Century Council Honors Northview’s State Ranked Weightlifters

May 7, 2013

The Century Town Council presented proclamations Monday night honoring two Northview High School weightlifting team members that recently placed at the state 1-A finals in Kissimmee.

LaMikal Kyles finished eighth in the state in the 183-pound class with a total of 560 pounds, an improvement over his 535 pound total at regionals. Kyles, weighing in at 172.5 pounds, had a bench press of 310 pounds and a clean jerk of 250 pounds — all personals bests.

In the 199-pound class, Arkelle Elliot finished 11th in the state with a total of 575 pounds.  Weighing in at 198.9 pounds, Elliot had a best bench press of 330 pounds and a clean jerk of 245 pounds — all matching his personal best records.

Pictured top are Northview Assistant Principal Gerry Pippins, Principal Gayle Weaver, Football Head Coach Sid Wheatley, LaMikal Kyles, Mayor Freddie McCall and NHS Coach Derek Marshman at Monday night’s Century Town Council meeting. Pictured below are the same individuals with Arkelle Elliot. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Council Honors Northview’s State Ranked Weightlifters”

  1. A Fan on May 7th, 2013 11:25 am

    Way to go guys!
    Keep lifting towards a better future – keep looking up!!!

  2. Sara Kyles on May 7th, 2013 10:35 am

    Congratulations to the both of you! Mike Mike, I’m proud of you!! :)

  3. eeyore on May 7th, 2013 9:54 am

    …ahhhh, congrads to the two! i remember when i completed in those weight classes years ago in HS…and the memories…my personal best at the heavier weight was 350 BP and 310 CJ for a total of 660 but there were a couple of stronger local guys that always beat me and was not able to win at those meets…