. He volunteered to coach his daughters team because we didn’t have any others to do it. Why bring down century little league when we are trying to do things for ours kids in this town. I don’t know what the deal is with who ever said ” it’s all about the money” . I control the money at the park and we have helped out several kids that couldn’t pay registration and helped get sponsorships to help with uniforms. It cost money to run a league and nobody is getting paid to coach, work concession or etc, just the umpires and we have to buy equipment. What josh has done was wrong, but why turn it around and try to make everybody look bad too. All the players parents knew josh and was fine with their kid being on his team. We work hard to keep our ball park going. I just believe things could have been done differently. If he would have been picked up y his house where he is EVERYDAY and ALL DAY until practice or a game then there would not have been this big write up on it. Being picked up at the ball park just gives them an eye catching story for everybody to talk about. I just wish people would know what they are talking about before they post their comments.

  36. Angie (Mother of Josh) on May 2nd, 2013 9:28 am

    I never have upheld Josh in any wrong doing but I will say that EVERY parent of a child on the team knew of his criminal background. Many of the players were returning players that He coached last year. All the work that my three children put in at that park is VOLUNTEER WORK!!!!!They spend many hours of there time at that park for each and every kid out there and to judge there reasoning for being there is insane. If he did the crime I agree that he should pay the consequences but the police knew where he lived and this could have been handled in a different manner. His daughter and many other small children had to watch the ridiculousness of how the Sheriffs dept handled this.
    Now my concern is with his two small children, in which he was raising, they are the ones that will suffer from your crude comments.
    Background checks are done on the coaches and like previous comments stated, if you are not a child molester or murderer, then you can coach.

  37. Get real on May 2nd, 2013 9:09 am

    I am not saying what he done is right if he did commit the crime, I sit on the board for a ballpark and i have took place on deciding what felonies should be considered and shouldnt. Pretty much, if they have nt hurt a child in any way, shape or form and does not have an abusive past amongst a few other things then yes, they can coach.

    Please keep in mind that he had not been arrested for these crimes and therefore it would not have shown up on a background check. who knows if the warrant was even in place at the time of the background check??

    They should not have arrested them at the ball park, it could had been done after them game and not in front of his or anyone elses kids. This happen during football season once where my son plays and the officers where so dam rude and the person being arrested did everything they told him to do and these officers were just so nasty. there is a right and wrong place and time to do things. These officers and the agency they serve should be in total ashame of themselves!!!

  38. CitizenX on May 2nd, 2013 8:33 am

    To “me”: You say they could have waited…He’s not a killer only an addict. Get real and wake up. It’s people like you that let this kind of crap continue…hoping he’ll change…he’s a good boy…blah…blah…blah. And how is stealing and breaking into an occupied building not hurting anyone…Century needs to burn!!!

  39. Ben on May 2nd, 2013 8:10 am


    We are saying if u are a convicted felon u shouldn’t be allowed to coach other peoples kids.

    Sure, people change. Based on the charges, it doesn’t appear that Mr. Griffis is one of those people.

  40. Lisa on May 2nd, 2013 8:06 am

    That’s the reason, I never put my kids in stuff like that, when they get older, let them be involved with the school activities, good for the mom that reported the bad, hate for the kid, but it’ll be better in the long run, also I don’t associate myself or my kids with peopleike that. If you run with them well you’reprolly gonna be like them because you’re goons accept it, oh well he’s got problems, help him by turning him in, & yes I’m gonna agree, he has no business coaching any little ones

  41. Concerned Citizen on May 2nd, 2013 7:58 am

    Do you people not understand thou shalt not judge?!? He has 2 small children, which he has custody of, and should be allowed to coach his own child’s T-ball team! Everyone makes mistakes and deserve a second chance!

  42. Renea on May 2nd, 2013 7:47 am

    People background checks have been done on all coaches and Josh is not the only one with a felony conviction. and its NICE to know all of yall are Judges and have already CONVICTED him. if your not a child molester or a murderer then you can coach.

    The Escambia county sheriff department had no right to “make a point” in front of not only his six year old daughter but probably 20 other small children. They know where Josh was living and should have went there. What if he had run (which Josh would not have) then what were they gonna draw there guns in front of all these kids. Think about it Offices what kind of scares you have put on these kids.

    And as far as the rest of Josh’s family yall need to shut the heck up. and besides Josh was out there coaching his child and other children SPENDING time with his kids. and thats more then MOST of you on here can say.

  43. Concerned on May 2nd, 2013 7:37 am

    That’s century for u!!!!!! That boy won’t ever change how many times will he get away with the things he does??? Believe me using the phrase “he could change” just gives him a cop out!!! Mayb he should man up! Or do real time for once!

  44. of course on May 2nd, 2013 7:21 am

    And that’s the exact reason why we don’t play for Century!

  45. No One Special on May 2nd, 2013 6:59 am

    Even though the ballpark is located in Century, the town does not oversee the teams or coaches. Can’t blame this one on the town of Century.

  46. Sam on May 2nd, 2013 6:58 am

    Come on folks, this is pathetic. 4,5,and 6 year old kids having to see this. Parents had to have known about him. Century is a small town. The authorities should have done this at another location. What if he had resisted?

  47. me on May 2nd, 2013 6:42 am

    Dang they couldve just waited until after the game how sad for his two little girls hes not a killer or someone that was trying to hurt someone else yes he was wrong for stealing but hes an addict praying he gets help and for his children.

  48. Knew It on May 2nd, 2013 6:22 am

    Look who is over the ballpark this year!!! That would be his 2 sisters and brother in law!! That’s how he was able to get a team.

  49. liz on May 2nd, 2013 6:16 am

    So u are saying if u are a convicted felon u shouldn’t be allowed to coach your kid? That’s insane people do change and there are many types and degrees of felonies! If u are a child molester or a murderer then I would see your point! Otherwise I would think it would be a case by case basis, and u shouldn’t be so condescending or judgemental!

  50. cygie on May 2nd, 2013 6:09 am

    Maybe Century should spend less on websites and spend more on checking out who is coaching their children!

  51. sara on May 2nd, 2013 6:05 am

    I seen stuff also when it was football season. YES I reported it only to have my child benched a whole season. MOST of these parks do not care they just want the money

  52. omg on May 2nd, 2013 5:35 am

    What… why is he coaching someone is Not doing their job at this ball park. How embarrassing for century again

  53. n on May 2nd, 2013 3:43 am

    These ballparks are supposed to be doing background checks on all the coaches. I think they need to do a little better job in doing so. Ive seen convicted felons coacBing t-ball at a couple different parks this year.