Two Charged In Molino Murder

May 7, 2013

Two people are now behind bars charged with the murder of a Santa Rosa County man – a murder that one suspect says happened in Molino.

The body of Harvey Ray Smith, age 43 of Pace, was found stuffed into a trunk behind a Motel 6 on Davis Highway Saturday morning. Smith had been reported missing in Santa Rosa County. Family members located his vehicle at the motel and then discovered the body.

Deborah Leanne Burge, age 22 of Highway 97, Molino, was booked into the Escambia County Jail Sunday night on charges of homicide and robbery in connection with the man’s death.  Zachary Vance Greer, 22,  was arrested Monday night by U.S. Marshals and the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. He is being held in the Santa Rosa County Jail on a charge of homicide and robbery. He will returned to Escambia County after a first appearance in Santa Rosa County.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said third person sought by deputies earlier Monday, Lauren Rockwell, is no longer a person of interest.

Report state Burge and Greer conspired to rob Smith. Burge allegedly lured Smith, her acquaintance, to her home in the 3900 block of Highway 97 in Molino. She told deputies she went inside while Smith and Greer remained outside. When she later exited the home, she found Smith on the ground bleeding. She told Sheriff’s investigators that Greer told her he killed Smith and put his body in the trunk of the car that was later driven to the Motel 6 on Davis Highway in Pensacola.

Further details about the Smith’s death have not yet been released by the Sheriff’s Office.

Anyone with information on the case is asked to call Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.


32 Responses to “Two Charged In Molino Murder”

  1. krystal and nick on May 30th, 2013 11:37 pm

    this hit us hard. being the aunt to the babies of the accused young lady involved we miss you and keep your head up. we all make mistakes and it takes one step at a time to geth through those mistakes. For Ray’s family and daughters my heart and prayers go out to all of you. this is a difficult situation. nick and i were close to everyone involved in this. to Leeann’s family……..we love you and hope all is well. the best it can be. we love everyone involved. no one deserves to be betrayed like this. i can’t begin to explain what leeann was thinking or going through. you can’t help who you trust. just remember this is difficult for those behind the scene too. We will keep you in our prayers

  2. John E. Smith on May 8th, 2013 1:09 am

    My2Cents Thanks for your comments and prayer. And to Mike Amerson I agree with you about Ray. You were a big part of Ray getting clean and staying clean. I always felt that you stayed in his life because you new he needed it. Lots of people could have worked on stuff for you. And you had to drive a good ways to visit him. I know you are a good guy. I have only spoke with you a few times butyou were there wen I needed it. This senseless murder is so hard to believe. Ray new this girl that set him up. I dont believe the sex angle. Ray would have left that thug at the store. I have known and spent more time with Ray than anybody alive.From the time he was little he couldnt stand to be alone. It hurts me so bad to think of that bitch watching him die. And stuffing him in that trunk he was the most alone he ever could have been.When he was a toddler he carried a plastic hammer everywhere, even to bed. And I always will think of him like that, an innocent kid scared to be alone. And they murdered him over money. Our lives will never be the same. As adults we will carry on with fond memories. What about his 3 year old daughter. His death cant be in vain. It must be avenged. Thanks to everyone for their love and support. With Gods Grace we will make it! JES

  3. My2Cents on May 7th, 2013 9:39 pm

    It’s a shame when you live across the street from these kind of people. Deborah came across the street to my brother’s house not to long ago while I visiting and wanted to borrow his truck. Well, she didn’t get too! She was told to get off the property and do not return. She was high on something then and she didn’t set well with me. Now to find out these two are responsible for the death of our friend. I can only pray that justice will prevail in this case. No pleas, period. Not to mention Zack is currently on community control until 2018. Lord, I sincerely pray that you will guide the hands of the friends, family and children of Ray. May you bring them comfort, faith, and peace believing the justice system will do their job.



  4. Yankeedipped on May 7th, 2013 2:54 pm

    @ Mike: that was the best way to describe Ray! He was a great man to everyone who knew him. Even if he didn’t know you and you needed help, he helped! Everyone hits a bump in the road at some point in their life and it takes great will power and courage to over come everything Ray has had in in his life! He loved his children in every way God gave him to love! He will definitely be missed by his family and friends! He would hurt anyone purposely, especially if you are female!! He is now living with his parents and his children have a great guardian angel watching over them now!!! As for the ones that did this to him, may they suffer just as they made Ray suffer!! The only part of them I feel bad for are the two children that were involved! Thy didn’t deserve to have their lives destroyed!!! Not only did they take Ray’s life, but they took all the children’s lives away too (just in a different way). Hopefully Ray’s family will find peace!

  5. Devastating Dave on May 7th, 2013 12:32 pm

    Are these young people going to be reformed by prison? Are they going to transform into good citizens and neighbors at some point? If not, we need to execute them to protect other people’s loved ones from harm.

  6. Seriously on May 7th, 2013 11:33 am

    @ Mike Amerson : I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Mr. Smith, but from your heartfelt words I know he was a great man that will sadly be missed by many. Thank you for enlightening us on the life of a fine, hardworking, upstanding member of our community. May God watch over his family and see that justice is done in this horrible situation. I pray for everyone affected by this senseless tragedy.

  7. BamaT on May 7th, 2013 10:10 am

    From Molino? Cmon!

  8. kathy on May 7th, 2013 9:02 am

    Praying for Mr Ray’s family and God Bless you all.

  9. concerned on May 7th, 2013 8:36 am

    Men beware: Don’t let a pretty face lure you in. You never know when it is a set up.

  10. Mike Amerson on May 7th, 2013 8:32 am

    For those of you that didn’t know Ray, he had issues with drugs for a long time. About 8 years ago, he got up one morning and said he was done with them. Since that day, he was clean. During this time period, he acquired not one, but two homes [ one of which he was just about done remodeling himself to move into], land, two vehicles, two boats and several other things that he always wanted to own. All of this was paid for through working his tail off to pay for because he didn’t like making payments. I’ve seen him work his 8/10 hours at his regular job and then as late as midnight working on someone else’s vehicle and/or property. He was a very talented man who could figure out how to do things that I couldn’t even imagine. For a long time after he got off the drugs, many thought he was selling them because he owned so much. After a few years of this, the Police finally figured out he was just working his butt off and he was getting all this stuff legally. He didn’t like to see people get ripped off and was always there to help any one in need. He loved his kids and always talked about all of them with me. This incident wasn’t over drugs, it was him being invited to a woman’s house for other matters. If they needed money, all they had to do was ask him. He didn’t need to be killed over money of all things. He will be missed by my family as well as so many other people. He has helped so many people there is no doubt where he is resting now. I am sorry for the families of the accused as well as Rays family. Ray is a man that deserves the respect of overcoming what many can’t and becoming a very respected citizen.

  11. Jason L Busby on May 7th, 2013 8:20 am

    ive known ray since elementary school he was a great man that was loving and caring for friends family and some people that didnt deserve his kindness such as these cowards… may these 3 punks burn n hell and God bless ray and his family and anyone touched by him

  12. 429SCJ on May 7th, 2013 7:35 am

    I say death for Burge and Greer.

  13. 43 on May 7th, 2013 5:50 am

    It is bad. The young people of this day and time don’t care about no one but there self . They don’t think about the children that is going to grow up without a mom or dad. This is a very hard thing for these kids to go thought. I know it was hard for me when my dad passed away where I was 11 . So my heart and prayers go out to there baby’s .

  14. Sarah on May 6th, 2013 10:31 pm

    My thoughts and prayersgo out to Rays Family and friends in this dificult time. He was a great guy full of life and didnt deserve this. May the one responsible for this be punished to the full extent and i mean… to death themselves.

  15. Teresa on May 6th, 2013 8:04 pm

    I’m on the same page as you jeeperman.

  16. melodies4us on May 6th, 2013 5:44 pm

    Preach it ashleigh.

  17. Timmy g on May 6th, 2013 5:06 pm

    I have lived in molino for 24 years now, in fact since birth and it has never been a town of murder, what ever is going on is getting wayore serious, and people are getting way dumber.

  18. Starr Adams-Reynolds on May 6th, 2013 4:24 pm

    This is a very quiet and small neighborhood, why in the world were these people there? I have family there, this scares the crap out of me.

  19. Mary E. Blair on May 6th, 2013 2:35 pm

    Tim, I certainly did not intend to come across as not caring about this man or his family, and I apologize. With that being said, I can & will pray for everyone affected by this situation, however they are affected by it. It is nonetheless, a sas fact, that such young people chose to destroy their lives with quick decisions, & rash actions, as well as this man & his family.

  20. Mary on May 6th, 2013 2:25 pm

    So many young lives are being wasted!! LIVES!!! JUST WASTED! SAD!!

  21. mick on May 6th, 2013 2:25 pm

    If in fact they did this, their actions show they care about no one, no respect for life, no love or respect for family members…they need to be removed from society, they have permanently scarred the souls of so many people…nothing else to say of them…

  22. ashleigh on May 6th, 2013 1:21 pm

    Just another example of how rampid drugs are in this area. People need to wake up and see the truth of what is going on all around us

  23. steph on May 6th, 2013 12:43 pm

    I love u LeAnn! I wish u would have used ur brain! Love ur sis stephanie

  24. jeeperman on May 6th, 2013 12:16 pm

    I predict this is a craigslist personals meet up gone bad.

  25. jeeperman on May 6th, 2013 12:15 pm

    I will pray that those that did this will be executed and rot in hell.

    I pray the victim will go to heaven.

  26. Sara on May 6th, 2013 12:01 pm

    They didn’t care when they killed their victim I will pray for his family.

  27. 32 on May 6th, 2013 11:25 am

    This is another tragic event regarding young people. What went wrong? So young how did they dream up this plan to murder someone and get away with it. If this was our children, What could we do? Scarry stuff. They are young, however think of Mr. Smith, his family has to live with him being murdered, stuffed in a trunk and left to rot in a garbage bin. Appauling isn’t it? I feel harsh, but they have to suffer for their actions. God bless America.

  28. Tim on May 6th, 2013 11:18 am

    Wow, really Mary? What about the young mans family? Why do people instantly feel sorry for the accused?

  29. Me on May 6th, 2013 10:03 am

    I know Lauren I went to school with her I would have never guessed this

  30. bd on May 6th, 2013 8:49 am

    all you can say is “wow” when you see this kind of stuff. Sounds old school but kids now have absolutely NO respect or regard for life. 22 is awfully young to start spending the rest of your life in jail. Once again……wow

  31. Mary E. Blair on May 6th, 2013 8:02 am

    So young! A sad situation! I’ll be praying for all 3 of them!

  32. me on May 6th, 2013 6:55 am

    So young hope they didnt do it!!